Oberwolfach Foundation Fellows
Starting in 2019, there is a new grant of the Oberwolfach Foundation to support invited excellent junior researchers with regard to their travel to the MFO. This grant allows the MFO to reimburse travel expenses up to an amount of 1000 Euros for one junior researcher on average in every week. Invited participants coming from places with insufficient support for junior researchers to the MFO, with Dr./Ph.D. not longer than 10 years ago, can apply by sending the following information to admin@mfo.de as pdf-file:
- OWFF Application Form
- Short description of own research (1-3 pages)
- CV and publication list (1-3 pages)
An application should be submitted as soon as possible after having received the invitation to an Oberwolfach activity (Workshop, Mini-Workshop, Arbeitsgemeinschaft or research stay within the Oberwolfach Research Fellows program). Then the MFO decides on the support within 3 weeks and informs the applicant. The grants are approved on a first come, first serve basis. Since the funds are limited, sometimes only partial support will be possible. After approval, the travel reimbursement is paid to the fellows during their stay at the MFO against copy of travel receipts.