Meetings at Oberwolfach

ID Date Title
2551  14 Dec - 19 Dec 2025  Homogeneous Structures: Model Theory meets Universal Algebra
2550  7 Dec - 12 Dec 2025  Mini-Workshops (deadline for appl.: 1 April 2025)
2549  30 Nov - 5 Dec 2025  Functional Inequalities: Geometric Calculus meets Stochastic Analysis
2548  23 Nov - 28 Nov 2025  Oberwolfach Seminars (to be announced in winter 2024)
2547  16 Nov - 21 Nov 2025  Recent Developments in SPDEs and BSDEs meet Harmonic and Functional Analysis
2546  9 Nov - 14 Nov 2025  Arithmetic Statistics for Algebraic Objects
2545  2 Nov - 7 Nov 2025  Analytic Number Theory
2544  26 Oct - 31 Oct 2025  Mini-Workshops (deadline for appl.: 1 April 2025)
2543  19 Oct - 24 Oct 2025  Oberwolfach Seminars (to be announced in winter 2024)
2542  12 Oct - 17 Oct 2025  Arbeitsgemeinschaft (to be announced in winter 2024)
2541  5 Oct - 10 Oct 2025  Arbeitsgemeinschaft (to be announced in winter 2024)
2540  28 Sep - 3 Oct 2025  Singularities
2539  21 Sep - 26 Sep 2025  Tandem-Workshops (deadline for appl.: 1 Sept. 2024)
2538  14 Sep - 19 Sep 2025  Combinatorics, Probability and Computing
2537  7 Sep - 12 Sep 2025  New Mathematical Directions in Coding Theory
2536  31 Aug - 5 Sep 2025  Large Scale Stochastic Dynamics
2535a  24 Aug - 29 Aug 2025  Cohomology Theories for Automorphic Forms and Enumerative Algebra
2535b  24 Aug - 29 Aug 2025  Stein’s Method in Stochastic Geometry, Statistical Learning, and Optimisation
2534  17 Aug - 22 Aug 2025  Computation and Learning in High Dimensions
2533  10 Aug - 15 Aug 2025  Algebraic K-theory
2532  3 Aug - 8 Aug 2025  C*-Algebras
2531  27 Jul - 1 Aug 2025  Subfactors and Applications
2530  20 Jul - 25 Jul 2025  Partial Differential Equations
2529  13 Jul - 18 Jul 2025  Real Analysis, Harmonic Analysis, and Applications
2528  6 Jul - 11 Jul 2025  Dynamische Systeme
2527  29 Jun - 4 Jul 2025  Differentialgeometrie im Großen
2526  22 Jun - 27 Jun 2025  Non-Archimedean Geometry and Applications
2525  15 Jun - 20 Jun 2025  Recent Trends in Algebraic Geometry
2524  8 Jun - 13 Jun 2025  Oberwolfach Seminars (to be announced in winter 2024)
2523  1 Jun - 6 Jun 2025  Computational Group Theory
2522  25 May - 30 May 2025  Statistical Physics Out of Equilibrium: Quantitative Results and Universality
2521  18 May - 23 May 2025  Enveloping Algebras and Geometric Representation Theory
2520  11 May - 16 May 2025  Mathematical Advances in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
2519  4 May - 9 May 2025  Singularities in Discrete Systems
2518  27 Apr - 2 May 2025  Computational Multiscale Methods
2517  20 Apr - 25 Apr 2025  Uncertainty Quantification
2516  13 Apr - 18 Apr 2025  Algebraic Groups
2515  6 Apr - 11 Apr 2025  Toric Geometry
2514  30 Mar - 4 Apr 2025  Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Relative Langlands Duality
2513  23 Mar - 28 Mar 2025  Frontiers of Statistics and Machine Learning
2512  16 Mar - 21 Mar 2025  Finite Groups, Fusion Systems and Applications
2511  9 Mar - 14 Mar 2025  Mathematical Methods in Quantum Chemistry
2510  2 Mar - 7 Mar 2025  Mini-Workshops (deadline for appl.: 1 Sept. 2024)
2509a  23 Feb - 28 Feb 2025  Data Assimilation: From Mathematical and Statistical Foundations to Applications
2509b  23 Feb - 28 Feb 2025  MATRIX-MFO Tandem Workshop: Nonlinear Geometric Diffusion Equations
2508  16 Feb - 21 Feb 2025  Mini-Workshops (deadline for appl.: 1 Sept. 2024)
2507  9 Feb - 14 Feb 2025  Geometric Structures in Group Theory
2506  2 Feb - 7 Feb 2025  Mathematical Imaging and Surface Processing
2505  26 Jan - 31 Jan 2025  Overparametrization, Regularization, Identifiability and Uncertainty in Machine Learning
2505a  26 Jan - 31 Jan 2025  Mathematikunterricht am Gymnasium
2504  19 Jan - 24 Jan 2025  Cryptography
2503  12 Jan - 17 Jan 2025  Set Theory
2502  5 Jan - 10 Jan 2025  Graph Theory
2451  15 Dec - 20 Dec 2024  Convex Geometry and its Applications
2450a  8 Dec - 13 Dec 2024  Mini-Workshop: Geometry of Random Fields and Random Walk Clusters: New Horizons
2450b  8 Dec - 13 Dec 2024  Mini-Workshop: High-Dimensional Control Problems and Mean-Field Equations with Applications in Machine Learning
2450c  8 Dec - 13 Dec 2024  Mini-Workshop: Data-driven Modeling, Analysis, and Control of Dynamical Systems
2449  1 Dec - 6 Dec 2024  Representations of p-adic Groups
2448a  24 Nov - 29 Nov 2024  Oberwolfach Seminar: Exponential Motives
2448b  24 Nov - 29 Nov 2024  Oberwolfach Seminar: Control and Machine Learning
2447a  17 Nov - 22 Nov 2024  Mini-Workshop: Mixing Times in the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang Universality Class
2447b  17 Nov - 22 Nov 2024  Mini-Workshop: Critical Phenomena of the XY Model
2447c  17 Nov - 22 Nov 2024  Mini-Workshop: Infinite-dimensional Kac-Moody Lie Algebras in Supergravity and M Theory
2446  10 Nov - 15 Nov 2024  Combinatorial Optimization
2445  3 Nov - 8 Nov 2024  Directions in Rough Analysis
2444  27 Oct - 1 Nov 2024  Deep Learning for PDE-based Inverse Problems
2443a  20 Oct - 25 Oct 2024  Oberwolfach Seminar: Metric Topology of Aspherical Spaces
2443b  20 Oct - 25 Oct 2024  Oberwolfach Seminar: Reduction of Arithmetic Varieties
2442  13 Oct - 18 Oct 2024  Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Algebraic K-Theory and the Telescope Conjecture
2442a  13 Oct - 19 Oct 2024  Banach Center - Oberwolfach Graduate Seminar: Black Holes and Conformal Infinities of Spacetime
2441  6 Oct - 11 Oct 2024  Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Quantum Signal Processing and Nonlinear Fourier Analysis
2440  29 Sep - 4 Oct 2024  Anabelian Geometry and Representations of Fundamental Groups
2439a  22 Sep - 27 Sep 2024  MATRIX-MFO Tandem Workshop: Invariants in Low-Dimensional Topology: Combinatorics, Geometry, and Computation
2439b  22 Sep - 27 Sep 2024  MFO-RIMS Tandem Workshop: Algebraic Geometry and Noncommutative Projective Varieties
2438  15 Sep - 20 Sep 2024  Recent Developments in Dirichlet Form Theory and Related Fields
2437  8 Sep - 13 Sep 2024  Riemann Surfaces: Random, Flat, and Hyperbolic Geometry
2436  1 Sep - 6 Sep 2024  Explicit Methods in Number Theory
2435  25 Aug - 30 Aug 2024  Homotopical Algebra and Higher Structures
2434  18 Aug - 23 Aug 2024  Mathematics, Statistics, and Geometry of Extreme Events in High Dimensions
2433  11 Aug - 16 Aug 2024  Calculus of Variation
2432  4 Aug - 9 Aug 2024  Mathematical Aspects of General Relativity
2431  28 Jul - 2 Aug 2024  Polynomial Optimization for Nonlinear Dynamics: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications
2430  21 Jul - 26 Jul 2024  Topologie
2429  14 Jul - 19 Jul 2024  Arithmetic Geometry
2428  7 Jul - 12 Jul 2024  Algebraic Geometry: Wall Crossing and Moduli Spaces, Varieties and Derived Categories
2427  30 Jun - 5 Jul 2024  Model Hierarchies in Atmosphere, Ocean, and Climate Sciences
2426  23 Jun - 28 Jun 2024  Statistics and Learning Theory in the Era of Artificial Intelligence
2425  16 Jun - 21 Jun 2024  Arrangements, Matroids and Logarithmic Vector Fields
2424  9 Jun - 14 Jun 2024  Geometrie
2423  2 Jun - 7 Jun 2024  Complexity Theory
2422  26 May - 31 May 2024  Constrained Dynamics, Stochastic Numerical Methods and the Modeling of Complex Systems
2421a  19 May - 24 May 2024  Oberwolfach Seminar: Classification of C*-Algebras and Dynamics
2421b  19 May - 24 May 2024  Oberwolfach Seminar: Long-Time Behavior in Fluids
2420  12 May - 17 May 2024  Statistical Physics and Random Surfaces
2419a  5 May - 10 May 2024  Real and Logarithmic Enumerative Geometry
2419b  5 May - 10 May 2024  Game-theoretic Statistical Inference: Optional Sampling, Universal Inference, and Multiple Testing Based on E-values
2418  28 Apr - 3 May 2024  Non-commutative Function Theory and Free Probability
2417  21 Apr - 26 Apr 2024  Applied Harmonic Analysis and Data Science
2416  14 Apr - 19 Apr 2024  Hochschild (Co)Homology and Applications
2415a  7 Apr - 12 Apr 2024  Mini-Workshop: Growth and Expansion in Groups
2415b  7 Apr - 12 Apr 2024  Mini-Workshop: Mathematics of Entropic AI in the Natural Sciences
2415c  7 Apr - 12 Apr 2024  Mini-Workshop: New Horizons in Linear Dynamics, Universality, and the Invariant Subspace Problem
2414  31 Mar - 5 Apr 2024  Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Geometry and Representation Theory around the P=W Conjecture
2413a  25 Mar - 27 Mar 2024  ELLIS-Workshop: Natural Language Processing
2413  24 Mar - 29 Mar 2024  Proof Complexity and Beyond
2412  17 Mar - 22 Mar 2024  K-Stability, Birational Geometry and Mirror Symmetry
2411a  10 Mar - 15 Mar 2024  Combinatorial *-algebras
2411b  10 Mar - 15 Mar 2024  Nonlinear Optics: Physics, Analysis, and Numerics
2410  3 Mar - 8 Mar 2024  Mechanics of Materials: Multiscale Design of Advanced Materials and Structures
2409a  26 Feb - 28 Feb 2024  ELLIS-Workshop: Interactive Learning and Interventional Representations
2409  25 Feb - 1 Mar 2024  Hyperbolic Balance Laws: Interplay between Scales and Randomness
2408  18 Feb - 23 Feb 2024  Analysis, Geometry and Topology of Positive Scalar Curvature Metrics
2407a  14 Feb - 16 Feb 2024  ELLIS-Workshop: Semantic, Symbolic and Interpretable Machine Learning
2407  11 Feb - 16 Feb 2024  Interfaces, Free Boundaries and Geometric Partial Differential Equations
2406  4 Feb - 9 Feb 2024  Applications of Optimal Transportation
2405a  28 Jan - 2 Feb 2024  Mini-Workshop: Artin Groups meet Triangulated Categories
2405b  28 Jan - 2 Feb 2024  Mini-Workshop: Bridging Number Theory and Nichols Algebras via Deformations
2405c  28 Jan - 2 Feb 2024  Mini-Workshop: Permutation Patterns
2404  21 Jan - 26 Jan 2024  Discrete Geometry
2403a  17 Jan - 19 Jan 2024  ELLIS-Workshop: Multimodal Learning Systems
2403  14 Jan - 19 Jan 2024  Cluster Algebras and Its Applications
2402  7 Jan - 12 Jan 2024  Fracture as an Emergent Phenomenon
2351  17 Dec - 22 Dec 2023  Arbeitsgemeinschaft: QFT and Stochastic PDEs
2350  10 Dec - 15 Dec 2023  Geometric, Algebraic, and Topological Combinatorics
2349  3 Dec - 8 Dec 2023  Variational Methods for Evolution
2348a  26 Nov - 2 Dec 2023  Mini-Workshop: Combinatorial and Algebraic Structures in Rough Analysis and Related Fields
2348b  26 Nov - 1 Dec 2023  Mini-Workshop: Homological Aspects for TDLC-Groups
2348c  26 Nov - 1 Dec 2023  Mini-Workshop: Flavors of Rabinowitz Floer and Tate Homology
2347a  19 Nov - 24 Nov 2023  Oberwolfach Seminar: Scattering Resonances in Quantum Mechanics, General Relativity and Hyperbolic Dynamics
2347b  19 Nov - 24 Nov 2023  Oberwolfach Seminar: Variational and Information Flows in Machine Learning and Optimal Transport
2346  12 Nov - 17 Nov 2023  Mathematical Logic: Proof Theory, Constructive Mathematics
2346a  12 Nov - 17 Nov 2023  Banach Center - Oberwolfach Graduate Seminar: Model Reduction and Approximation: Projection-, Tensor- and Data-based Methods (cancelled)
2346b  12 Nov - 17 Nov 2023  Banach Center – Oberwolfach Graduate Seminar: Optimal Transport Theory and Hydrodynamics (from Euler to Monge and vice versa)
2345  5 Nov - 10 Nov 2023  Control Methods in Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations
2344a  29 Oct - 4 Nov 2023  Mini-Workshop: Mathematics of Many-body Fermionic Systems
2344b  29 Oct - 3 Nov 2023  Mini-Workshop: Standard Subspaces in Quantum Field Theory and Representation Theory
2344c  29 Oct - 3 Nov 2023  Mini-Workshop: Positivity and Inequalities in Convex and Complex Geometry
2343a  22 Oct - 27 Oct 2023  Oberwolfach Seminar: Recent Topics on the Navier-Stokes Equations
2343b  22 Oct - 27 Oct 2023  Oberwolfach Seminar: Control of PDEs Models for Living Systems
2342a  15 Oct - 20 Oct 2023  Mini-Workshop: Poisson and Poisson-type algebras
2342b  15 Oct - 20 Oct 2023  Mini-Workshop: Felix Klein's Foreign Students: Opening Up the Way for Transnational Mathematics
2342c  15 Oct - 20 Oct 2023  Mini-Workshop: Nonlinear Approximation of High-dimensional Functions in Scientific Computing
2341  8 Oct - 13 Oct 2023  Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Cluster Algebras
2340  1 Oct - 6 Oct 2023  New Challenges in the Interplay between Finance and Insurance
2339a  24 Sep - 29 Sep 2023  MFO-RIMS Tandem Workshop 2023: Arithmetic Homotopy and Galois Theory
2339b  24 Sep - 29 Sep 2023  Mini-Workshop: Multivariate Orthogonal Polynomials: New synergies with Numerical Analysis
2338a  17 Sep - 22 Sep 2023  Tensor-Triangular Geometry and Interactions
2338b  17 Sep - 22 Sep 2023  Mini-Workshop: Interpolation and Over-parameterization in Statistics and Machine Learning​
2337  10 Sep - 15 Sep 2023  Many-Body Quantum Systems
2336  3 Sep - 8 Sep 2023  Classical and Quantum Mechanical Models of Many-Particle Systems
2335  27 Aug - 1 Sep 2023  Aspects of Aperiodic Order
2334  20 Aug - 25 Aug 2023  Geometric Spectral Theory
2333  13 Aug - 18 Aug 2023  Mixed-integer Nonlinear Optimization: A Hatchery for Modern Mathematics
2332  6 Aug - 11 Aug 2023  Homotopy Theory
2331  30 Jul - 4 Aug 2023  Teichmüller Theory: Classical, Higher, Super and Quantum
2330  23 Jul - 28 Jul 2023  Partial Differential Equations
2329  16 Jul - 21 Jul 2023  Transport and Scale Interactions in Geophysical Flows
2328  9 Jul - 14 Jul 2023  Dynamische Systeme
2327  2 Jul - 7 Jul 2023  Differentialgeometrie im Grossen
2326  25 Jun - 30 Jun 2023  Algebraische Zahlentheorie
2325  18 Jun - 23 Jun 2023  Recent Trends in Algebraic Geometry
2324  11 Jun - 16 Jun 2023  Machine Learning for Science: Mathematics at the Interface of Data-driven and Mechanistic Modelling
2323  4 Jun - 9 Jun 2023  Incidence Problems in Harmonic Analysis, Geometric Measure Theory, and Ergodic Theory
2322a  28 May - 2 Jun 2023  Oberwolfach Seminar: Analysis of Automorphic Forms and L-Functions in Higher Rank
2322b  28 May - 2 Jun 2023  Oberwolfach Seminar: Metric Algebraic Geometry
2321  21 May - 26 May 2023  Hypoelliptic Operators in Geometry
2320  14 May - 19 May 2023  Tropical Methods in Geometry
2319  7 May - 12 May 2023  Group Actions and Harmonic Analysis in Number Theory
2318  30 Apr - 5 May 2023  Tomographic Inverse Problems: Mathematical Challenges and Novel Applications
2317  23 Apr - 28 Apr 2023  Mathematical Foundations of Biological Organisation
2316  16 Apr - 21 Apr 2023  Representations of Finite Groups
2315  9 Apr - 14 Apr 2023  Komplexe Analysis — Differential and Algebraic methods in Kähler spaces
2314  2 Apr - 7 Apr 2023  Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Twistor D-Modules and the Decomposition Theorem
2313  26 Mar - 31 Mar 2023  Random Graphs: Combinatorics, Complex Networks and Disordered Systems
2312  19 Mar - 24 Mar 2023  New Directions in Real Algebraic Geometry
2311  12 Mar - 17 Mar 2023  Real Algebraic Geometry with a View toward Koopman Operator Methods
2310a  5 Mar - 10 Mar 2023  MATRIX-MFO Tandem Workshop: Stochastic Reinforcement Processes and Graphs
2310b  5 Mar - 10 Mar 2023  Optimization Problems for PDEs in Weak Space-Time Form
2309a  26 Feb - 4 Mar 2023  Mini-Workshop: Skew Braces and the Yang–Baxter Equation
2309b  26 Feb - 4 Mar 2023  Mini-Workshop: New Horizons in Motions in Random Media
2309c  26 Feb - 4 Mar 2023  Mini-Workshop: Free Boundary Problems Arising in Fluid Mechanics
2308  19 Feb - 25 Feb 2023  Design and Analysis of Infectious Disease Studies
