
text/x-tex owr-template-author.tex — 2.8 KB

File contents

%% Template for writing an abstract for the Oberwolfach Reports
%% maintained by <reports at mfo dot de>

%% Before submitting the report to the reporter
%% you can run automated tests for common errors online at:
%% https://www.mfo.de/scientific-program/publications/owr/diagnostics
%% The required "owrart.cls" file can be found at
%% https://www.mfo.de/scientific-program/publications/owr/owrart.cls


%% Enter additionally required packages below this comment.
%% * Please be conservative and only require common packages.
%% * Do not use any packages, which alter the page/font layout.
%% * For the inclusion of graphics, use the graphicx package.
%% * Please use .eps graphics only (no .jpg, .png or .pdf).
%% Note that the tex source has to be compilable to .dvi format.

% \usepackage{graphicx}

%% Enter own definitions (such as \newcommands and custom environments) here.
%% * Please try to avoid using "\def" or "\renewcommand" as they may cause
%%   interference among contributions of other authors.
%% * For the same reason, only define commands you really need for your abstract.


%% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Please use the environment "talk" for each abstract.
%% It has three obligatory and one optional argument. The syntax is:
%% -----------------------
%% \begin{talk}[coauthors]{Firstname-of-speaker Lastname-of-speaker}{Title of the talk}{Author Sorting Index}
%%      .....
%% \end{talk}
%% -----------------------
%% The names of coauthors will appear in form of "(joint work with ...)"
%% The Author Sorting Index should be given as the last and first name of the speaker,
%% separated by a comma. If for example the name of the speaker is "Jordan Smith", then
%% the correct Author Sorting Index is "Smith, Jordan".
%% Any special characters (like accents, German umlaute, etc.) should be replaced by
%% their "non-special" version, eg replace \"a by a, \'a by a, etc.
%% Please use the standard thebibliography environment to include
%% your references, and try to use labels for the bibitems, which
%% are uniquely assigned to you in order to avoid conflicts with other authors.
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

\begin{talk}[Alex Average, Billie N.E. Xample]{Jordan Smith}
{Computing certain invariants of topological spaces of dimension three}
{Smith, Jordan}

The computation of ...


A.~Average, \textit{Computing certain invariants of topological
spaces of dimension three}, Topology \textbf{32} (1990), 100--120.

B.~Xample, \textit{Computing other invariants of topological spaces
of dimension three}, Topology \textbf{32} (1990), 120--140.

%% ...


