Oberwolfach Seminar: Lipschitz Analysis

November 21st --November 27th, 2010
Mario Bonk, UCLA
Urs Lang, ETH Zurich
Many analytic theories that extend classical analysis to non-standard or non-smooth settings are based on the class of Lipschitz functions and maps. Examples include the Ambrosio-Kirchheim theory of metric currents, Weaver's theory of metric derivations, or Cheeger's differentiation theory. In these studies it is often important to investigate the finer properties of Lipschitz maps. This workshop will give an introduction to these recent developments. It will also include a review of some more classical results on Lipschitz functions. The two organizers will give introductory survey lectures at the beginning of the seminar. Some participants (selected by the organizers) will present more specialized subjects.

There are no specific prerequisites. As a minimal mathematical background participants should be familiar with the material of basic graduate courses (multivariable calculus, measure theory, topology).
More detailed information can be found in this description.
Deadline for applications
October 15th , 2010

The seminars take place at the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach. The number of participants is restricted to 25. The Institute covers accommodation and food. Travel expenses cannot be reimbursed. Applications including

should be sent preferably by e-mail (.ps or .pdf file) to:

    Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Gert-Martin Greuel
    Universität Kaiserslautern
    Fachbereich Mathematik
    Erwin Schrödingerstr.
    67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany

Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach   updated: December 11th, 2009