2307  12 Feb - 18 Feb 2023  Representation Theory of Quivers and Finite-Dimensional Algebras
2306  5 Feb - 11 Feb 2023  Resolutions in Local Algebra and Singularity Theory
2305  29 Jan - 4 Feb 2023  Arithmetic of Shimura Varieties
2304  22 Jan - 28 Jan 2023  Morphisms in Low Dimensions
2303  15 Jan - 21 Jan 2023  Low-dimensional Topology
2302  8 Jan - 14 Jan 2023  Model Theory: Combinatorics, Groups, Valued Fields and Neostability
2301  1 Jan - 7 Jan 2023  Combinatorics
2250  11 Dec - 17 Dec 2022  Enumerative Combinatorics
2249a  4 Dec - 10 Dec 2022  Algebraic Structures in Statistical Methodology
2249b  4 Dec - 10 Dec 2022  History of Mathematics through Collaboration: Toward a Composite Portrait of Oswald Veblen
2248a  27 Nov - 3 Dec 2022  Mini-Workshop: Topological and Differential Expansions of o-minimal Structures
2248b  27 Nov - 3 Dec 2022  Mini-Workshop: A Geometric Fairytale full of Spectral Gaps and Random Fruit
2248c  27 Nov - 3 Dec 2022  Mini-Workshop: Subvarieties in Projective Spaces and Their Projections
2247a  20 Nov - 26 Nov 2022  Oberwolfach Seminar: Interfaces: Modeling, Analysis, Numerics
2247b  20 Nov - 26 Nov 2022  Oberwolfach Seminar: Operator-Adapted Spaces in Harmonic Analysis and PDEs
2247c  20 Nov - 25 Nov 2022  Banach Center – Oberwolfach Graduate Seminar: Geometry and Topology of Compact Homogeneous Spaces
2246  13 Nov - 19 Nov 2022  Mathematical Advances in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
2245  6 Nov - 12 Nov 2022  Analytic Number Theory
2244  30 Oct - 5 Nov 2022  Heat Kernels, Stochastic Processes and Functional Inequalities
2243a  23 Oct - 29 Oct 2022  Oberwolfach Seminar: Free Boundary Problems in Fluid Dynamics
2243b  23 Oct - 29 Oct 2022  Oberwolfach Seminar: Stochastic Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
2242  16 Oct - 22 Oct 2022  Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Quantitative Stochastic Homogenization
2241  9 Oct - 14 Oct 2022  Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Higher Rank Teichmüller Theory
2240a  2 Oct - 8 Oct 2022  Mini-Workshop: Zero-Range and Point-Like Singular Perturbations: For a Spillover to Analysis, PDE and Differential Geometry
2240b  2 Oct - 8 Oct 2022  Mini-Workshop: Quantization of Complex Symplectic Varieties
2240c  2 Oct - 8 Oct 2022  Mini-Workshop: Mathematical Foundations of Robust and Generalizable Learning
2239  25 Sep - 1 Oct 2022  At the Interface between Semiclassical Analysis and Numerical Analysis of Wave Scattering Problems
2238  18 Sep - 24 Sep 2022  Multiscale Wave-Turbulence Dynamics in the Atmosphere and Ocean
2237  11 Sep - 17 Sep 2022  Large Scale Stochastic Dynamics
2236  4 Sep - 10 Sep 2022  Complex Geometry and Dynamical Systems
2235  28 Aug - 3 Sep 2022  Character Theory and Categorification
2234  21 Aug - 27 Aug 2022  Mathematical Imaging and Surface Processing
2233  14 Aug - 20 Aug 2022  Calculus of Variations
2232  7 Aug - 13 Aug 2022  C*-Algebras
2231  31 Jul - 6 Aug 2022  Non-Commutative Geometry and Cyclic Homology
2230  24 Jul - 30 Jul 2022  Topologie
2229  17 Jul - 23 Jul 2022  The Renormalization Group
2228  10 Jul - 16 Jul 2022  Algebraic Geometry: Moduli Spaces, Birational Geometry and Derived Aspects
2227  3 Jul - 9 Jul 2022  Real Analysis, Harmonic Analysis and Applications
2226  26 Jun - 2 Jul 2022  Nonlinear Waves and Dispersive Equations
2225  19 Jun - 25 Jun 2022  Hilbert Complexes: Analysis, Applications, and Discretizations
2224  12 Jun - 18 Jun 2022  Geometrie
2223a  5 Jun - 11 Jun 2022  Oberwolfach Seminar: Taxis-Type Evolution Systems: Modeling and Analysis
2223b  5 Jun - 11 Jun 2022  Oberwolfach Seminar: G-Complete Reducibility, Geometric Invariant Theory and Spherical Buildings
2222  29 May - 4 Jun 2022  Universality: Random Matrices, Random Geometry and SPDEs
2221  22 May - 28 May 2022  Deterministic Dynamics and Randomness in PDE
2220  15 May - 21 May 2022  Re-thinking High-dimensional Mathematical Statistics
2219  8 May - 14 May 2022  Algebraic K-Theory
2218  1 May - 7 May 2022  Interactions between Algebraic Geometry and Noncommutative Algebra
2217  24 Apr - 30 Apr 2022  Combinatorics, Probability and Computing
2216  17 Apr - 23 Apr 2022  Diophantische Approximationen
2215a  10 Apr - 16 Apr 2022  Structure-Preserving Discretizations for Nonlinear Systems of Hyperbolic, Involution-Constrained Partial Differential Equations on Manifolds
2215b  10 Apr - 16 Apr 2022  Conic Linear Optimization for Computer-Assisted Proofs
2214  3 Apr - 9 Apr 2022  Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Geometric Representation Theory
2213  27 Mar - 2 Apr 2022  Toric Geometry
2212a  20 Mar - 26 Mar 2022  MFO-RIMS Tandem Workshop: Nonlocality in Analysis, Probability and Statistics
2212b  20 Mar - 26 Mar 2022  Mini-Workshop: Recent Developments in Representation Theory and Mathematical Physics
2211a  13 Mar - 19 Mar 2022  The Laguerre-Pólya Class and Combinatorics
2211b  13 Mar - 19 Mar 2022  New Mathematical Techniques in Information Theory
2210  6 Mar - 12 Mar 2022  Population Dynamics and Statistical Physics in Synergy
2209  27 Feb - 5 Mar 2022  Geometric Structures in Group Theory
2208  20 Feb - 26 Feb 2022  Data Assimilation – Mathematical Foundation and Applications
2207a  13 Feb - 19 Feb 2022  Mini-Workshop: Interpolation, Approximation, and Algebra
2207b  13 Feb - 19 Feb 2022  Mini-Workshop: Descriptive Combinatorics, LOCAL Algorithms and Random Processes
2207c  13 Feb - 19 Feb 2022  Mini-Workshop: Regularization by Noise: Theoretical Foundations, Numerical Methods and Applications
2206  6 Feb - 12 Feb 2022  Space-Time Methods for Time-Dependent Partial Differential Equations
2205  30 Jan - 5 Feb 2022  Non-Archimedean Geometry and Applications
2204  23 Jan - 29 Jan 2022  Multiscale Coupled Models for Complex Media: From Analysis to Simulation in Geophysics and Medicine
2203  16 Jan - 22 Jan 2022  Groups and Dynamics: Topology, Measure, and Borel Structure
2202  9 Jan - 15 Jan 2022  Set Theory
2201  2 Jan - 8 Jan 2022  Graph Theory
2150  12 Dec - 18 Dec 2021  Convex Geometry and its Applications (hybrid meeting)
2149a  5 Dec - 11 Dec 2021  Mini-Workshop: (Anosov)$^3$ (hybrid meeting)
2149b  5 Dec - 11 Dec 2021  Mini-Workshop: Scattering Amplitudes, Cluster Algebras, and Positive Geometries (hybrid meeting)
2149c  5 Dec - 11 Dec 2021  Mini-Workshop: Variable Curvature Bounds, Analysis and Topology on Dirichlet Spaces (hybrid meeting)
2148  28 Nov - 4 Dec 2021  Applied Harmonic Analysis and Data Science (hybrid meeting)
2147a  21 Nov - 27 Nov 2021  Oberwolfach Seminar: The Cutoff Phenomenon for Finite Markov Chains (hybrid meeting)
2147b  21 Nov - 27 Nov 2021  Oberwolfach Seminar: Combinatorial and Geometric Knot Theory (hybrid meeting)
2146  14 Nov - 20 Nov 2021  Complexity Theory (hybrid meeting)
2145  7 Nov - 13 Nov 2021  Combinatorial Optimization (hybrid meeting)
2144  31 Oct - 6 Nov 2021  Enveloping Algebras and Geometric Representation Theory (hybrid meeting)
2143a  24 Oct - 30 Oct 2021  Oberwolfach Seminar: Tropical Curves, Logarithmic Structures, and Enumerative Geometry (hybrid meeting)
2143b  24 Oct - 30 Oct 2021  Oberwolfach Seminar: New Techniques in Resolution of Singularities (hybrid meeting)
2142  17 Oct - 23 Oct 2021  Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Quantitative Stochastic Homogenization (not realized)
2142a  17 Oct - 23 Oct 2021  Mini-Workshop: Three Facets of R-Matrices (hybrid meeting)
2141  10 Oct - 15 Oct 2021  Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Thin Groups and Super-approximation (hybrid meeting)
2140a  3 Oct - 9 Oct 2021  Statistics of Stochastic Differential Equations on Manifolds and Stratified Spaces (hybrid meeting)
2140b  3 Oct - 9 Oct 2021  Geometry and Optimization in Quantum Information (hybrid meeting)
2139  26 Sep - 2 Oct 2021  Singularities (hybrid meeting)
2138  19 Sep - 25 Sep 2021  Homotopical Algebra and Higher Structures (hybrid meeting)
2137  12 Sep - 18 Sep 2021  Quantum Groups - Algebra, Analysis and Category Theory (hybrid meeting)
2137a  12 Sep - 18 Sep 2021  MATRIX-MFO Tandem Workshop/Small Collaboration: Rough Wave Equations (hybrid meeting)
2136a  5 Sep - 11 Sep 2021  MATRIX-MFO Tandem Workshop: Invariants and Structures in Low-Dimensional Topology (hybrid meeting)
2136b  5 Sep - 11 Sep 2021  MFO-RIMS Tandem Workshop: Symmetries on Polynomial Ideals and Varieties (hybrid meeting)
2135  29 Aug - 4 Sep 2021  Mathematical Aspects of General Relativity (hybrid meeting)
2135a  29 Aug - 4 Sep 2021  Small Collaboration: Advanced Numerical Methods for Nonlinear Hyperbolic Balance Laws and Their Applications (hybrid meeting)
2134  22 Aug - 28 Aug 2021  Automorphic Forms, Geometry and Arithmetic (hybrid meeting)
2133  15 Aug - 21 Aug 2021  Computational Group Theory (hybrid meeting)
2132  8 Aug - 14 Aug 2021  Dynamics of Waves and Patterns (hybrid meeting)
2131  1 Aug - 7 Aug 2021  Computation and Learning in High Dimensions (hybrid meeting)
2130  25 Jul - 31 Jul 2021  Partial Differential Equations (hybrid meeting)
2129  18 Jul - 24 Jul 2021  Explicit Methods in Number Theory (hybrid meeting)
2128  11 Jul - 17 Jul 2021  Dynamische Systeme (hybrid meeting)
2127  4 Jul - 10 Jul 2021  Differentialgeometrie im Grossen (hybrid meeting)
2126a  27 Jun - 3 Jul 2021  Analysis, Geometry and Topology of Positive Scalar Curvature Metrics (hybrid meeting)
2126b  27 Jun - 3 Jul 2021  Numerical Methods for Fully Nonlinear and Related PDEs (hybrid meeting)
2125  20 Jun - 26 Jun 2021  Classical Algebraic Geometry (hybrid meeting)
2124  13 Jun - 19 Jun 2021  Enumerative Geometry of Surfaces (hybrid meeting)
2123  6 Jun - 12 Jun 2021  Analysis, Geometry and Topology of Singular PDE (hybrid meeting)
2122  30 May - 5 Jun 2021  Mathematics and its Ancient Classics Worldwide: Translations, Appropriations, Reconstructions, Roles (hybrid meeting)
2121a  23 May - 29 May 2021  Oberwolfach Seminar: Cellular E_k-Algebras (hybrid meeting)
2121b  23 May - 29 May 2021  Oberwolfach Seminar: Introduction to Convex Integration (hybrid meeting)
2120  16 May - 22 May 2021  Geometric Methods of Complex Analysis (hybrid meeting)
2119a  9 May - 15 May 2021  Mini-Workshop: Analysis of Data-driven Optimal Control (hybrid meeting)
2119b  9 May - 15 May 2021  Mini-Workshop: Mathematics of Dissipation – Dynamics, Data and Control (hybrid meeting)
2119c  9 May - 15 May 2021  Mini-Workshop: Newton-Okounkov Bodies and Mirror Symmetry (not realized)
2118  2 May - 8 May 2021  Foundations of Bayesian Inference for Complex Statistical Models (hybrid meeting)
2117  25 Apr - 1 May 2021  Computability Theory (hybrid meeting)
2116  18 Apr - 24 Apr 2021  Algebraic Groups (hybrid meeting)
2115  11 Apr - 17 Apr 2021  Mathematical Foundations of Biological Organization (not realized)
2115a  11 Apr - 17 Apr 2021  Small Collaboration: Modeling Phenomena from Nature by Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations (hybrid meeting)
2114  4 Apr - 10 Apr 2021  Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Derived Galois Deformation Rings and Cohomology of Arithmetic Groups (hybrid meeting)
2113  28 Mar - 3 Apr 2021  Geometric Numerical Integration (hybrid meeting)
2112  21 Mar - 27 Mar 2021  Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning (hybrid meeting)
2112a  21 Mar - 27 Mar 2021  Small Collaboration: Numerical Analysis of Electromagnetic Problems (hybrid meeting)
2111  14 Mar - 20 Mar 2021  Homogenization Theory: Periodic and Beyond (online meeting)
2110a  7 Mar - 13 Mar 2021  Homotopic and Geometric Galois Theory (online meeting)
2110b  7 Mar - 13 Mar 2021  Deep Learning for Inverse Problems (hybrid meeting)
2109  28 Feb - 6 Mar 2021  Hyperbolic Balance Laws: modeling, analysis, and numerics (hybrid meeting)
2108  21 Feb - 27 Feb 2021  Applications of Optimal Transportation in the Natural Sciences (online meeting)
2107  14 Feb - 20 Feb 2021  Challenges in Optimization with Complex PDE-Systems (hybrid meeting)
2106a  7 Feb - 13 Feb 2021  Mini-Workshop: Non-semisimple Tensor Categories and Their Semisimplification (online meeting)
2106b  7 Feb - 13 Feb 2021  Mini-Workshop: Geometrical Models in the 19th Century: An International Comparison (not realized)
2106c  7 Feb - 13 Feb 2021  Mini-Workshop: Nonpositively Curved Complexes (online meeting)
2105  31 Jan - 6 Feb 2021  Moduli spaces and Modular forms (hybrid meeting)
2104  24 Jan - 30 Jan 2021  Logarithmic Vector Fields and Freeness of Divisors and Arrangements: New perspectives and applications (online meeting)
2103  17 Jan - 23 Jan 2021  Spatial Networks and Percolation (hybrid meeting)
2102  10 Jan - 16 Jan 2021  Nonstandard Finite Element Methods (hybrid meeting)
2101a  3 Jan - 9 Jan 2021  Homogeneous Structures: Model Theory meets Universal Algebra (online meeting)
2101b  3 Jan - 9 Jan 2021  Geometry, Dynamics and Spectrum of Operators on Discrete Spaces (online meeting)
2051  13 Dec - 19 Dec 2020  History of Mathematics: A Global Cultural Approach (online meeting)
2051a  13 Dec - 19 Dec 2020  Mini-Workshop: Relativistic Fluids at the Intersection of Mathematics and Physics (online meeting)
2050  6 Dec - 12 Dec 2020  Computational Inverse Problems for Partial Differential Equations (hybrid meeting)
2050a  6 Dec - 12 Dec 2020  New Directions in Rough Path Theory (online meeting)
2049  29 Nov - 5 Dec 2020  Classical and Quantum Mechanical Models of Many-Particle Systems (online meeting)
2049a  29 Nov - 4 Dec 2020  Mini-Workshop: Three Facets of R-Matrices (not realized)
2048a  22 Nov - 28 Nov 2020  Oberwolfach Seminar: The Cutoff Phenomenon for Finite Markov Chains (not realized)
2048b  22 Nov - 28 Nov 2020  Oberwolfach Seminar: Combinatorial and Geometric Knot Theory (not realized)
2048c  22 Nov - 28 Nov 2020  Mini-Workshop: Nonlocal Analysis and the Geometry of Embeddings (hybrid meeting)
2047a  15 Nov - 21 Nov 2020  Mini-Workshop: History of the Workshops in Oberwolfach, 1944-ca. 1960 (not realized)
2047b  15 Nov - 21 Nov 2020  Mini-Workshop: Dimers, Ising and Spanning Trees beyond the Critical Isoradial Case (online meeting)
2047c  15 Nov - 21 Nov 2020  Mini-Workshop: Computational Optimization on Manifolds (online meeting)
2046  8 Nov - 14 Nov 2020  Mathematical Logic: Proof Theory, Constructive Mathematics (hybrid meeting)
2045  1 Nov - 7 Nov 2020  Control Methods in Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations (not realized)
2045a  1 Nov - 7 Nov 2020  Banach Center - Oberwolfach Graduate Seminar: Model Reduction and Approximation: Projection-, Tensor- and Data-based Methods (not realized)
2045b  1 Nov - 7 Nov 2020  Banach Center – Oberwolfach Graduate Seminar: Optimal Transport Theory and Hydrodynamics (from Euler to Monge and vice versa) (not realized)
2044  25 Oct - 31 Oct 2020  New Challenges in the Interplay between Finance and Insurance (not realized)
2043a  18 Oct - 24 Oct 2020  Oberwolfach Seminar: Tropical Curves, Logarithmic Structures, and Enumerative Geometry (not realized)
2043b  18 Oct - 24 Oct 2020  Oberwolfach Seminar: New Techniques in Resolution of Singularities (not realized)
2042  11 Oct - 16 Oct 2020  Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Thin Groups and Super-approximation (not realized)
2041a  4 Oct - 10 Oct 2020  Mini-Workshop: Topological and Differential Expansions of o-minimal Structures (not realized)
2041b  4 Oct - 10 Oct 2020  Mini-Workshop: Non-semisimple Tensor Categories and Their Semisimplification (not realized)
2041c  4 Oct - 10 Oct 2020  Mini-Workshop: Almost Complex Geometry (online meeting)
2040a  27 Sep - 3 Oct 2020  Lefschetz Properties in Algebra, Geometry and Combinatorics (hybrid meeting)
2040b  27 Sep - 3 Oct 2020  Stochastic Processes under Constraints (hybrid meeting)
2039  20 Sep - 26 Sep 2020  Discrete Geometry (hybrid meeting)
2038  13 Sep - 19 Sep 2020  Variational Methods for Evolution (hybrid meeting)
2037a  6 Sep - 12 Sep 2020  Topological and Smooth Dynamics on Surfaces (individual research only)
2037b  6 Sep - 12 Sep 2020  Structure-Preserving Discretizations for Nonlinear Systems of Hyperbolic, Involution-Constrained Partial Differential Equations on Manifolds (not realized)
2036  30 Aug - 5 Sep 2020  Automorphic Forms and Arithmetic (hybrid meeting)
2035  23 Aug - 29 Aug 2020  Low-Dimensional Topology and Number Theory (individual research only)
2034  16 Aug - 22 Aug 2020  Komplexe Analysis - Algebraicity and Transcendence (hybrid meeting)
2033  9 Aug - 15 Aug 2020  Cohomology of Finite Groups: Interactions and Applications (hybrid meeting)
2032  2 Aug - 8 Aug 2020  Calculus of Variations (hybrid meeting)
2031  26 Jul - 1 Aug 2020  Topologie (hybrid meeting)
2030  19 Jul - 25 Jul 2020  Arithmetic Geometry (hybrid meeting)
2029  12 Jul - 18 Jul 2020  Algebraic Geometry: Moduli Spaces, Birational Geometry and Derived Aspects (hybrid meeting)
2028  5 Jul - 11 Jul 2020  Real Analysis, Harmonic Analysis and Applications (hybrid meeting)
2027  28 Jun - 4 Jul 2020  Non-Commutative Geometry and Cyclic Homology (hybrid meeting)
2026  21 Jun - 27 Jun 2020  Geometric Structures in Group Theory (hybrid meeting)
2025  14 Jun - 20 Jun 2020  Universality: Random Matrices, Random Geometry and SPDEs (not realized)
2024  7 Jun - 13 Jun 2020  Geometrie (not realized)
2023a  31 May - 6 Jun 2020  Oberwolfach Seminar: Cellular E_k-Algebras (not realized)
2023b  31 May - 6 Jun 2020  Oberwolfach Seminar: Introduction to Convex Integration (not realized)
2022  24 May - 30 May 2020  Nonlinear Waves and Dispersive Equations (not realized)
2021  17 May - 23 May 2020  Mathematical Advances in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (online meeting)
2020  10 May - 16 May 2020  Mathematical Imaging and Surface Processing (not realized)
2019  3 May - 9 May 2020  Random Graphs: Combinatorics, Complex Networks and Disordered Systems (not realized)
2018  26 Apr - 2 May 2020  Space-Time Methods for Time-Dependent Partial Differential Equations (not realized)
2017  19 Apr - 25 Apr 2020  Diophantische Approximationen (not realized)
2016  12 Apr - 18 Apr 2020  Data Assimilation - Mathematical Foundation and Applications (not realized)
2015  5 Apr - 11 Apr 2020  Set Theory (online meeting)
2014  29 Mar - 4 Apr 2020  Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Derived Galois Deformation Rings and Cohomology of Arithmetic Groups (not realized)
2013a  22 Mar - 28 Mar 2020  Mini-Workshop: History of the Workshops in Oberwolfach, 1944-ca. 1960 (not realized)
2013b  22 Mar - 28 Mar 2020  Mini-Workshop: Computational Optimization on Manifolds (not realized)
2013c  22 Mar - 28 Mar 2020  Mini-Workshop: Relativistic Fluids at the Intersection of Mathematics and Physics (not realized)
2012a  15 Mar - 21 Mar 2020  Algebraic Structures in Statistical Methodology (not realized)
2012b  15 Mar - 21 Mar 2020  New Directions in Rough Path Theory (not realized)
2011  8 Mar - 14 Mar 2020  Mechanics of Materials: Towards Predictive Methods for Kinetics in Plasticity, Fracture, and Damage
2010b  4 Mar - 7 Mar 2020  ELLIS-Workshop on Interactive Learning and Interventional Representations (not realized)
2010  1 Mar - 7 Mar 2020  Real Algebraic Geometry with a View Toward Hyperbolic Programming and Free Probability
2010a  1 Mar - 4 Mar 2020  ELLIS-Workshop on Machine Learning in Earth and Climate Sciences
2009a  23 Feb - 29 Feb 2020  Mini-Workshop: Kronecker, Plethysm, and Sylow Branching Coefficients and their Applications to Complexity Theory
2009b  23 Feb - 29 Feb 2020  Mini-Workshop: Superpotentials in Algebra and Geometry
2009c  23 Feb - 29 Feb 2020  Mini-Workshop: One-sided and Two-sided Stochastic Descriptions
2008  16 Feb - 22 Feb 2020  Low-dimensional Topology
2007  9 Feb - 15 Feb 2020  Manifolds and Groups
2006a  2 Feb - 8 Feb 2020  Boundary Element Methods
2006b  2 Feb - 8 Feb 2020  New Perspectives and Computational Challenges in High Dimensions
2005  26 Jan - 1 Feb 2020  Statistics meets Machine Learning
2004  19 Jan - 25 Jan 2020  Representation Theory of Quivers and Finite Dimensional Algebras
2003  12 Jan - 18 Jan 2020  Model Theory: Groups, Geometries and Combinatorics
2002  5 Jan - 11 Jan 2020  Combinatorics
1951  15 Dec - 21 Dec 2019  Modular Forms
1950  8 Dec - 14 Dec 2019  Random Matrices
1949  1 Dec - 7 Dec 2019  Groups, Dynamics, and Approximation
1948a  24 Nov - 30 Nov 2019  Oberwolfach Seminar: Structure-preserving Methods for Nonlinear Hyperbolic Problems
1948b  24 Nov - 30 Nov 2019  Oberwolfach Seminar: Wave Phenomena: Analysis and Numerics
1947  17 Nov - 23 Nov 2019  Heat Kernels, Stochastic Processes and Functional Inequalities
1947a  17 Nov - 23 Nov 2019  Banach Center – Oberwolfach Graduate Seminar: Mathematics of Deep Learning
1946a  10 Nov - 16 Nov 2019  Mini-Workshop: Algebraic Tools for Solving the Yang–Baxter Equation
1946b  10 Nov - 16 Nov 2019  Mini-Workshop: Rank One Groups and Exceptional Algebraic Groups
1946c  10 Nov - 16 Nov 2019  Mini-Workshop: Seshadri Constants
1945  3 Nov - 9 Nov 2019  Analytic Number Theory
1944  27 Oct - 2 Nov 2019  Subfactors and Applications
1944a  27 Oct - 1 Nov 2019  MMS Summer School 2019: Modern Programming Languages for Science and Statistics - R and Julia
1943a  20 Oct - 26 Oct 2019  Oberwolfach Seminar: Growth in Finite and Infinite Groups
1943b  20 Oct - 26 Oct 2019  Oberwolfach Seminar: Topological Cyclic Homology and Arithmetic
1942  13 Oct - 18 Oct 2019  Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Zimmer's Conjecture
1941a  6 Oct - 12 Oct 2019  Mini-Workshop: Operator Algebraic Quantum Groups
1941b  6 Oct - 12 Oct 2019  Mini-Workshop: Degeneration Techniques in Representation Theory
1941c  6 Oct - 12 Oct 2019  Mini-Workshop: Self-adjoint Extensions in New Settings
1940  29 Sep - 5 Oct 2019  New Developments in Representation Theory of p-adic Groups
1939  22 Sep - 28 Sep 2019  Toric Geometry
1938  15 Sep - 21 Sep 2019  Large Scale Stochastic Dynamics
1937  8 Sep - 14 Sep 2019  Many-Body Quantum Systems
1936  1 Sep - 7 Sep 2019  Innovative Approaches to the Numerical Approximation of PDEs
1935  25 Aug - 31 Aug 2019  Geometric, Algebraic, and Topological Combinatorics
1934  18 Aug - 24 Aug 2019  Mathematical Aspects of Hydrodynamics
1933  11 Aug - 17 Aug 2019  C*-Algebras
1932  4 Aug - 10 Aug 2019  Homotopy Theory
1931  28 Jul - 3 Aug 2019  Computational Multiscale Methods
1930  21 Jul - 27 Jul 2019  Partial Differential Equations
1929a  14 Jul - 20 Jul 2019  Mathematical Theory of Water Waves
1929b  14 Jul - 20 Jul 2019  Mathematical Foundations of Isogeometric Analysis
1928  7 Jul - 13 Jul 2019  Dynamische Systeme
1927  30 Jun - 5 Jul 2019  Differentialgeometrie im Grossen
1926  23 Jun - 29 Jun 2019  Algebraic K-theory
1925a  16 Jun - 22 Jun 2019  Logarithmic Enumerative Geometry and Mirror Symmetry
1925b  16 Jun - 22 Jun 2019  Statistical Methodology and Theory for Functional and Topological Data
1924a  9 Jun - 15 Jun 2019  Oberwolfach Seminar: Anisotropic Spaces and their Applications to Hyperbolic and Parabolic Systems
1924b  9 Jun - 15 Jun 2019  Oberwolfach Seminar: Beyond Numerical Homogenization
1923  2 Jun - 8 Jun 2019  Mixed-integer Nonlinear Optimization: a hatchery for modern mathematics
1922  26 May - 1 Jun 2019  Foundations and New Horizons for Causal Inference
1921  19 May - 25 May 2019  Nonlinear Hyperbolic Problems: modeling, analysis, and numerics
1920  12 May - 18 May 2019  Geometry and Physics of Higgs Bundles
1919  5 May - 11 May 2019  Statistical and Computational Aspects of Learning with Complex Structure
1918  28 Apr - 4 May 2019  Tropical Geometry: new directions
1917  21 Apr - 27 Apr 2019  Mathematical Methods in Quantum Molecular Dynamics
1916  14 Apr - 20 Apr 2019  Combinatorics, Probability and Computing
1915a  7 Apr - 13 Apr 2019  Mini-Workshop: Recent Progress in Path Integration on Graphs and Manifolds
1915b  7 Apr - 13 Apr 2019  Mini-Workshop: Reflection Groups in Negative Curvature
1915c  7 Apr - 13 Apr 2019  Mini-Workshop: Mathematics of Crystallisation
1914  31 Mar - 6 Apr 2019  Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Elliptic Cohomology according to Lurie
1913  24 Mar - 30 Mar 2019  Representations of Finite Groups
1912  17 Mar - 23 Mar 2019  Contemporary Coding Theory
1911  10 Mar - 16 Mar 2019  Uncertainty Quantification
1910a  3 Mar - 9 Mar 2019  Mini-Workshop: Mathematical Aspects of Nonlinear Wave Propagation in Solid Mechanics
1910b  3 Mar - 9 Mar 2019  Mini-Workshop: Lorentz Gas Dynamics: particle systems and scaling limits
1910c  3 Mar - 9 Mar 2019  Mini-Workshop: Cohomology of Hopf Algebras and Tensor Categories
1909  24 Feb - 2 Mar 2019  Non-Archimedean Geometry and Applications
1908  17 Feb - 23 Feb 2019  Moist Processes in the Atmosphere
1907  10 Feb - 16 Feb 2019  Singularities and Homological Aspects of Commutative Algebra
1906  3 Feb - 9 Feb 2019  Nonlinear Evolution Equations: Analysis and Numerics
1905  27 Jan - 2 Feb 2019  Tomographic Inverse Problems: Theory and Applications
1904  20 Jan - 26 Jan 2019  Surface, Bulk, and Geometric Partial Differential Equations: Interfacial, stochastic, non-local and discrete structures
1903  13 Jan - 19 Jan 2019  Arithmetic of Shimura Varieties
1902  6 Jan - 12 Jan 2019  Graph Theory
1851a  16 Dec - 22 Dec 2018  Mini-Workshop: Numerical Analysis for Non-Smooth PDE-Constrained Optimal Control Problems
1851b  16 Dec - 22 Dec 2018  Mini-Workshop: Innovative Trends in the Numerical Analysis and Simulation of Kinetic Equations
1851c  16 Dec - 22 Dec 2018  Mini-Workshop: Mathematical and Numerical Analysis of Maxwell's Equations
1850  9 Dec - 15 Dec 2018  Convex Geometry and its Applications
1849  2 Dec - 8 Dec 2018  Free Probability Theory
1848  25 Nov - 1 Dec 2018  Enveloping Algebras and Geometric Representation Theory
1847a  18 Nov - 24 Nov 2018  Oberwolfach Seminar: Syntomic Cohomology and p-adic Hodge Theory
1847b  18 Nov - 24 Nov 2018  Oberwolfach Seminar: Character Formulas for Reductive Algebraic Groups
1846  11 Nov - 17 Nov 2018  Complexity Theory
1845  4 Nov - 10 Nov 2018  Combinatorial Optimization
1844  28 Oct - 3 Nov 2018  Emergence of Structures in Particle Systems: Mechanics, Analysis and Computation
1843  21 Oct - 27 Oct 2018  Computational Engineering
1842a  14 Oct - 20 Oct 2018  Oberwolfach Seminar: Optimal Transport Theory and Hydrodynamics (from Euler to Monge and vice versa)
1842b  14 Oct - 20 Oct 2018  Oberwolfach Seminar: Mathematics of Deep Learning
1841  7 Oct - 12 Oct 2018  Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Rigidity of Stationary Measure
1840a  30 Sep - 6 Oct 2018  Mini-Workshop: Positional Games
1840b  30 Sep - 6 Oct 2018  Mini-Workshop: Asymptotic Invariants of Homogeneous Ideals
1840c  30 Sep - 6 Oct 2018  Mini-Workshop: Algebraic, Geometric, and Combinatorial Methods in Frame Theory
1839  23 Sep - 29 Sep 2018  Differential Equations arising from Organising Principles in Biology
1838  16 Sep - 22 Sep 2018  Flat Surfaces and Algebraic Curves
1837  9 Sep - 15 Sep 2018  Scaling Limits in Models of Statistical Mechanics
1836  2 Sep - 8 Sep 2018  New Trends in Teichmüller Theory and Mapping Class Groups
1836a  2 Sep - 8 Sep 2018  MMS Summer School 2018: Statistical Modeling and Data Analysis
1835  26 Aug - 1 Sep 2018  Reactive Flows in Deformable, Complex Media
1834  19 Aug - 25 Aug 2018  New Directions in Stochastic Optimisation
1833  12 Aug - 18 Aug 2018  Geometric Methods of Complex Analysis
1832  5 Aug - 11 Aug 2018  Mathematical General Relativity
1831  29 Jul - 4 Aug 2018  Calculus of Variations
1830  22 Jul - 28 Jul 2018  Explicit Methods in Number Theory
1829  15 Jul - 21 Jul 2018  Classical Algebraic Geometry
1828  8 Jul - 14 Jul 2018  Non-commutative Geometry, Index Theory and Mathematical Physics
1827  1 Jul - 7 Jul 2018  Topologie
1826  24 Jun - 30 Jun 2018  Algebraische Zahlentheorie
1825a  17 Jun - 23 Jun 2018  Subgroups of Cremona Groups
1825b  17 Jun - 23 Jun 2018  Matrix Estimation Meets Statistical Network Analysis: Extracting low-dimensional structures in high dimension
1824  10 Jun - 16 Jun 2018  Geometrie
1823a  3 Jun - 9 Jun 2018  Field Arithmetic
1823b  3 Jun - 9 Jun 2018  Cohomological and Metric Properties of Groups of Homeomorphisms of R
1822  27 May - 2 Jun 2018  Interactions between Algebraic Geometry and Noncommutative Algebra
1821a  20 May - 26 May 2018  Oberwolfach Seminar: Statistical Inference for Complex Data: Random Matrices, Random Functions and Geometry and Topology
1821b  20 May - 26 May 2018  Oberwolfach Seminar: Spectral Estimates on Noncompact Manifolds and Applications to Geometry
1820  13 May - 19 May 2018  Enumerative Combinatorics
1819  6 May - 12 May 2018  Interactions between Operator Space Theory and Quantum Probability with Applications to Quantum Information
1818  29 Apr - 5 May 2018  Quadratic Forms and Related Structures over Fields
1817  22 Apr - 28 Apr 2018  Nonlinear Data: Theory and Algorithms
1816a  15 Apr - 21 Apr 2018  Mini-Workshop: Arithmetic Geometry and Symmetries around Galois and Fundamental Groups
1816b  15 Apr - 21 Apr 2018  Mini-Workshop: Gibbs Measures for Nonlinear Dispersive Equations
1816c  15 Apr - 21 Apr 2018  Mini-Workshop: Superexpanders and Their Coarse Geometry
1815  8 Apr - 14 Apr 2018  Challenges in Optimal Control of Nonlinear PDE-Systems
1814  1 Apr - 7 Apr 2018  Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Topological Cyclic Homology
1813  25 Mar - 31 Mar 2018  Applied Harmonic Analysis and Data Processing
1812  18 Mar - 24 Mar 2018  Mathematical Methods in Quantum Chemistry
1811  11 Mar - 17 Mar 2018  Statistical Inference for Structured High-dimensional Models
1810a  4 Mar - 10 Mar 2018  Mini-Workshop: Chromatic Phenomena and Duality in Homotopy Theory and Representation Theory
1810b  4 Mar - 10 Mar 2018  Mini-Workshop: Entropy, Information and Control
1810c  4 Mar - 10 Mar 2018  Mini-Workshop: Deep Learning and Inverse Problems
1809  25 Feb - 3 Mar 2018  The Mathematics of Mechanobiology and Cell Signaling
1808  18 Feb - 24 Feb 2018  Design and Analysis of Infectious Disease Studies
1807  11 Feb - 17 Feb 2018  Interplay of Analysis and Probability in Applied Mathematics
1806  4 Feb - 10 Feb 2018  Variational Methods for the Modelling of Inelastic Solids
1805  28 Jan - 3 Feb 2018  Strongly Correlated Random Interacting Processes
1804  21 Jan - 27 Jan 2018  Statistics for Data with Geometric Structure
1803  14 Jan - 20 Jan 2018  Topology of Arrangements and Representation Stability
1802  7 Jan - 13 Jan 2018  Computability Theory
1751  17 Dec - 23 Dec 2017  Mathematical Instruments between Material Artifacts and Ideal Machines: Their Scientific and Social Role before 1950
1750  10 Dec - 16 Dec 2017  Network Models: Structure and Function
1749  3 Dec - 9 Dec 2017  Classical and Quantum Mechanical Models of Many-Particle Systems
1748  26 Nov - 2 Dec 2017  Reflection Positivity
1747a  19 Nov - 25 Nov 2017  Oberwolfach Seminar: Mathematical Modeling in Systems Biology
1747b  19 Nov - 25 Nov 2017  Oberwolfach Seminar: Lower Curvature Bounds and Topology
1746  12 Nov - 18 Nov 2017  Variational Methods for Evolution
1745  5 Nov - 11 Nov 2017  Mathematical Logic: Proof Theory, Constructive Mathematics
1744a  29 Oct - 4 Nov 2017  Interplay between Number Theory and Analysis for Dirichlet Series
1744b  29 Oct - 4 Nov 2017  Copositivity and Complete Positivity
1743a  22 Oct - 28 Oct 2017  Mini-Workshop: PDE Models of Motility and Invasion in Active Biosystems
1743b  22 Oct - 28 Oct 2017  Mini-Workshop: Reflectionless Operators: The Deift and Simon Conjectures
1743c  22 Oct - 28 Oct 2017  Mini-Workshop: Interactions between Low-dimensional Topology and Complex Algebraic Geometry
1742a  15 Oct - 21 Oct 2017  Oberwolfach Seminar: Scaling Limits of Random Planar Maps and Liouville Quantum Gravity
1742b  15 Oct - 21 Oct 2017  Oberwolfach Seminar: Algebraic K- and L-Theory and Geometric Group Theory
1741  8 Oct - 13 Oct 2017  Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Additive Combinatorics, Entropy, and Fractal Geometry
1740  1 Oct - 7 Oct 2017  Spectral Structures and Topological Methods in Mathematical Quasicrystals
1739  24 Sep - 30 Sep 2017  Algebraic Geometry: Birational Classification, Derived Categories, and Moduli Spaces
1738a  17 Sep - 23 Sep 2017  Mini-Workshop: MASAs and Automorphisms of C*-Algebras
1738b  17 Sep - 23 Sep 2017  Mini-Workshop: Positivity in Higher-dimensional Geometry: Higher-codimensional Cycles and Newton-Okounkov Bodies
1738c  17 Sep - 23 Sep 2017  Mini-Workshop: Lattice Polytopes: Methods, Advances, Applications
1737  10 Sep - 16 Sep 2017  Mathematical Questions and Challenges in Quantum Electrodynamics and its Applications
1736  3 Sep - 9 Sep 2017  Automorphic Forms and Arithmetic
1735  27 Aug - 2 Sep 2017  Komplexe Analysis
1734  20 Aug - 26 Aug 2017  Low-dimensional Topology and Number Theory
1733  13 Aug - 19 Aug 2017  Proof Complexity and Beyond
1732  6 Aug - 12 Aug 2017  Analysis, Geometry and Topology of Positive Scalar Curvature Metrics
1731  30 Jul - 5 Aug 2017  Partial Differential Equations
1730  23 Jul - 29 Jul 2017  Real Analysis, Harmonic Analysis, and Applications
1729  16 Jul - 22 Jul 2017  Material Theories
1728  9 Jul - 15 Jul 2017  Dynamische Systeme
1727  2 Jul - 8 Jul 2017  Differentialgeometrie im Großen
1726  25 Jun - 1 Jul 2017  Geometric Structures in Group Theory
1725a  18 Jun - 24 Jun 2017  Reaction Networks and Population Dynamics
1725b  18 Jun - 24 Jun 2017  Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations on Graphs
1724  11 Jun - 17 Jun 2017  Nonlinear Waves and Dispersive Equations
1723a  4 Jun - 10 Jun 2017  Oberwolfach Seminar: Compressible and Incompressible Multiphase Flows: Modelling, Analysis, Numerics
1723b  4 Jun - 10 Jun 2017  Oberwolfach Seminar: Discontinuous Petrov-Galerkin Methods
1722  28 May - 3 Jun 2017  Stochastic Analysis: Geometry of Random Processes
1721  21 May - 27 May 2017  Harmonic Analysis and the Trace Formula
1720  14 May - 20 May 2017  Computational Inverse Problems for Partial Differential Equations
1719  7 May - 13 May 2017  Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
1718  30 Apr - 6 May 2017  O-Minimality and its Applications to Number Theory and Analysis
1717  23 Apr - 29 Apr 2017  Algebraic Groups
1716  16 Apr - 22 Apr 2017  Algebraic Statistics
1715  9 Apr - 15 Apr 2017  Discrete Geometry
1714  2 Apr - 8 Apr 2017  Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Higher Gross Zagier Formulas
1713  26 Mar - 1 Apr 2017  Multiscale and High-Dimensional Problems
1712  19 Mar - 25 Mar 2017  Statistical Recovery of Discrete, Geometric and Invariant Structures
1711  12 Mar - 18 Mar 2017  Space-time Methods for Time-dependent Partial Differential Equations
1710  5 Mar - 11 Mar 2017  Real Algebraic Geometry With a View Toward Moment Problems and Optimization
1709  26 Feb - 4 Mar 2017  Mathematics of Quantitative Finance
1708  19 Feb - 25 Feb 2017  Representation Theory of Quivers and Finite Dimensional Algebras
1707  12 Feb - 18 Feb 2017  Set Theory
1706a  5 Feb - 11 Feb 2017  Mini-Workshop: Cluster Expansions: From Combinatorics to Analysis through Probability
1706b  5 Feb - 11 Feb 2017  Mini-Workshop: Stochastic Differential Equations: Regularity and Numerical Analysis in Finite and Infinite Dimensions
1706c  5 Feb - 11 Feb 2017  Mini-Workshop: Perspectives in High-dimensional Probability and Convexity
1705  29 Jan - 4 Feb 2017  Applications of Optimal Transportation in the Natural Sciences
1704  22 Jan - 28 Jan 2017  Emerging Developments in Interfaces and Free Boundaries
1703  15 Jan - 21 Jan 2017  Cryptography
1702a  8 Jan - 14 Jan 2017  Mini-Workshop: Women in Mathematics: Historical and Modern Perspectives
1702b  8 Jan - 14 Jan 2017  Mini-Workshop: Spaces and Moduli Spaces of Riemannian Metrics
1702c  8 Jan - 14 Jan 2017  Mini-Workshop: Adaptive Methods for Control Problems Constrained by Time-Dependent PDEs
1701  1 Jan - 7 Jan 2017  Combinatorics
1651a  18 Dec - 23 Dec 2016  Mini-Workshop: New Interactions between Homotopical Algebra and Quantum Field Theory
1651b  18 Dec - 23 Dec 2016  Mini-Workshop: Max Dehn: his Life, Work, and Influence
1651c  18 Dec - 23 Dec 2016  Mini-Workshop: Surreal Numbers, Surreal Analysis, Hahn Fields and Derivations
1650  11 Dec - 17 Dec 2016  Asymptotic Phenomena in Local Algebra and Singularity Theory
1649  4 Dec - 10 Dec 2016  Surface Bundles
1648  27 Nov - 3 Dec 2016  Heat Kernels, Stochastic Processes and Functional Inequalities
1647a  20 Nov - 26 Nov 2016  Oberwolfach Seminar: Different Mathematical Perspectives on Description of Unresolved Scales in Multiscale Systems
1647b  20 Nov - 26 Nov 2016  Oberwolfach Seminar: Mathematical Theory of Evolutionary Fluid-Flow Structure Interactions
1646  13 Nov - 19 Nov 2016  Large Scale Stochastic Dynamics
1645  6 Nov - 12 Nov 2016  Analytic Number Theory
1644a  30 Oct - 5 Nov 2016  Mini-Workshop: Fast Solvers for Highly Oscillatory Problems
1644b  30 Oct - 5 Nov 2016  Mini-Workshop: Mathematics of Magnetoelastic Materials
1644c  30 Oct - 5 Nov 2016  Mini-Workshop: Computations in the Cohomology of Arithmetic Groups
1643  23 Oct - 29 Oct 2016  Definability and Decidability Problems in Number Theory
1642a  16 Oct - 22 Oct 2016  Oberwolfach Seminar: Berkovich Spaces and Degenerations of Calabi-Yau Varieties
1642b  16 Oct - 22 Oct 2016  Oberwolfach Seminar: Perfectoid Spaces
1641  9 Oct - 14 Oct 2016  Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Diophantine Approximation, Fractal Geometry and Dynamics
1640  2 Oct - 8 Oct 2016  Mathematical and Algorithmic Aspects of Data Assimilation in the Geosciences
1639  25 Sep - 1 Oct 2016  Singularities
1638a  18 Sep - 24 Sep 2016  Adaptive Algorithms
1638b  18 Sep - 24 Sep 2016  Theory and Numerics of Inverse Scattering Problems
1637  11 Sep - 17 Sep 2016  Many-Body Quantum Systems and Effective Theories
1636  4 Sep - 10 Sep 2016  Self-Adaptive Numerical Methods for Computationally Challenging Problems
1635  28 Aug - 3 Sep 2016  Measured Group Theory
1634  21 Aug - 27 Aug 2016  C*-Algebras
1633  14 Aug - 20 Aug 2016  Multiscale Interactions in Geophysical Fluids
1632  7 Aug - 13 Aug 2016  Arithmetic Geometry
1631  31 Jul - 6 Aug 2016  Computational Group Theory
1630  24 Jul - 30 Jul 2016  Recent Mathematical Developments in Quantum Field Theory
1629  17 Jul - 23 Jul 2016  Topologie
1628  10 Jul - 16 Jul 2016  Calculus of Variations
1627a  3 Jul - 9 Jul 2016  Statistics for Shape and Geometric Features
1627b  3 Jul - 9 Jul 2016  Learning Theory and Approximation
1626  26 Jun - 2 Jul 2016  Algebraic K-theory and Motivic Cohomology
1625  19 Jun - 25 Jun 2016  Hyperbolic Techniques in Modelling, Analysis and Numerics
1624  12 Jun - 18 Jun 2016  Classical Algebraic Geometry
1623  5 Jun - 11 Jun 2016  Geometrie
1622  29 May - 4 Jun 2016  Nonlinear Evolution Problems
1621  22 May - 28 May 2016  The Renormalization Group
1620a  15 May - 21 May 2016  Oberwolfach Seminar: Data Assimilation: The Mathematics of Connecting Dynamical Systems to Data
1620b  15 May - 21 May 2016  Oberwolfach Seminar: Recent Advances on the Global Nonlinear Stability of Einstein Spacetimes
1619  8 May - 14 May 2016  Factorization Algebras and Functorial Field Theories
1618  1 May - 7 May 2016  Rough Paths, Regularity Structures and Related Topics
1617  24 Apr - 30 Apr 2016  Moduli spaces and Modular forms
1616  17 Apr - 23 Apr 2016  Combinatorics and Probability
1615  10 Apr - 16 Apr 2016  Diophantische Approximationen
1614  3 Apr - 9 Apr 2016  Arbeitsgemeinschaft: The Geometric Langlands Conjecture
1613  27 Mar - 2 Apr 2016  Toric Geometry
1612  20 Mar - 26 Mar 2016  Geometric Numerical Integration
1611  13 Mar - 19 Mar 2016  Mechanics of Materials: Mechanics of Interfaces and Evolving Microstructure
1610  6 Mar - 12 Mar 2016  Computationally and Statistically Efficient Inference for Complex Large-scale Data
1609a  28 Feb - 5 Mar 2016  Mini-Workshop: PBW Structures in Representation Theory
1609b  28 Feb - 5 Mar 2016  Mini-Workshop: Arrangements of Subvarieties, and their Applications in Algebraic Geometry
1609c  28 Feb - 5 Mar 2016  Mini-Workshop: Topological Complexity and Related Topics
1608a  21 Feb - 27 Feb 2016  Asymptotic Geometric Analysis
1608b  21 Feb - 27 Feb 2016  New Developments in Functional and Highly Multivariate Statistical Methodology
1607a  14 Feb - 20 Feb 2016  Topological Recursion and TQFTs
1607b  14 Feb - 20 Feb 2016  Hochschild Cohomology in Algebra, Geometry, and Topology
1606a  7 Feb - 13 Feb 2016  Mini-Workshop: Operator Spaces and Noncommutative Geometry in Interaction
1606b  7 Feb - 13 Feb 2016  Mini-Workshop: Applied Koopmanism
1606c  7 Feb - 13 Feb 2016  Mini-Workshop: Mathematical Foundations of Isogeometric Analysis
1605  31 Jan - 6 Feb 2016  Algebraic Cobordism and Projective Homogeneous Varieties
1604  24 Jan - 30 Jan 2016  Mathematical Imaging and Surface Processing
1603  17 Jan - 23 Jan 2016  Lattices and Applications in Number Theory
1602  10 Jan - 16 Jan 2016  Graph Theory
1601  3 Jan - 9 Jan 2016  Model Theory: groups, geometry, and combinatorics
1551  13 Dec - 19 Dec 2015  Non-Archimedean Geometry and Applications
1550  6 Dec - 12 Dec 2015  Convex Geometry and its Applications
1549  29 Nov - 5 Dec 2015  Geometric Partial Differential Equations: Surface and Bulk Processes
1548a  22 Nov - 28 Nov 2015  Oberwolfach Seminar: Derived Geometry
1548b  22 Nov - 28 Nov 2015  Oberwolfach Seminar: Min-Max Constructions of Minimal Surfaces
1547  15 Nov - 21 Nov 2015  Complexity Theory
1546a  8 Nov - 14 Nov 2015  Mini-Workshop: Singular Curves on K3 Surfaces and Hyperkähler Manifolds
1546b  8 Nov - 14 Nov 2015  Mini-Workshop: Recent Developments in Statistical Methods with Applications to Genetics and Genomics
1546c  8 Nov - 14 Nov 2015  Mini-Workshop: Scales in Plasticity
1545a  1 Nov - 7 Nov 2015  Mini-Workshop: Friezes
1545b  1 Nov - 7 Nov 2015  Mini-Workshop: Mathematics of Differential Growth, Morphogenesis, and Pattern Selection
1545c  1 Nov - 7 Nov 2015  Mini-Workshop: Recent Developments on Approximation Methods for Controlled Evolution Equations
1544a  25 Oct - 31 Oct 2015  History of Mathematics: Models and Visualization in the Mathematical and Physical Sciences
1543  18 Oct - 24 Oct 2015  Mixed-integer Nonlinear Optimization: A Hatchery for Modern Mathematics
1542  11 Oct - 17 Oct 2015  Computational Geometric and Algebraic Topology
1541  4 Oct - 9 Oct 2015  Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Mathematical Quasicrystals
1540  27 Sep - 3 Oct 2015  Computational Engineering
1539  20 Sep - 26 Sep 2015  The Mathematics and Statistics of Quantitative Risk Management
1538  13 Sep - 19 Sep 2015  Recent Developments in the Numerics of Nonlinear Hyperbolic Conservation Laws
1537a  6 Sep - 12 Sep 2015  Oberwolfach Seminar: Singularity Analysis for Geometric Flows
1537b  6 Sep - 12 Sep 2015  Oberwolfach Seminar: Stochastic Homogenization
1536  30 Aug - 5 Sep 2015  Scaling Limits in Models of Statistical Mechanics
1535  23 Aug - 29 Aug 2015  Reductions of Shimura Varieties
1534  16 Aug - 22 Aug 2015  Applied Harmonic Analysis and Sparse Approximation
1533  9 Aug - 15 Aug 2015  Mathematical Aspects of Hydrodynamics
1532  2 Aug - 8 Aug 2015  Partial Differential Equations
1531  26 Jul - 1 Aug 2015  Interplay of Analysis and Probability in Applied Mathematics
1530  19 Jul - 25 Jul 2015  Dynamische Systeme
1529  12 Jul - 18 Jul 2015  Mathematical Aspects of General Relativity
1528  5 Jul - 11 Jul 2015  Explicit Methods in Number Theory
1527  28 Jun - 4 Jul 2015  Differentialgeometrie im Großen
1526  21 Jun - 27 Jun 2015  New Perspectives on the Interplay between Discrete Groups in Low-Dimensional Topology and Arithmetic Lattices
1525  14 Jun - 20 Jun 2015  Noncommutative Geometry
1524  7 Jun - 13 Jun 2015  Free Probability Theory
1523  31 May - 6 Jun 2015  Mathematical Methods in Quantum Molecular Dynamics
1522a  24 May - 30 May 2015  Oberwolfach Seminar: Shapes and Patterns: Analysis and Simulation
1522b  24 May - 30 May 2015  Oberwolfach Seminar: Topological Combinatorics of Configuration Spaces
1521  17 May - 23 May 2015  Probabilistic Techniques in Modern Statistics
1520  10 May - 16 May 2015  Enveloping Algebras and Geometric Representation Theory
1519  3 May - 9 May 2015  Cohomology of Finite Groups: Interactions and Applications
1518  26 Apr - 2 May 2015  Tropical Aspects in Geometry, Topology and Physics
1517a  19 Apr - 25 Apr 2015  Multivariate Splines and Algebraic Geometry
1517b  19 Apr - 25 Apr 2015  Mirror Symmetry, Hodge Theory and Differential Equations
1516a  12 Apr - 18 Apr 2015  Mathematical Theory of Water Waves
1516b  12 Apr - 18 Apr 2015  Copulae: On the Crossroads of Mathematics and Economics
1515  5 Apr - 11 Apr 2015  Representations of Finite Groups
1514  29 Mar - 4 Apr 2015  Arbeitsgemeinschaft: The Kadison-Singer Conjecture
1513  22 Mar - 28 Mar 2015  Subfactors and Conformal Field Theory
1512  15 Mar - 21 Mar 2015  Algebraic Geometry
1511  8 Mar - 14 Mar 2015  Homotopy Theory
1510  1 Mar - 7 Mar 2015  Discrete Differential Geometry
1509  22 Feb - 28 Feb 2015  Control Theory: A Mathematical Perspective on Cyber-Physical Systems
1508a  15 Feb - 21 Feb 2015  Mini-Workshop: Ideals of Linear Subspaces, Their Symbolic Powers and Waring Problems
1508b  15 Feb - 21 Feb 2015  Mini-Workshop: Coideal Subalgebras of Quantum Groups
1508c  15 Feb - 21 Feb 2015  Mini-Workshop: Deformation Quantization: between formal to strict
1507a  8 Feb - 14 Feb 2015  Mini-Workshop: Modern Applications of s-numbers and Operator Ideals
1507b  8 Feb - 14 Feb 2015  Mini-Workshop: Discrete p-Laplacians: Spectral Theory and Variational Methods in Mathematics and Computer Science
1507c  8 Feb - 14 Feb 2015  Mini-Workshop: Singularities in G2-geometry
1506  1 Feb - 7 Feb 2015  Geometric and Algebraic Combinatorics
1505  25 Jan - 31 Jan 2015  Geometric Methods of Complex Analysis
1504  18 Jan - 24 Jan 2015  Geometric Topology
1503  11 Jan - 17 Jan 2015  New Discretization Methods for the Numerical Approximation of PDEs
1502  4 Jan - 10 Jan 2015  Spectral Theory and Weyl Functions
1451  14 Dec - 20 Dec 2014  Variational Methods for Evolution
1450  7 Dec - 13 Dec 2014  Mathematics in Undergraduate Study Programs: Challenges for Research and for the Dialogue between Mathematics and Didactics of Mathematics
1449a  30 Nov - 6 Dec 2014  Mini-Workshop: Dynamical versus Diffraction Spectra in the Theory of Quasicrystals
1449b  30 Nov - 6 Dec 2014  Mini-Workshop: Eigenvalue Problems in Surface Superconductivity
1449c  30 Nov - 6 Dec 2014  Mini-Workshop: Reflection Positivity in Representation Theory, Stochastics and Physics
1448a  23 Nov - 29 Nov 2014  Oberwolfach Seminar: Analysis of Compressible Navier Stokes Equations and Related Topics
1448b  23 Nov - 29 Nov 2014  Oberwolfach Seminar: Projection Based Model Reduction: Reduced Basis Methods, Proper Orthogonal Decomposition, and Low Rank Tensor Approximations
1447  16 Nov - 22 Nov 2014  Mathematical Logic: Proof theory, Constructive Mathematics
1446  9 Nov - 15 Nov 2014  Combinatorial Optimization
1445a  2 Nov - 8 Nov 2014  Probability, Trees and Algorithms
1445b  2 Nov - 8 Nov 2014  Lehrerfortbildung: Differentialgleichungen
1444  26 Oct - 1 Nov 2014  Valuation Theory and Its Applications
1443  19 Oct - 25 Oct 2014  Dirichlet Form Theory and its Applications
1442a  12 Oct - 18 Oct 2014  Oberwolfach Seminar: K-Theory for Group C*-Algebras and Semigroup C*-Algebras
1442b  12 Oct - 18 Oct 2014  Oberwolfach Seminar: High Frequency Approximations
1441  5 Oct - 10 Oct 2014  Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Totally Disconnected Groups
1440a  28 Sep - 4 Oct 2014  Mini-Workshop: Asymptotic Statistics on Stratified Spaces
1440b  28 Sep - 4 Oct 2014  Mini-Workshop: Einstein Metrics, Ricci Solitons and Ricci Flow under Symmetry Assumptions
1440c  28 Sep - 4 Oct 2014  Mini-Workshop: Differentiable Ergodic Theory, Dimension Theory and Stable Foliations
1439  21 Sep - 27 Sep 2014  Reactive Flows in Deformable, Complex Media
1438  14 Sep - 20 Sep 2014  Topologie
1437  7 Sep - 13 Sep 2014  New Horizons in Statistical Decision Theory
1436  31 Aug - 6 Sep 2014  Discrete Geometry
1435  24 Aug - 30 Aug 2014  Komplexe Analysis
1434  17 Aug - 23 Aug 2014  Low-dimensional Topology and Number Theory
1433  10 Aug - 16 Aug 2014  Mathematics and Algorithms in Tomography
1432  3 Aug - 9 Aug 2014  Analysis, Geometry and Topology of Positive Scalar Curvature Metrics
1431  27 Jul - 2 Aug 2014  Cryptography
1430  20 Jul - 26 Jul 2014  Real Analysis, Harmonic Analysis and Applications
1429  13 Jul - 19 Jul 2014  Calculus of Variations
1428  6 Jul - 12 Jul 2014  Algebraische Zahlentheorie
1427  29 Jun - 5 Jul 2014  Classical Algebraic Geometry
1426  22 Jun - 28 Jun 2014  Computational Multiscale Methods
1425  15 Jun - 21 Jun 2014  Geometrie
1424a  8 Jun - 14 Jun 2014  Oberwolfach Seminar: Moduli Spaces of Riemannian Metrics
1424b  8 Jun - 14 Jun 2014  Oberwolfach Seminar: Recent Methods in Sphere Packing and Optimization
1423  1 Jun - 7 Jun 2014  Stochastic Analysis: Around the KPZ Universality Class
1422a  25 May - 31 May 2014  Algebraic Structures in Low-Dimensional Topology
1422b  25 May - 31 May 2014  Okounkov Bodies and Applications
1421  18 May - 24 May 2014  Interactions between Algebraic Geometry and Noncommutative Algebra
1420  11 May - 17 May 2014  Schnelle Löser für Partielle Differentialgleichungen
1419  4 May - 10 May 2014  Stochastic Analysis in Finance and Insurance
1418  27 Apr - 3 May 2014  Modular Forms
1417  20 Apr - 26 Apr 2014  Hilbert Modules and Complex Geometry
1416a  13 Apr - 19 Apr 2014  Mini-Workshop: Mathematical Physics meets Sparse Recovery
1416b  13 Apr - 19 Apr 2014  Mini-Workshop: Mathematical Models for Cancer Cell Migration
1416c  13 Apr - 19 Apr 2014  Mini-Workshop: Infinite Dimensional Hopf Algebras
1415  6 Apr - 12 Apr 2014  Real Algebraic Geometry With A View Toward Systems Control and Free Positivity
1414  30 Mar - 5 Apr 2014  Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Superrigidity
1413  23 Mar - 29 Mar 2014  Flat Surfaces and Dynamics on Moduli Space
1412  16 Mar - 22 Mar 2014  Nonlinear Evolution Equations: Analysis and Numerics
1411  9 Mar - 15 Mar 2014  Adaptive Statistical Inference
1410  2 Mar - 8 Mar 2014  Enumerative Combinatorics
1409a  23 Feb - 1 Mar 2014  Mini-Workshop: Kähler Groups
1409b  23 Feb - 1 Mar 2014  Mini-Workshop: Negative Curves on Algebraic Surfaces
1409c  23 Feb - 1 Mar 2014  Mini-Workshop: Batalin-Vilkovisky Algebras, Operads, and Hopf Algebroids
1408  16 Feb - 22 Feb 2014  Representation Theory of Quivers and Finite Dimensional Algebras
1407  9 Feb - 15 Feb 2014  New Trends in Teichmüller Theory and Mapping Class Groups
1406a  2 Feb - 8 Feb 2014  Langlands Correspondence and Constructive Galois Theory
1406b  2 Feb - 8 Feb 2014  Dirichlet Series and Function Theory in Polydiscs
1405  26 Jan - 1 Feb 2014  Mixing, Transport and Coherent Structures
1404  19 Jan - 25 Jan 2014  Representation Theory and Analysis of Reductive Groups: Spherical Spaces and Hecke Algebras
1403  12 Jan - 18 Jan 2014  Set Theory
1402  5 Jan - 11 Jan 2014  Combinatorics
1351  15 Dec - 21 Dec 2013  Material Theories
1350  8 Dec - 14 Dec 2013  Cluster Algebras and Related Topics
1349  1 Dec - 7 Dec 2013  Classical and Quantum Mechanical Models of Many-Particle Systems
1348a  24 Nov - 30 Nov 2013  Oberwolfach Seminar: Mathematics for Scientific Programming
1348b  24 Nov - 30 Nov 2013  Oberwolfach Seminar: The Mathematics of Quantum Chemistry
1347  17 Nov - 23 Nov 2013  Numerical Solution of PDE Eigenvalue Problems
1346  10 Nov - 16 Nov 2013  Design and Analysis of Infectious Disease Studies
1345a  3 Nov - 9 Nov 2013  Mini-Workshop: Quaternion Kähler Structures in Riemannian and Algebraic Geometry
1345b  3 Nov - 9 Nov 2013  Mini-Workshop: Inelastic and Non-equilibrium Material Behavior: from Atomistic Structure to Macroscopic Constitutive Relations
1344  27 Oct - 2 Nov 2013  Large Scale Stochastic Dynamics
1343  20 Oct - 26 Oct 2013  Analytic Number Theory
1342a  13 Oct - 19 Oct 2013  Oberwolfach Seminar: Cluster Algebras and Representation Theory
1342b  13 Oct - 19 Oct 2013  Oberwolfach Seminar: Motivic Integration
1341  6 Oct - 11 Oct 2013  Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Sofic Entropy
1340  29 Sep - 5 Oct 2013  Uniform Distribution Theory and Applications
1339  22 Sep - 28 Sep 2013  Statistical Inference for Complex Time Series Data
1338a  15 Sep - 21 Sep 2013  Lattice Differential Equations
1338b  15 Sep - 21 Sep 2013  High-Resolution Mathematical and Numerical Analysis of Involution-Constrained PDEs
1337  8 Sep - 14 Sep 2013  Noncommutative Geometry
1336  1 Sep - 7 Sep 2013  Matrix Factorizations in Algebra, Geometry, and Physics
1335  25 Aug - 31 Aug 2013  C*-Algebren
1334  18 Aug - 24 Aug 2013  Group Theory, Measure, and Asymptotic Invariants
1333  11 Aug - 17 Aug 2013  Nonlinear Waves and Dispersive Equations
1332  4 Aug - 10 Aug 2013  Partial Differential Equations
1331  28 Jul - 3 Aug 2013  Multiscale and High-Dimensional Problems
1330a  21 Jul - 27 Jul 2013  Mini-Workshop: Direct and Inverse Spectral Theory of Almost Periodic Operators
1330b  21 Jul - 27 Jul 2013  Mini-Workshop: The Willmore Functional and the Willmore Conjecture
1330c  21 Jul - 27 Jul 2013  Mini-Workshop: New Crossroads between Mathematics and Field Theory
1329  14 Jul - 20 Jul 2013  Explicit Methods in Number Theory
1328  7 Jul - 13 Jul 2013  Dynamische Systeme
1327  30 Jun - 6 Jul 2013  Differentialgeometrie im Großen
1326  23 Jun - 29 Jun 2013  Algebraic K-theory and Motivic Cohomology
1325a  16 Jun - 22 Jun 2013  The Arithmetic of Fields
1325b  16 Jun - 22 Jun 2013  Quadratic Forms and Linear Algebraic Groups
1324  9 Jun - 15 Jun 2013  Hyperbolic Techniques for Phase Dynamics
1323  2 Jun - 8 Jun 2013  Geometric Structures in Group Theory
1322  26 May - 1 Jun 2013  Complex Algebraic Geometry
1321a  19 May - 25 May 2013  Oberwolfach Seminar: Random Networks
1321b  19 May - 25 May 2013  Oberwolfach Seminar: Positional Games
1320a  12 May - 18 May 2013  Mini-Workshop: Spherical Varieties and Automorphic Representations
1320b  12 May - 18 May 2013  Mini-Workshop: Constructive Homological Algebra with Applications to Coherent Sheaves and Control Theory
1320c  12 May - 18 May 2013  Mini-Workshop: Localising and Tilting in Abelian and Triangulated Categories
1319  5 May - 11 May 2013  Heat Kernels, Stochastic Processes and Functional Inequalities
1318a  28 Apr - 4 May 2013  Progress in Surface Theory
1318b  28 Apr - 4 May 2013  Geometric Knot Theory
1317a  21 Apr - 27 Apr 2013  Mathematical Statistics of Partially Identified Objects
1317b  21 Apr - 27 Apr 2013  Extremes in Branching Random Walk and Branching Brownian Motion
1316  14 Apr - 20 Apr 2013  Combinatorics and Probability
1315  7 Apr - 13 Apr 2013  Algebraic Groups
1314  31 Mar - 5 Apr 2013  Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Limits of Structures
1313  24 Mar - 30 Mar 2013  Interfaces and Free Boundaries: Analysis, Control and Simulation
1312  17 Mar - 23 Mar 2013  Interplay of Theory and Numerics for Deterministic and Stochastic Homogenization
1311  10 Mar - 16 Mar 2013  Representations of Lie Groups and Supergroups
1310  3 Mar - 9 Mar 2013  From "Mixed" to "Applied" Mathematics: Tracing an important dimension of mathematics and its history
1309  24 Feb - 2 Mar 2013  Structured Function Systems and Applications
1308  17 Feb - 23 Feb 2013  Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
1307a  10 Feb - 16 Feb 2013  Mini-Workshop: Numerical Upscaling for Media with Deterministic and Stochastic Heterogeneity
1307b  10 Feb - 16 Feb 2013  Mini-Workshop: The p-Laplacian Operator and Applications
1307c  10 Feb - 16 Feb 2013  Mini-Workshop: Stochastic Analysis for Poisson Point Processes: Malliavin Calculus, Wiener-Ito Chaos Expansions and Stochastic Geometry
1306a  3 Feb - 9 Feb 2013  Integral Geometry and its Applications
1306b  3 Feb - 9 Feb 2013  Moduli Spaces in Algebraic Geometry
1305  27 Jan - 2 Feb 2013  Numerical Methods for PDE Constrained Optimization with Uncertain Data
1304  20 Jan - 26 Jan 2013  Computational Electromagnetism and Acoustics
1303  13 Jan - 19 Jan 2013  Graph Theory
1302  7 Jan - 12 Jan 2013  Model Theory: Groups, Geometry, and Combinatorics
1251  16 Dec - 22 Dec 2012  Dynamics of Patterns
1250  9 Dec - 15 Dec 2012  Convex Geometry and its Applications
1249  2 Dec - 8 Dec 2012  Mathematical and Algorithmic Aspects of Atmosphere-Ocean Data Assimilation
1248a  25 Nov - 1 Dec 2012  Mini-Workshop: Efficient and Robust Approximation of the Helmholtz Equation
1248b  25 Nov - 1 Dec 2012  Mini-Workshop: Frontiers in Quantile Regression
1248c  25 Nov - 1 Dec 2012  Mini-Workshop: Geometries, Shapes and Topologies in PDE-based Applications
1247a  18 Nov - 24 Nov 2012  Oberwolfach Seminar: Subspace Correction Methods
1247b  18 Nov - 24 Nov 2012  Oberwolfach Seminar: Algorithms for Complex Multiplication over Finite Fields
1246  11 Nov - 17 Nov 2012  Complexity Theory
1245a  4 Nov - 10 Nov 2012  Non-Archimedean Analytic Geometry
1245b  4 Nov - 10 Nov 2012  Lehrerfortbildung: Mathematische Grundlagen der Quantenmechanik
1244  28 Oct - 3 Nov 2012  C*-Algebras, Dynamics, and Classification
1243  21 Oct - 27 Oct 2012  Computational Inverse Problems
1242a  14 Oct - 20 Oct 2012  Oberwolfach Seminar: Dispersive Equations
1242b  14 Oct - 20 Oct 2012  Oberwolfach Seminar: Algebraic Groups and Patching
1241  7 Oct - 13 Oct 2012  Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Ergodic Theory and Combinatorial Number Theory
1240b  1 Oct - 6 Oct 2012  Mini-Workshop: Topology of Real Singularities and Motivic Aspects
1240c  1 Oct - 6 Oct 2012  Mini-Workshop: Cohomology Rings and Fundamental Groups of Hyperplane Arrangements, Wonderful Compactifications, and Real Toric Varieties
1240a  30 Sep - 6 Oct 2012  Mini-Workshop: Nichols Algebras and Weyl Groupoids
1239  23 Sep - 29 Sep 2012  Singularities
1238  16 Sep - 22 Sep 2012  Topologie
1237  9 Sep - 15 Sep 2012  Scaling Limits in Models of Statistical Mechanics
1236  2 Sep - 8 Sep 2012  Komplexe Analysis
1235  26 Aug - 1 Sep 2012  Low-Dimensional Topology and Number Theory
1234a  19 Aug - 25 Aug 2012  Optimal and Near Optimal Configurations on Lattices and Manifolds
1234b  19 Aug - 25 Aug 2012  Rough Paths and PDEs
1233  12 Aug - 18 Aug 2012  Mathematical Aspects of Hydrodynamics
1232  5 Aug - 11 Aug 2012  Arithmetic Geometry
1231  29 Jul - 4 Aug 2012  Mathematical Aspects of General Relativity
1230  22 Jul - 28 Jul 2012  Calculus of Variations
1229  15 Jul - 21 Jul 2012  Geometric Group Theory, Hyperbolic Dynamics and Symplectic Geometry
1228  8 Jul - 14 Jul 2012  Discrete Differential Geometry
1227a  1 Jul - 7 Jul 2012  Reductions of Shimura Varieties
1227b  1 Jul - 7 Jul 2012  Geometric Aspects of Spectral Theory
1226  24 Jun - 30 Jun 2012  Learning Theory and Approximation
1225  17 Jun - 23 Jun 2012  Classical Algebraic Geometry
1224  10 Jun - 16 Jun 2012  Applied Harmonic Analysis and Sparse Approximation
1223  3 Jun - 9 Jun 2012  Invariants in Low-Dimensional Topology and Knot Theory
1222a  27 May - 2 Jun 2012  Oberwolfach Seminar: Surgery Theory
1222b  27 May - 2 Jun 2012  Oberwolfach Seminar: Statistics for High-Dimensional Data
1221  20 May - 26 May 2012  Geometrie
1220  13 May - 19 May 2012  Nonlinear Evolution Problems
1219  6 May - 12 May 2012  Analysis and Geometric Singularities
1218  29 Apr - 5 May 2012  Triangulations
1217a  22 Apr - 28 Apr 2012  Diophantische Approximationen
1217b  22 Apr - 28 Apr 2012  Singularity Theory and Integrable Systems
1216  15 Apr - 21 Apr 2012  Toric Geometry
1215a  8 Apr - 14 Apr 2012  Mini-Workshop: Generalizations of Symmetric Spaces
1215b  8 Apr - 14 Apr 2012  Mini-Workshop: Hypergraph Turan Problem
1215c  8 Apr - 14 Apr 2012  Mini-Workshop: Endomorphisms, Semigroups and C*-Algebras of Rings
1214  1 Apr - 7 Apr 2012  Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Quasiperiodic Schrödinger Operators
1213  25 Mar - 31 Mar 2012  Representations of Finite Groups
1212  18 Mar - 24 Mar 2012  Mechanics of Materials
1211  11 Mar - 17 Mar 2012  Frontiers in Nonparametric Statistics
1210  4 Mar - 10 Mar 2012  Enveloping Algebras and Geometric Representation Theory
1209  26 Feb - 3 Mar 2012  Control Theory: Mathematical Perspectives on Complex Networked Systems
1208a  19 Feb - 25 Feb 2012  Theory and Applications of Discontinuous Galerkin Methods
1208b  19 Feb - 25 Feb 2012  Inverse Problems for Partial Differential Equations
1207  12 Feb - 18 Feb 2012  Advanced Computational Engineering
1206  5 Feb - 11 Feb 2012  Computability Theory
1205  29 Jan - 4 Feb 2012  The Mathematics and Statistics of Quantitative Risk Management
1204  22 Jan - 28 Jan 2012  Interplay of Analysis and Probability in Physics
1203  15 Jan - 21 Jan 2012  Recent Developments in the Numerics of Nonlinear Hyperbolic Conservation Laws and their Use in Science and Engineering
1202  8 Jan - 14 Jan 2012  Explicit Versus Tacit Knowledge in Mathematics
1201a  1 Jan - 7 Jan 2012  Mini-Workshop: Manifolds with Lower Curvature Bounds
1201b  1 Jan - 7 Jan 2012  Mini-Workshop: Boundary Value Problems and Spectral Geometry
1201c  1 Jan - 7 Jan 2012  Mini-Workshop: Thermodynamic Formalism, Geometry and Stochastics
1150  11 Dec - 17 Dec 2011  Stratified Spaces: Joining Analysis, Topology and Geometry
1149  4 Dec - 10 Dec 2011  Variational Methods for Evolution
1148  27 Nov - 3 Dec 2011  Geometric Partial Differential Equations: Theory, Numerics and Applications
1147a  20 Nov - 26 Nov 2011  Oberwolfach Seminar: Affine Algebraic Geometry and Group Actions
1147b  20 Nov - 26 Nov 2011  Oberwolfach Seminar: Cohen-Macaulay Modules, Surface Singularities and McKay Correspondence
1146  13 Nov - 19 Nov 2011  Combinatorial Optimization
1145  6 Nov - 12 Nov 2011  Mathematical Logic: Proof Theory, Constructive Mathematics
1144  30 Oct - 5 Nov 2011  Emigration of Mathematicians and Transmission of Mathematics: Historical Lessons and Consequences of the Third Reich
1143a  23 Oct - 29 Oct 2011  Correlations and Interactions for Random Quantum Systems
1143b  23 Oct - 29 Oct 2011  Fortbildungsveranstaltung für Bibliothekare
1142a  16 Oct - 22 Oct 2011  Oberwolfach Seminar: Statistics for Stochastic Differential Equations
1142b  16 Oct - 22 Oct 2011  Oberwolfach Seminar: New Trends in Gödelian Incompleteness and Combinatorics
1141  9 Oct - 14 Oct 2011  Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Quantum Ergodicity
1140  2 Oct - 8 Oct 2011  Very High Dimensional Semiparametric Models
1139  25 Sep - 1 Oct 2011  Complex Algebraic Geometry
1138  18 Sep - 24 Sep 2011  Homotopy Theory
1137  11 Sep - 17 Sep 2011  Noncommutative Geometry
1136  4 Sep - 10 Sep 2011  Discrete Geometry
1135  28 Aug - 3 Sep 2011  The Analytic Theory of Automorphic Forms
1134a  21 Aug - 27 Aug 2011  Mini-Workshop: Dynamics of Stochastic Systems and their Approximation
1134b  21 Aug - 27 Aug 2011  Mini-Workshop: New Developments in Newton-Okounov Bodies
1134c  21 Aug - 27 Aug 2011  Mini-Workshop: Mathematics of Machine Learning
1133  14 Aug - 20 Aug 2011  Applied Dynamics and Geometric Mechanics
1132  7 Aug - 13 Aug 2011  Partial Differential Equations
1131  31 Jul - 6 Aug 2011  Computational Group Theory
1130  24 Jul - 30 Jul 2011  Real Analysis, Harmonic Analysis and Applications
1129  17 Jul - 23 Jul 2011  Explicit Methods in Number Theory
1128  10 Jul - 16 Jul 2011  Dynamische Systeme
1127  3 Jul - 9 Jul 2011  Differentialgeometrie im Großen
1126  26 Jun - 2 Jul 2011  Mathematical Methods in Quantum Chemistry
1125  19 Jun - 25 Jun 2011  Algebraische Zahlentheorie
1124a  12 Jun - 18 Jun 2011  Oberwolfach Seminar: Algebraic Properties of Profinite Groups
1124b  12 Jun - 18 Jun 2011  Oberwolfach Seminar: Spectral Methods of Uncertainty Quantification
1123  5 Jun - 11 Jun 2011  Arithmetic Groups vs. Mapping Class Groups: Similarities, Analogies and Differences
1122  29 May - 4 Jun 2011  Stochastic Analysis
1121  22 May - 28 May 2011  Schnelle Löser für Partielle Differentialgleichungen
1120a  15 May - 21 May 2011  Finite-dimensional Approximations of Discrete Groups
1120b  15 May - 21 May 2011  New Directions in Algebraic K-Theory
1119  8 May - 14 May 2011  Billiards, Flat Surfaces, and Dynamics on Moduli Spaces
1118  1 May - 7 May 2011  Random Matrices, Geometric Functional Analysis and Algorithms
1117a  24 Apr - 30 Apr 2011  Mini-Workshop: Modular Representations of Symmetric Groups and Related Objects
1117b  24 Apr - 30 Apr 2011  Mini-Workshop: Mathematical Models, Analysis, and Numerical Methods for Dynamic Fracture
1117c  24 Apr - 30 Apr 2011  Mini-Workshop: Random Trees, Information and Algorithms
1116  17 Apr - 23 Apr 2011  Real Enumerative Questions in Complex and Tropical Geometry
1115  10 Apr - 16 Apr 2011  Geometric Methods of Complex Analysis
1114  3 Apr - 8 Apr 2011  Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Rational Homotopy Theory in Mathematics and Physics
1113  27 Mar - 2 Apr 2011  Operator Algebras and Representation Theory: Frames, Wavelets and Fractals
1112  20 Mar - 26 Mar 2011  Geometric Numerical Integration
1111  13 Mar - 19 Mar 2011  The Renormalization Group
1110  6 Mar - 12 Mar 2011  Automorphic Forms: New Directions
1109a  27 Feb - 5 Mar 2011  Mini-Workshop: The Homotopy Interpretation of Constructive Type Theory
1109b  27 Feb - 5 Mar 2011  Mini-Workshop: History of Numerical and Graphical Tables
1109c  27 Feb - 5 Mar 2011  Mini-Workshop: Level Sets and Depth Contours in High Dimensional Data
1108  20 Feb - 26 Feb 2011  Representation Theory of Quivers and Finite Dimensional Algebras
1107  13 Feb - 19 Feb 2011  Geometric Quantization in the Non-compact Setting
1106  6 Feb - 12 Feb 2011  Topological and Geometric Combinatorics
1105  30 Jan - 5 Feb 2011  Trends in Mathematical Imaging and Surface Processing
1104  23 Jan - 29 Jan 2011  Stochastic Analysis in Finance and Insurance
1103a  16 Jan - 22 Jan 2011  Mini-Workshop: Dynamics of Trace Maps and Applications to Spectral Theory
1103b  16 Jan - 22 Jan 2011  Mini-Workshop: Mathematical Analysis for Peridynamics
1103c  16 Jan - 22 Jan 2011  Mini-Workshop: Nonlinear Least Squares in Shape Identification Problems
1102  9 Jan - 15 Jan 2011  Set Theory
1101  2 Jan - 8 Jan 2011  Combinatorics
1050a  12 Dec - 18 Dec 2010  Mini-Workshop: 1-Motives
1050b  12 Dec - 18 Dec 2010  Mini-Workshop: Wellposedness and Controllability of Evolution Equations
1050c  12 Dec - 18 Dec 2010  Mini-Workshop: Algebraic and Analytic Techniques for Polynomial Vector Fields
1049  5 Dec - 11 Dec 2010  Classical and Quantum Mechanical Models of Many-Particle Systems
1048  28 Nov - 4 Dec 2010  Teichmüller Theory
1047a  21 Nov - 27 Nov 2010  Oberwolfach Seminar: Lipschitz Analysis
1047b  21 Nov - 27 Nov 2010  Oberwolfach Seminar: Mathematics of PDE Constrained Optimization
1046a  14 Nov - 20 Nov 2010  Infinite Dimensional Lie Theory
1046b  14 Nov - 20 Nov 2010  Representation Theory and Harmonic Analysis
1045  7 Nov - 13 Nov 2010  Large Scale Stochastic Dynamics
1044a  31 Oct - 6 Nov 2010  Operator Theory and Harmonic Analysis
1044b  31 Oct - 6 Nov 2010  Fortbildung für Mathematik- und Physiklehrer an Gymnasien: Statistik in Theorie und Praxis
1043a  24 Oct - 30 Oct 2010  Oberwolfach Seminar: The Ergodic Theory of Markov Processes
1043b  24 Oct - 30 Oct 2010  Oberwolfach Seminar: The Willmore Functional
1042  17 Oct - 23 Oct 2010  Mathematical Challenges in Stochastic Networks
1041  10 Oct - 16 Oct 2010  Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Topological Robotics
1040a  3 Oct - 9 Oct 2010  Mini-Workshop: Shearlets
1040b  3 Oct - 9 Oct 2010  Mini-Workshop: Linear Series on Algebraic Varieties
1040c  3 Oct - 9 Oct 2010  Mini-Workshop: Higher Dimensional Elliptic Fibrations
1039  26 Sep - 1 Oct 2010  Deformation Methods in Mathematics and Physics
1038  19 Sep - 25 Sep 2010  Topologie
1037  12 Sep - 18 Sep 2010  Nonlinear Waves and Dispersive Equations
1036  5 Sep - 11 Sep 2010  Actions and Invariants of Residually Finite Groups: Asymptotic Methods
1035  29 Aug - 4 Sep 2010  Komplexe Analysis
1034a  22 Aug - 28 Aug 2010  Mini-Workshop: Mechanics of Cell Motion
1034b  22 Aug - 28 Aug 2010  Mini-Workshop: Combinatorics on Words
1034c  22 Aug - 28 Aug 2010  Mini-Workshop: Exploiting Symmetry in Optimization
1033  15 Aug - 21 Aug 2010  Low-Dimensional Topology and Number Theory
1032  8 Aug - 14 Aug 2010  Mathematical Theory and Modelling in Atmosphere-Ocean-Science
1031  1 Aug - 7 Aug 2010  Wavelet and Multiscale Methods
1030  25 Jul - 31 Jul 2010  Cohomology of Finite Groups: Interactions and Applications
1029  18 Jul - 24 Jul 2010  Calculus of Variations
1028  11 Jul - 17 Jul 2010  Geometric Group Theory, Hyperbolic Dynamics and Symplectic Geometry
1027  4 Jul - 10 Jul 2010  Homogeneous Dynamics and Number Theory
1026  27 Jun - 3 Jul 2010  Analysis and Geometric Singularities
1025  20 Jun - 26 Jun 2010  Classical Algebraic Geometry
1024  13 Jun - 19 Jun 2010  Geometrie
1023  6 Jun - 12 Jun 2010  Geometry, Quantum Fields, and Strings: Categorial Aspects
1022  30 May - 5 Jun 2010  Phase Transitions
1021a  23 May - 29 May 2010  Oberwolfach Seminar: Representations of Finite Groups: Local Cohomology and Support
1021b  23 May - 29 May 2010  Oberwolfach Seminar: Semidefinite Optimization: Theory, Algorithms and Applications
1020  16 May - 22 May 2010  Motives and Homotopy Theory of Schemes
1019  9 May - 15 May 2010  Interactions between Algebraic Geometry and Noncommutative Algebra
1018  2 May - 8 May 2010  Progress in Surface Theory
1017  25 Apr - 1 May 2010  Non-positive Curvature and Geometric Structures in Group Theory
1016  18 Apr - 24 Apr 2010  Algebraic Groups
1015  11 Apr - 17 Apr 2010  Mathematics and Algorithms in Tomography
1014  4 Apr - 10 Apr 2010  Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Mathematical Billards
1013  28 Mar - 3 Apr 2010  Modern Nonparametric Statistics: Going Beyond Asymptotic Minimax
1012  21 Mar - 27 Mar 2010  Combinatorial Representation Theory
1011  14 Mar - 20 Mar 2010  Microstructures in Solids: From Quantum Models to Continua
1010  7 Mar - 13 Mar 2010  C*-Algebren
1009  28 Feb - 6 Mar 2010  Disciplines and Styles in Pure Mathematics, 1800-2000
1008  21 Feb - 27 Feb 2010  Graph Theory
1007  14 Feb - 20 Feb 2010  Computational Electromagnetism and Acoustics
1006a  7 Feb - 13 Feb 2010  Optimal Constants in the Theory of Sobolev Spaces and PDEs
1006b  7 Feb - 13 Feb 2010  Noncommutative Geometry and Loop Quantum Gravity: Loops, Algebras and Spectral Triples
1005  31 Jan - 6 Feb 2010  New Directions in Simulation, Control and Analysis for Interfaces and Free Boundaries
1004  24 Jan - 30 Jan 2010  Statistical Issues in Prediction: what can be learned for individualized predictive medicine?
1003a  17 Jan - 23 Jan 2010  Mini-Workshop: History of Mathematics in Germany, 1920 - 1960
1003b  17 Jan - 23 Jan 2010  Mini-Workshop: Valuations and Integral Geometry
1003c  17 Jan - 23 Jan 2010  Mini-Workshop: Semiparametric Modelling of Multivariate Economic Time Series With Changing Dynamics
1002  10 Jan - 16 Jan 2010  Moduli Spaces in Algebraic Geometry
1001  3 Jan - 9 Jan 2010  Model Theory: Around Valued Fields and Dependent Theories
0951  13 Dec - 19 Dec 2009  Material Theories
0950a  6 Dec - 12 Dec 2009  Mini-Workshop: The Escaping Set in Transcendental Dynamics
0950b  6 Dec - 12 Dec 2009  Mini-Workshop: Modeling and Understanding Random Hamiltonians: Beyond Monotonicity, Linearity and Independence
0950c  6 Dec - 12 Dec 2009  Mini-Workshop: Geometry of Quantum Entanglement
0949  29 Nov - 5 Dec 2009  Convex Geometry and its Applications
0948a  22 Nov - 28 Nov 2009  Oberwolfach Seminar: New Trends in Algorithms for Real Algebraic Geometry
0948b  22 Nov - 28 Nov 2009  Oberwolfach Seminar: Computational Fluid Dynamics
0947  15 Nov - 21 Nov 2009  Complexity Theory
0946a  8 Nov - 14 Nov 2009  Mini-Workshop: Spectrum of Transfer Operators: Recent Developments and Applications
0946b  8 Nov - 14 Nov 2009  Mini-Workshop: Formal Methods in Commutative Algebra: A View Toward Constructive Homological Algebra
0946c  8 Nov - 14 Nov 2009  Mini-Workshop: Feinstrukturtheorie und Innere Modelle
0945  1 Nov - 7 Nov 2009  Design and Analysis of Infectious Disease Studies
0944a  25 Oct - 31 Oct 2009  History and Philosophy of Mathematical Notations and Symbolism
0944b  25 Oct - 31 Oct 2009  Fortbildungsveranstaltung für Bibliotheksleiter
0943a  18 Oct - 24 Oct 2009  Oberwolfach Seminar: The Erlangen Program, Myths and Realities: Geometry and Group Theory, 1870-1920
0943b  18 Oct - 24 Oct 2009  Oberwolfach Seminar: Semiparametric and Nonparametric Regression
0942  11 Oct - 17 Oct 2009  Mathematical Aspects of General Relativity
0941  4 Oct - 9 Oct 2009  Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Minimal Surfaces
0940  27 Sep - 3 Oct 2009  Complex Algebraic Geometry
0939  20 Sep - 26 Sep 2009  Singularities
0938  13 Sep - 19 Sep 2009  PDE and Materials
0937  6 Sep - 12 Sep 2009  Noncommutative Geometry
0936  30 Aug - 5 Sep 2009  Mathematics of Complex Quantum Systems
0935  23 Aug - 29 Aug 2009  Challenges in Statistical Theory: Complex Data Structures and Algorithmic Optimization
0934  16 Aug - 22 Aug 2009  Scaling Limits in Models of Statistical Mechanics
0933  9 Aug - 15 Aug 2009  Linear and Nonlinear Eigenproblems for PDEs
0932  2 Aug - 8 Aug 2009  Partielle Differentialgleichungen
0931  26 Jul - 1 Aug 2009  Differentialgeometrie im Großen
0930  19 Jul - 25 Jul 2009  Mathematical Aspects of Hydrodynamics
0929  12 Jul - 18 Jul 2009  Explicit Methods in Number Theory
0928  5 Jul - 11 Jul 2009  Dynamische Systeme
0927  28 Jun - 4 Jul 2009  Algebraic K-Theory and Motivic Cohomology
0926  21 Jun - 27 Jun 2009  Algebraische Zahlentheorie
0925  14 Jun - 20 Jun 2009  Computational Multiscale Methods
0924  7 Jun - 13 Jun 2009  Strings, Fields and Topology
0923a  31 May - 6 Jun 2009  Oberwolfach Seminar: Bounded Cohomology
0923b  31 May - 6 Jun 2009  Oberwolfach Seminar: Equidistribution of Finite Volume Orbits on Homogeneous Spaces
0922  24 May - 30 May 2009  Manifold Perspectives
0921  17 May - 23 May 2009  Topological and Variational Methods for Partial Differential Equations
0920  10 May - 16 May 2009  Quadratic Forms and Linear Algebraic Groups
0919  3 May - 9 May 2009  Mathematical Biology
0918  26 Apr - 2 May 2009  Combinatorics and Probability
0917  19 Apr - 25 Apr 2009  Kommutative Algebra
0916  12 Apr - 18 Apr 2009  Multiplier Ideal Sheaves in Algebraic and Complex Geometry
0915a  5 Apr - 11 Apr 2009  Homotopy Theory of Function Spaces and Related Topics
0915b  5 Apr - 11 Apr 2009  Hilbert Modules and Complex Geometry
0914  29 Mar - 4 Apr 2009  Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Optimal Transport and Geometry
0913  22 Mar - 28 Mar 2009  Representations of Finite Groups
0912  15 Mar - 21 Mar 2009  Sparse Recovery Problems in High Dimensions: Statistical Inference and Learning Theory
0911  8 Mar - 14 Mar 2009  Enveloping Algebras and Geometric Representation Theory
0910a  1 Mar - 7 Mar 2009  Mini-Workshop: Numerical Upscaling for Flow Problems: Theory and Applications
0910b  1 Mar - 7 Mar 2009  Mini-Workshop: The Pisot Conjecture - From Substitution Dynamical Systems to Rauzy Fractals and Meyer Sets
0910c  1 Mar - 7 Mar 2009  Mini-Workshop: Non-Negativity is a Quantum Phenomenon
0909  22 Feb - 28 Feb 2009  Control Theory: On the Way to New Application Fields
0908a  15 Feb - 21 Feb 2009  Mini-Workshop: Category Theory and Related Fields: History and Prospects
0908b  15 Feb - 21 Feb 2009  Mini-Workshop: Product Systems and Independence in Quantum Dynamics
0908c  15 Feb - 21 Feb 2009  Mini-Workshop: Support Varieties
0907a  8 Feb - 14 Feb 2009  Low Eigenvalues of Laplace and Schrödinger Operators
0907b  8 Feb - 14 Feb 2009  Wave Motion
0906  1 Feb - 7 Feb 2009  The Arithmetic of Fields
0905  25 Jan - 31 Jan 2009  Numerical Techniques for Optimization Problems with PDE Constraints
0904  18 Jan - 24 Jan 2009  Random Trees
0903  11 Jan - 17 Jan 2009  Discrete Differential Geometry
0902  4 Jan - 10 Jan 2009  Toric Geometry
0851  14 Dec - 20 Dec 2008  Dynamics of Patterns
0850  7 Dec - 13 Dec 2008  Hyperbolic Conservation Laws
0849  30 Nov - 6 Dec 2008  Interplay of Analysis and Probability in Physics
0848a  23 Nov - 29 Nov 2008  Oberwolfach-Seminar: Geometric Numerical Integration
0848b  23 Nov - 29 Nov 2008  Oberwolfach-Seminar: Applied Time Series Analysis in Scientific Computing
0847a  16 Nov - 22 Nov 2008  Mini-Workshop: Numerics for Kinetic Equations
0847b  16 Nov - 22 Nov 2008  Mini-Workshop: Symmetric Varieties and Involutions of Algebraic Groups
0847c  16 Nov - 22 Nov 2008  Mini-Workshop: Group Actions on Curves: Reduction and Lifting
0846  9 Nov - 15 Nov 2008  Combinatorial Optimization
0845a  2 Nov - 8 Nov 2008  Infinite Dimensional Random Dynamical Systems and Their Applications
0845b  2 Nov - 8 Nov 2008  Fortbildung für Mathematiklehrer: Theorie und Visualisierung von Algebraischen Kurven und Flächen
0844  26 Oct - 1 Nov 2008  Von Neumann Algebras and Ergodic Theory of Group Actions
0843a  19 Oct - 25 Oct 2008  New Perspectives in Stochastic Geometry
0843b  19 Oct - 25 Oct 2008  Trends and Developments in Complex Dynamics
0842a  12 Oct - 18 Oct 2008  Oberwolfach-Seminar: Higher Dimensional Algebraic Geometry
0842b  12 Oct - 18 Oct 2008  Oberwolfach-Seminar: Mathematics of Photonic Crystals
0841  5 Oct - 11 Oct 2008  Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Ricci Flow and the Poincare Conjecture
0840  28 Sep - 4 Oct 2008  Geometry and Arithmetic around Hypergeometric Functions
0839  21 Sep - 27 Sep 2008  Discrete Geometry
0838  14 Sep - 20 Sep 2008  Topologie
0837  7 Sep - 13 Sep 2008  Geometric Group Theory, Hyperbolic Dynamics and Symplectic Geometry
0836a  31 Aug - 6 Sep 2008  Mini-Workshop: The Mathematics of Growth and Remodelling of Soft Biological Tissues
0836b  31 Aug - 6 Sep 2008  Mini-Workshop: Mathematical Approaches to Collective Phenomena in Large Quantum Systems
0836c  31 Aug - 6 Sep 2008  Mini-Workshop: Mathematics of Biological Membranes
0835  24 Aug - 30 Aug 2008  Komplexe Analysis
0834  17 Aug - 23 Aug 2008  C*-Algebras
0833  10 Aug - 16 Aug 2008  Nonstandard Finite Element Methods
0832  3 Aug - 9 Aug 2008  Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry
0831  27 Jul - 2 Aug 2008  Geometrie
0830  20 Jul - 26 Jul 2008  Applied Dynamics and Geometric Mechanics
0829  13 Jul - 19 Jul 2008  Real Analysis, Harmonic Analysis and Applications
0828  6 Jul - 12 Jul 2008  Calculus of Variations
0827a  29 Jun - 5 Jul 2008  Computational Algebraic Topology
0827b  29 Jun - 5 Jul 2008  Learning Theory and Approximation
0826  22 Jun - 28 Jun 2008  Profinite and Asymptotic Group Theory
0825  15 Jun - 21 Jun 2008  Nonlinear Evolution Equations
0824  8 Jun - 14 Jun 2008  Classical Algebraic Geometry
0823  1 Jun - 7 Jun 2008  Stochastic Analysis
0822  25 May - 31 May 2008  History of Mathematics of the Early 20th Century: The Role of Transition
0821  18 May - 24 May 2008  Schnelle Löser für partielle Differentialgleichungen
0820a  11 May - 17 May 2008  Oberwolfach-Seminar: Algebraic Statistics
0820b  11 May - 17 May 2008  Oberwolfach-Seminar: Feynman Diagrams in Quantum Dynamics
0819  4 May - 10 May 2008  Invariants in Low-Dimensional Topology
0818  27 Apr - 3 May 2008  Atomistic Models of Materials: Mathematical Challenges
0817  20 Apr - 26 Apr 2008  Groups and Geometries
0816  13 Apr - 19 Apr 2008  Analysis of Boundary Element Methods
0815  6 Apr - 12 Apr 2008  Mathematical Logic: Proof Theory, Constructive Mathematics
0814  30 Mar - 5 Apr 2008  Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Julia Sets of Positive Measure
0813  23 Mar - 29 Mar 2008  Disordered Systems: Random Schrödinger Operators and Random Matrices
0812  16 Mar - 22 Mar 2008  The Mathematics and Statistics of Quantitative Risk Management
0811  9 Mar - 15 Mar 2008  Analytic Number Theory
0810  2 Mar - 8 Mar 2008  Optimal Control of Coupled Systems of PDE
0809a  24 Feb - 1 Mar 2008  Mini-Workshop: The Mathematics of Electro-Active Smart Materials
0809b  24 Feb - 1 Mar 2008  Mini-Workshop: Hyperbolic Aspects of Phase Transition Dynamics
0809c  24 Feb - 1 Mar 2008  Mini-Workshop: Time Series with Sudden Structural Changes
0808  17 Feb - 23 Feb 2008  Representation Theory of Finite Dimensional Algebras
0807a  10 Feb - 16 Feb 2008  Mini-Workshop: Complex Approximation and Universality
0807b  10 Feb - 16 Feb 2008  Mini-Workshop: Mathematics of Solvency
0807c  10 Feb - 16 Feb 2008  Mini-Workshop: Attraction to Solitary Waves and Related Aspects of Physics
0806  3 Feb - 9 Feb 2008  Automorphic Forms, Geometry and Arithmetic
0805  27 Jan - 2 Feb 2008  Stochastic Analysis in Finance and Insurance
0804  20 Jan - 26 Jan 2008  Buildings: Interactions with Algebra and Geometry
0803  13 Jan - 19 Jan 2008  Set Theory
0802  6 Jan - 12 Jan 2008  Combinatorics
0751  16 Dec - 22 Dec 2007  Material Theories
0750  9 Dec - 15 Dec 2007  Tropical Geometry
0749  2 Dec - 8 Dec 2007  Coding Theory
0748a  25 Nov - 1 Dec 2007  Mini-Workshop: Theory and Numerics of Fluid-Solid Interaction
0748b  25 Nov - 1 Dec 2007  Mini-Workshop: Surface Modeling and Syzygies
0748c  25 Nov - 1 Dec 2007  Mini-Workshop: Arithmetik von Gruppenringen
0747a  18 Nov - 24 Nov 2007  Oberwolfach-Seminar: Enumerative Combinatorics and Integrable Models of Statistical Mechanics
0747b  18 Nov - 24 Nov 2007  Oberwolfach-Seminar: Recent Developments in Conformal Differential Geometry
0746  11 Nov - 17 Nov 2007  Professional Development of Mathematics Teachers - Research and Practice from an International Perspective
0745a  4 Nov - 10 Nov 2007  Oberwolfach-Seminar: Conformal Invariance in Mathematical Physics
0745b  4 Nov - 10 Nov 2007  Oberwolfach-Seminar: On Arithmetically Defined Hyperbolic Manifolds
0744a  28 Oct - 3 Nov 2007  Modulformen
0744b  28 Oct - 3 Nov 2007  Fortbildungsveranstaltung für Bibliothekare
0743  21 Oct - 27 Oct 2007  Reassessing the Paradigms of Statistical Model-Building
0742  14 Oct - 20 Oct 2007  Harmonische Analysis und Darstellungstheorie Topologischer Gruppen
0741  7 Oct - 13 Oct 2007  Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Percolation
0740  30 Sep - 6 Oct 2007  Komplexe Algebraische Geometrie
0739  23 Sep - 29 Sep 2007  Coagulation and Fragmentation Models
0738  16 Sep - 22 Sep 2007  Homotopy Theory
0737  9 Sep - 15 Sep 2007  Nonlinear Waves and Dispersive Equations
0736  2 Sep - 8 Sep 2007  Noncommutative Geometry
0735  26 Aug - 1 Sep 2007  Large Scale Stochastic Dynamics
0734  19 Aug - 25 Aug 2007  Analysis and Geometric Singularities
0733a  12 Aug - 18 Aug 2007  Mini-Workshop: The Reception of the Work of Leonhard Euler (1707-1783)
0733b  12 Aug - 18 Aug 2007  Mini-Workshop: Projective Normality of Smooth Toric Varieties
0733c  12 Aug - 18 Aug 2007  Mini-Workshop: Topology of closed one-forms and Cohomology Jumping Loci
0732  5 Aug - 11 Aug 2007  Permutation Groups
0731  29 Jul - 4 Aug 2007  Wavelet and Multiscale Methods
0730  22 Jul - 28 Jul 2007  Partielle Differentialgleichungen
0729  15 Jul - 21 Jul 2007  Explicit Methods in Number Theory
0728  8 Jul - 14 Jul 2007  Dynamische Systeme
0727  1 Jul - 7 Jul 2007  Differentialgeometrie im Grossen
0726  24 Jun - 30 Jun 2007  Complexity Theory
0725  17 Jun - 23 Jun 2007  Algebraische Zahlentheorie
0724  10 Jun - 16 Jun 2007  Adaptive Numerical Methods for PDEs
0723  3 Jun - 9 Jun 2007  Phase Transitions
0722a  27 May - 2 Jun 2007  Oberwolfach-Seminar: De Rham and Dolbeault Cohomology for D-modules
0722b  27 May - 2 Jun 2007  Oberwolfach-Seminar: Applications of Teichmüller Theory to 3-Manifolds
0721  20 May - 26 May 2007  Non-Classical Interacting Random Walks
0720  13 May - 19 May 2007  Arithmetic and Differential Galois Groups
0719  6 May - 12 May 2007  Algorithm Engineering
0718a  29 Apr - 5 May 2007  Poisson Geometry and Applications
0718b  29 Apr - 5 May 2007  Progress in Surface Theory
0717  22 Apr - 28 Apr 2007  Algebraic Groups
0716  15 Apr - 21 Apr 2007  Diophantische Approximationen
0715a  8 Apr - 14 Apr 2007  Mini-Workshop: Shape Analysis for Eigenvalues
0715b  8 Apr - 14 Apr 2007  Mini-Workshop: Geometric Measure Theoretic Approaches to Potentials on Fractals and Manifolds
0715c  8 Apr - 14 Apr 2007  Mini-Workshop: Positional Games
0714  1 Apr - 7 Apr 2007  Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Conformal Field Theory
0713  25 Mar - 31 Mar 2007  Graph Theory
0712  18 Mar - 24 Mar 2007  Semiparametric and Nonparametric Methods in Econometrics
0711  11 Mar - 17 Mar 2007  Reelle Algebraische Geometrie
0710a  4 Mar - 10 Mar 2007  Transport in Multi-Dimensional Random Schrödinger Operators
0710b  4 Mar - 10 Mar 2007  Inverse Problems in Wave Scattering
0709  25 Feb - 3 Mar 2007  Analysis and Numerics for Rate-Independent Processes
0708a  18 Feb - 24 Feb 2007  Normal Families and Complex Dynamics
0708b  18 Feb - 24 Feb 2007  Recent Developments in Financial and Insurance Mathematics and the Interplay with the Industry
0707a  11 Feb - 17 Feb 2007  Mini-Workshop: Multiscale and Variational Methods in Material Science and Quantum Theory of Solids
0707b  11 Feb - 17 Feb 2007  Mini-Workshop: Levy Processes and Related Topics in Modelling
0707c  11 Feb - 17 Feb 2007  Mini-Workshop: Control of Free Boundaries
0706  4 Feb - 10 Feb 2007  Computational Electromagnetism and Acoustics
0705  28 Jan - 3 Feb 2007  Geometric and Topological Combinatorics
0704  21 Jan - 27 Jan 2007  Trends in Mathematical Imaging and Surface Processing
0703  14 Jan - 20 Jan 2007  Model Theory and Groups
0702  7 Jan - 13 Jan 2007  Affine Algebraic Geometry
0651  17 Dec - 23 Dec 2006  Konvexgeometrie
0650  10 Dec - 16 Dec 2006  Infinite Dimensional Lie Theory
0649  3 Dec - 9 Dec 2006  Classical and Quantum Mechanical Models of Many-Particle Systems
0648a  26 Nov - 2 Dec 2006  Mini-Workshop: Statistical Methods for Inverse Problems
0648b  26 Nov - 2 Dec 2006  Mini-Workshop: Logic, Combinatorics and Independence Results
0648c  26 Nov - 2 Dec 2006  Mini-Workshop: Dirac Operators in Differential and Noncommutative Geometry
0647a  19 Nov - 25 Nov 2006  Oberwolfach-Seminar: Representation Theory and Applications
0647b  19 Nov - 25 Nov 2006  Oberwolfach-Seminar: Dependence and Tail Modelling with Applications to Finance, Insurance, Teletraffic and Climate
0646a  12 Nov - 18 Nov 2006  Mathematical Theory of Water Waves
0646b  12 Nov - 18 Nov 2006  Fortbildung für Mathematik- und Physiklehrer: Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie
0645  5 Nov - 11 Nov 2006  Qualitative Assumptions and Regularization in High-Dimensional Statistics
0644  29 Oct - 4 Nov 2006  Combinatorics, Probability and Computing
0643  22 Oct - 28 Oct 2006  Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Quantum Chemistry Problems
0642a  15 Oct - 21 Oct 2006  Oberwolfach-Seminar: Algebraic Stacks
0642b  15 Oct - 21 Oct 2006  Oberwolfach-Seminar: The Mathematics of Error Correcting Codes
0641  8 Oct - 14 Oct 2006  Arbeitsgemeinschaft mit aktuellem Thema: Twisted K-Theory
0640  1 Oct - 7 Oct 2006  Geometrie
0639  24 Sep - 30 Sep 2006  PDE and Materials
0638  17 Sep - 23 Sep 2006  Topologie
0637  10 Sep - 16 Sep 2006  Singularities
0636  3 Sep - 9 Sep 2006  Spatial Random Processes and Statistical Mechanics
0635  27 Aug - 2 Sep 2006  Komplexe Analysis
0634  20 Aug - 26 Aug 2006  Mathematical Theory and Modelling in Atmosphere-Ocean Science
0633a  13 Aug - 19 Aug 2006  Mini-Workshop: The Hauptvermutung for High-Dimensional Manifolds
0633b  13 Aug - 19 Aug 2006  Mini-Workshop: Hypercyclicity and Linear Chaos
0633c  13 Aug - 19 Aug 2006  Mini-Workshop: Anisotropic Motion Laws
0632  6 Aug - 12 Aug 2006  Four-dimensional Manifolds
0631  30 Jul - 5 Aug 2006  Mathematical Methods in Tomography
0630  23 Jul - 29 Jul 2006  Geometric Group Theory, Hyperbolic Dynamics and Symplectic Geometry
0629  16 Jul - 22 Jul 2006  Algebraic K-Theory
0628  9 Jul - 15 Jul 2006  Calculus of Variations
0627  2 Jul - 8 Jul 2006  Computational Group Theory
0626  25 Jun - 1 Jul 2006  Quadratic Forms and Linear Algebraic Groups
0625  18 Jun - 24 Jun 2006  Applications of Asymptotic Analysis
0624  11 Jun - 17 Jun 2006  Classical Algebraic Geometry
0623a  4 Jun - 10 Jun 2006  Oberwolfach-Seminar: Mathematical and Computational Problems in Interferometric Imaging
0623b  4 Jun - 10 Jun 2006  Oberwolfach-Seminar: Singularities for Nonlinear Evolution Equations
0622  28 May - 3 Jun 2006  Teichmüller Space (Classical and Quantum)
0621  21 May - 27 May 2006  Pro-p Extensions of Global Fields and pro-p Groups
0620  14 May - 20 May 2006  Mathematical Biology
0619  7 May - 13 May 2006  Interactions between Algebraic Geometry and Noncommutative Algebra
0618a  30 Apr - 6 May 2006  Mini-Workshop: Feinstrukturtheorie und Innere Modelle
0618b  30 Apr - 6 May 2006  Mini-Workshop: Zeta Functions, Index and Twisted K-Theory; Interactions with Physics
0618c  30 Apr - 6 May 2006  Mini-Workshop: Studying Original Sources in Mathematics Education
0617  23 Apr - 29 Apr 2006  Topological and Geometric Methods in Group Theory
0616  16 Apr - 22 Apr 2006  Differential-Algebraic Equations
0615  9 Apr - 15 Apr 2006  The Rigorous Renormalization Group
0614  2 Apr - 8 Apr 2006  Arbeitsgemeinschaft mit aktuellem Thema: Higher Torsion Invariants in Differential Topology and Algebraic K-Theory
0613  26 Mar - 1 Apr 2006  Representations of Finite Groups
0612  19 Mar - 25 Mar 2006  Geometric Numerical Integration
0611  12 Mar - 18 Mar 2006  Analysis and Topology in Interaction
0610  5 Mar - 11 Mar 2006  Discrete Differential Geometry
0609  26 Feb - 4 Mar 2006  Numerical Techniques for Optimization Problems with PDE Constraints
0608a  19 Feb - 25 Feb 2006  Mini-Workshop: Thick Subcategories - Classifications and Applications
0608b  19 Feb - 25 Feb 2006  Mini-Workshop: L2-Spectral Invariants and the Integrated Density of States
0608c  19 Feb - 25 Feb 2006  Mini-Workshop: On the Reception of Isaac Newton in Europe
0607  12 Feb - 18 Feb 2006  Algorithmic Graph Theory
0606  5 Feb - 11 Feb 2006  The Arithmetic of Fields
0605  29 Jan - 4 Feb 2006  Convex and Algebraic Geometry
0604  22 Jan - 28 Jan 2006  Mechanics of Materials
0603  15 Jan - 21 Jan 2006  Deformations and Contractions in Mathematics and Physics
0602  8 Jan - 14 Jan 2006  Mathematical Aspects of General Relativity
0601  1 Jan - 7 Jan 2006  Combinatorics
0550  11 Dec - 17 Dec 2005  Mathematics in the Physical Sciences, 1650-2000
0549  4 Dec - 10 Dec 2005  Set Theory
0548  27 Nov - 3 Dec 2005  Heat Kernels, Stochastic Processes and Functional Inequalities
0547A  20 Nov - 26 Nov 2005  Oberwolfach Seminar: Hemodynamical Flows: Aspects of Modeling, Analysis and Simulation
0547B  20 Nov - 26 Nov 2005  Oberwolfach Seminar: Sphere Packings: Exceptional Geometric Structures and Connections to other Fields
0546a  13 Nov - 19 Nov 2005  Mini-Workshop: Dynamics of Cocycles and One-Dimensional Spectral Theory
0546b  13 Nov - 19 Nov 2005  Mini-Workshop: Analysis and Computation of Microstructures in Finite Plasticity
0546c  13 Nov - 19 Nov 2005  Mini-Workshop: Heterotic Strings, Derived Categories, and Stacks
0545  6 Nov - 12 Nov 2005  Combinatorial Optimization
0544  30 Oct - 5 Nov 2005  Reactive Flow and Transport Through Complex Systems
0543a  23 Oct - 29 Oct 2005  Noncommutative Geometry and Quantum Field Theory
0543b  23 Oct - 29 Oct 2005  Fortbildungslehrgang für Bibliothekare
0542  16 Oct - 22 Oct 2005  Statistische und Probabilistische Methoden der Modellwahl
0541A  9 Oct - 15 Oct 2005  Oberwolfach-Seminar: Bioinformatics Approaches for Finding cis-regulatory Motifs and Modules
0541B  9 Oct - 15 Oct 2005  Oberwolfach Seminar: Deformations of Algebraic and Analytic Structures
0540  2 Oct - 8 Oct 2005  Arbeitsgemeinschaft mit aktuellem Thema: Modern Foundations for Stable Homotopy Theory
0539  25 Sep - 1 Oct 2005  Low-Dimensional Manifolds
0538  18 Sep - 24 Sep 2005  Analysis and Quantum Theory
0537  11 Sep - 17 Sep 2005  Arakelov Geometry
0536  4 Sep - 10 Sep 2005  Cohomology of Finite Groups: Interactions and Applications
0535  28 Aug - 3 Sep 2005  C*-Algebren
0534a  21 Aug - 27 Aug 2005  Analysis and Geometric Singularities
0534b  21 Aug - 27 Aug 2005  Mathematical Population Genetics
0533a  14 Aug - 20 Aug 2005  Mini-Workshop: Operators on Spaces of Analytic Functions
0533b  14 Aug - 20 Aug 2005  Mini-Workshop: Convergence of Adaptive Algorithms
0533c  14 Aug - 20 Aug 2005  Mini-Workshop: Gerbes, Twisted K-Theory and Conformal Field Theory
0532  7 Aug - 13 Aug 2005  Differentialgeometrie im Großen
0531  31 Jul - 6 Aug 2005  Dynamical System Methods in Fluid Dynamics
0530  24 Jul - 30 Jul 2005  Partielle Differentialgleichungen
0529  17 Jul - 23 Jul 2005  Explicit Methods in Number Theory
0528  10 Jul - 16 Jul 2005  Dynamical Systems
0527  3 Jul - 9 Jul 2005  Real Analysis, Harmonic Analysis and Applications to PDE
0526  26 Jun - 2 Jul 2005  Topological and Variational Methods for Differential Equations
0525  19 Jun - 25 Jun 2005  Algebraische Zahlentheorie
0524  12 Jun - 18 Jun 2005  Geometric Topology and Connections with Quantum Field Theory
0523  5 Jun - 11 Jun 2005  Complexity Theory
0522  29 May - 4 Jun 2005  Nonlinear Evolution Problems
0521  22 May - 28 May 2005  Schnelle Löser für partielle Differentialgleichungen
0520A  15 May - 21 May 2005  Oberwolfach-Seminar: Finite Group Schemes and p-divisible Groups
0520B  15 May - 21 May 2005  Oberwolfach Seminar: Topological K-Theory for Noncommutative Algebras and Applications
0519  8 May - 14 May 2005  Stochastic Analysis and Non-Classical Random Processes
0518a  1 May - 7 May 2005  Mini-Workshop: Numerical Upscaling: Theory and Applications
0518b  1 May - 7 May 2005  Mini-Workshop: Aspects of Ricci-Flow
0518c  1 May - 7 May 2005  Mini-Workshop: Particle Systems with Several Conservation Laws: Fluctuations and Hydrodynamic Limit
0517  24 Apr - 30 Apr 2005  Kommutative Algebra
0516  17 Apr - 23 Apr 2005  Optimal Control of Coupled Systems of PDE
0515  10 Apr - 16 Apr 2005  Discrete Geometry
0514  3 Apr - 9 Apr 2005  Arbeitsgemeinschaft mit aktuellem Thema: Algebraic Cobordism
0513  27 Mar - 2 Apr 2005  Free Probability Theory
0512  20 Mar - 26 Mar 2005  Mathematical Logic: Proof Theory, Type Theory and Constructive Mathematics
0511  13 Mar - 19 Mar 2005  Enveloping Algebras and Geometric Representation Theory
0510  6 Mar - 12 Mar 2005  Groups and Geometries
0509  27 Feb - 5 Mar 2005  Regelungstheorie
0508a  20 Feb - 26 Feb 2005  Mini-Workshop: Interface Problems in Computational Fluid Dynamics
0508b  20 Feb - 26 Feb 2005  Mini-Workshop: Mathematical Methods and Models of Continuum Biomechanics
0508c  20 Feb - 26 Feb 2005  Mini-Workshop: Analytical and Numerical Methods in Image and Surface Processing
0507  13 Feb - 19 Feb 2005  Komplexe Algebraische Geometrie
0506  6 Feb - 12 Feb 2005  Representation Theory of Finite-Dimensional Algebras
0505  30 Jan - 5 Feb 2005  Gemischte und nicht-standard Finite-Elemente-Methoden mit Anwendungen
0504  23 Jan - 29 Jan 2005  Entanglement and Decoherence: Mathematics and Physics of Quantum Information and Computation
0503  16 Jan - 22 Jan 2005  Graph Theory
0502  9 Jan - 15 Jan 2005  Optimization and Applications
0501  2 Jan - 8 Jan 2005  Gitter und Anwendungen
0451  12 Dec - 18 Dec 2004  Thermodynamische Materialtheorien
0450  5 Dec - 11 Dec 2004  Finite Fields: Theory and Applications
0449  28 Nov - 4 Dec 2004  Spectral Analysis of Partial Differential Equations
0448  21 Nov - 27 Nov 2004  Fortbildungslehrgang für Studienräte: Elementargeometrie auf axiomatischer Grundlage
0447  14 Nov - 20 Nov 2004  New Inference Concepts for Analysing Complex Data
0446A  7 Nov - 13 Nov 2004  Oberwolfach Seminar: Arithmetic Geometry and Public Key Cryptography
0446B  7 Nov - 13 Nov 2004  Oberwolfach Seminar: Shape Optimization
0445  31 Oct - 6 Nov 2004  The History of Differential Equations, 1670 - 1950
0444  24 Oct - 30 Oct 2004  Nonlinear Waves and Dispersive Equations
0443  17 Oct - 23 Oct 2004  Design and Analysis of Infectious Disease Studies
0442A  10 Oct - 16 Oct 2004  Oberwolfach Seminar: Variational Inequalities - Analysis, Simulation, and Application
0442B  10 Oct - 16 Oct 2004  Oberwolfach-Seminar: Tropical Algebraic Geometry
0441  3 Oct - 9 Oct 2004  Arbeitsgemeinschaft mit aktuellem Thema: Polylogarithms
0440  26 Sep - 2 Oct 2004  Geometrie
0439  19 Sep - 25 Sep 2004  Theory of the Riemann Zeta and Allied Functions
0438  12 Sep - 18 Sep 2004  Nichtkommutative Geometrie
0437  5 Sep - 11 Sep 2004  Topologie
0436  29 Aug - 4 Sep 2004  Large Scale Stochastic Dynamics
0435  22 Aug - 28 Aug 2004  Komplexe Analysis
0434a  15 Aug - 21 Aug 2004  Mini-Workshop: Ehrhart-Quasipolynomials: Algebra, Combinatorics, and Geometry
0434b  15 Aug - 21 Aug 2004  Mini-Workshop: Compactness Problems in Interpolation Theory and Function Spaces
0434c  15 Aug - 21 Aug 2004  Mini-Workshop: Probability Theory on Trees and Analysis of Algorithms
0433  8 Aug - 14 Aug 2004  String-Theorie und Geometrie
0432  1 Aug - 7 Aug 2004  Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry
0431  25 Jul - 31 Jul 2004  Spectral Theory in Banach Spaces and Harmonic Analysis
0430  18 Jul - 24 Jul 2004  Model Theory and Complex Analytic Geometry
0429  11 Jul - 17 Jul 2004  Wavelet and Multiscale Methods
0428a  4 Jul - 10 Jul 2004  Combinatorial Commutative Algebra
0428b  4 Jul - 10 Jul 2004  Fast Numerical Methods for Non-local Operators
0427  27 Jun - 3 Jul 2004  Classical Algebraic Geometry
0426  20 Jun - 26 Jun 2004  Phasenübergänge
0425  13 Jun - 19 Jun 2004  Calculus of Variations
0424  6 Jun - 12 Jun 2004  Approximation Algorithms for NP-Hard Problems
0423A  30 May - 5 Jun 2004  Oberwolfach Seminar: Discrete Differential Geometry
0423B  30 May - 5 Jun 2004  Oberwolfach Seminar: The Mathematics of the Bose Gas and its Condensation
0422  23 May - 29 May 2004  Geomathematik
0421a  16 May - 22 May 2004  Mini-Workshop: Geometry and Duality in String Theory
0421b  16 May - 22 May 2004  Mini-Workshop: Amalgams for Graphs and Geometries
0421c  16 May - 22 May 2004  Mini-Workshop: Local Time-Space Calculus with Applications
0420  9 May - 15 May 2004  Buildings and Curvature
0419  2 May - 8 May 2004  Mathematics and Physics of Disordered Systems
0418  25 Apr - 1 May 2004  Multiplier Ideal Sheaves in Algebraic and Complex Geometry
0417  18 Apr - 24 Apr 2004  Cohomological Aspects of Hamiltonian Group Actions and Toric Varieties
0416  11 Apr - 17 Apr 2004  Mathematics in the Supply Chain
0415  4 Apr - 10 Apr 2004  Hyperbolic Conservation Laws
0414  28 Mar - 3 Apr 2004  Arbeitsgemeinschaft mit aktuellem Thema: The Goodwillie Calculus of Functors
0413  21 Mar - 27 Mar 2004  Self-Adaptive Methods for PDE
0412  14 Mar - 20 Mar 2004  Motives and Homotopy Theory of Schemes
0411a  7 Mar - 13 Mar 2004  Discrepancy Theory and Its Applications
0411b  7 Mar - 13 Mar 2004  Analysis and Design of Electoral Systems
0410  29 Feb - 6 Mar 2004  Algebraische Gruppen
0409  22 Feb - 28 Feb 2004  Computational Electromagnetism
0408a  15 Feb - 21 Feb 2004  Mini-Workshop: Nonlinear Spectral and Eigenvalue Theory with Applications to the p-Laplace Operator
0408b  15 Feb - 21 Feb 2004  Mini-Workshop: Classification of Surfaces of General Type with Small Invariants
0408c  15 Feb - 21 Feb 2004  Mini-Workshop: Wavelets and Frames
0407  8 Feb - 14 Feb 2004  Funktionentheorie
0406  1 Feb - 7 Feb 2004  Finite and Infinite Dimensional Complex Geometry and Representation Theory
0405A  25 Jan - 31 Jan 2004  Oberwolfach-Seminar: The Novikov Conjecture: Geometry and Algebra
0405b  25 Jan - 31 Jan 2004  Wave Motion
0404a  18 Jan - 24 Jan 2004  Mini-Workshop: Numerical Methods for Instationary Control Problems
0404b  18 Jan - 24 Jan 2004  Mini-Workshop: Multiscale Modeling in Epitaxial Growth
0403  11 Jan - 17 Jan 2004  Statistics in Finance
0402  4 Jan - 10 Jan 2004  Combinatorics
0351  14 Dec - 20 Dec 2003  Dynamics of Structured Systems
0350  7 Dec - 13 Dec 2003  Kodierungstheorie
0349  30 Nov - 6 Dec 2003  Applied Probability
0348  23 Nov - 29 Nov 2003  Classical and Quantum Mechanical Models of Many-Particle Systems
0347A  16 Nov - 22 Nov 2003  Oberwolfach-Seminar: Computational Algebraic Geometry
0347B  16 Nov - 22 Nov 2003  Oberwolfach-Seminar: Some Mathematical Challenges from Life Sciences
0346  9 Nov - 15 Nov 2003  Mathematical Aspects of Computational Fluid Dynamics
0345a  2 Nov - 8 Nov 2003  Mini-Workshop: Finite Elements and Layer Adapted Meshes
0345c  2 Nov - 8 Nov 2003  Mini-Workshop: Combinatorial Stratifications in Geometry and Topology
0344  26 Oct - 1 Nov 2003  Random Media
0343A  19 Oct - 25 Oct 2003  Oberwolfach-Seminar: Stochastic Modelling and Statistics in Finance with Applications
0343b  19 Oct - 25 Oct 2003  Mini-Workshop: Dimensional Reduction of Large-Scale Systems
0343c  19 Oct - 25 Oct 2003  Mini-Workshop: Quantum Topology in Dimension Three
0342a  12 Oct - 18 Oct 2003  Fortbildungslehrgang für Bibliothekare
0342c  12 Oct - 18 Oct 2003  Mini-Workshop: Small Deviation Problems for Stochastic Processes and Related Topics
0341  5 Oct - 11 Oct 2003  Arbeitsgemeinschaft mit aktuellem Thema: Homotopy of Moduli Spaces
0340  28 Sep - 4 Oct 2003  Locally Symmetric Spaces
0339  21 Sep - 27 Sep 2003  Singularitäten
0338  14 Sep - 20 Sep 2003  Topologie
0337  7 Sep - 13 Sep 2003  PDE and Materials
0336  31 Aug - 6 Sep 2003  Resampling Methods for Checking Models and Statistical Hypothesis
0335  24 Aug - 30 Aug 2003  Complex Geometry: Mirror Symmetry and Related Topics
0334  17 Aug - 23 Aug 2003  C*-Algebren
0333  10 Aug - 16 Aug 2003  Effiziente Algorithmen
0332  3 Aug - 9 Aug 2003  Partielle Differentialgleichungen
0331  27 Jul - 2 Aug 2003  Multiple Scale Systems-Modeling, Analysis and Numerics
0330  20 Jul - 26 Jul 2003  Explicit Methods in Number Theory
0329  13 Jul - 19 Jul 2003  Dynamische Systeme
0328  6 Jul - 12 Jul 2003  Branching Processes
0327a  29 Jun - 5 Jul 2003  Mini-Workshop: Groupoids and Stacks in Physics and Geometry
0327b  29 Jun - 5 Jul 2003  Mini-Workshop: Henri Poincare und die Topologie
0327c  29 Jun - 5 Jul 2003  Mini-Workshop: Exotic Homology Manifolds
0326  22 Jun - 28 Jun 2003  Algebraische Zahlentheorie
0325  15 Jun - 21 Jun 2003  Differentialgeometrie im Großen
0324A  8 Jun - 14 Jun 2003  Oberwolfach-Seminar: Navier-Stokes and Related Equations
0324B  8 Jun - 14 Jun 2003  Oberwolfach-Seminar: Geometry and Combinatorics of Representations of Quivers
0323  1 Jun - 7 Jun 2003  Schnelle Löser für Partielle Differentialgleichungen
0322  25 May - 31 May 2003  Nonlinear Evolution Problems
0321  18 May - 24 May 2003  Profinite Groups and Discrete Subgroups of Lie Groups
0320  11 May - 17 May 2003  Geometric and Analytic Methods in 3-Dimensional Topology
0319  4 May - 10 May 2003  Mathematical Biology
0318  27 Apr - 3 May 2003  Komplexitätstheorie
0317  20 Apr - 26 Apr 2003  Inverse Problems in Wave Scattering and Impedance Tomography
0316  13 Apr - 19 Apr 2003  Geometrie der Banachräume
0315  6 Apr - 12 Apr 2003  Topological and Geometric Combinatorics
0314  30 Mar - 5 Apr 2003  Arbeitsgemeinschaft mit aktuellem Thema: Convex Integration
0313  23 Mar - 29 Mar 2003  Darstellungen endlicher Gruppen
0312  16 Mar - 22 Mar 2003  Homotopietheorie
0311  9 Mar - 15 Mar 2003  Elementare und Analytische Zahlentheorie
0310  2 Mar - 8 Mar 2003  Stochastic Analysis in Finance and Insurance
0309  23 Feb - 1 Mar 2003  Reelle Methoden der Komplexen Analysis
0308  16 Feb - 22 Feb 2003  Numerical Techniques for Optimization Problems with PDE Constraints
0307  9 Feb - 15 Feb 2003  Mathematical Aspects of General Relativity
0306  2 Feb - 8 Feb 2003  Medical Statistics - Current Developments in Statistical Methodology for Genetic Architecture of Complex Diseases
0305  26 Jan - 1 Feb 2003  Combinatorics, Convexity and Algebraic Geometry
0304a  19 Jan - 25 Jan 2003  Mini-Workshop: Hilbert's Tenth Problem, Mazur's Conjecture and Divisibility Sequences
0304b  19 Jan - 25 Jan 2003  Mini-Workshop: Quantization of Poisson Spaces with Singularities
0304c  19 Jan - 25 Jan 2003  Mini-Workshop: Dynamics of Nonlinear Waves
0303  12 Jan - 18 Jan 2003  Graph Theory
0302  5 Jan - 11 Jan 2003  Mathematik im Kontext: Geschichte der mathematischen Wissenschaften in der frühen Neuzeit (16. - 18. Jahrhundert)
0251  15 Dec - 21 Dec 2002  Thermodynamische Materialtheorien
0250  8 Dec - 14 Dec 2002  Algorithmische Graphentheorie
0249  1 Dec - 7 Dec 2002  New Trends in Boundary Elements
0248  24 Nov - 30 Nov 2002  Combinatorial Optimization
0247A  17 Nov - 24 Nov 2002  Oberwolfach-Seminar: Symplectic Geometry
0247B  17 Nov - 23 Nov 2002  Fortbildungslehrgang für Studienräte: Realitätsbezogener Mathematikunterricht. Eine Fortbildung der ISTRON-Gruppe Deutschl.
0246A  10 Nov - 16 Nov 2002  Oberwolfach-Seminar: Explicit Algebraic Number Theory
0246B  10 Nov - 16 Nov 2002  Oberwolfach-Seminar: Mathematical Relativity
0245a  3 Nov - 9 Nov 2002  Mini-Workshop: Discrete Mathematics and Proof in the High School
0245b  3 Nov - 9 Nov 2002  Mini-Workshop: Mathematical Problems in the Nonlinear Elastodynamics of Rubber-Like Materials
0245c  3 Nov - 9 Nov 2002  Mini-Workshop: Analytical and Numerical Treatment of Singularities in PDE
0244  27 Oct - 2 Nov 2002  Stochastic Analysis
0243  20 Oct - 26 Oct 2002  Mathematische Methoden der Geometrischen Datenverarbeitung
0242A  13 Oct - 19 Oct 2002  Oberwolfach-Seminar: Ginzburg-Lanadau Functionals
0242B  13 Oct - 19 Oct 2002  Oberwolfach-Seminar: Mass Transportation Problems and Applications
0241  6 Oct - 12 Oct 2002  Arbeitsgemeinschaft mit aktuellem Thema: Einstein Metrics and Geometrization of 3-Manifolds
0240  29 Sep - 5 Oct 2002  Geometrie
0239  22 Sep - 28 Sep 2002  Topologie
0238  15 Sep - 21 Sep 2002  Modulformen
0237  8 Sep - 14 Sep 2002  Fundamental Groups in Geometry
0236  1 Sep - 7 Sep 2002  Groups and Geometries
0235  25 Aug - 31 Aug 2002  Komplexe Analysis
0234  18 Aug - 24 Aug 2002  Mathematical Theory and Modelling in Atmosphere-Ocean-Science
0233  11 Aug - 17 Aug 2002  Mathematical Methods in Tomography
0232  4 Aug - 10 Aug 2002  Algebraische K-Theorie
0231  28 Jul - 3 Aug 2002  Dynamical System Methods in Fluid Mechanics
0230  21 Jul - 27 Jul 2002  Nonlinear and Stochastic Systems and Their Numerics
0229  14 Jul - 20 Jul 2002  Reelle Analysis
0228  7 Jul - 13 Jul 2002  Arithmetic and Differential Galois Groups
0227  30 Jun - 6 Jul 2002  Calculus of Variations
0226a  23 Jun - 29 Jun 2002  Mini-Workshop: Least-Squares Finite Element Methods and Applications
0226b  23 Jun - 29 Jun 2002  Mini-Workshop: Geometry of Operators
0226c  23 Jun - 29 Jun 2002  Mini-Workshop: Index Theorems and Modularity in Operator Algebras
0225  16 Jun - 22 Jun 2002  Geometric Convex Combinatorics
0224  9 Jun - 15 Jun 2002  Renormalization Group
0223  2 Jun - 8 Jun 2002  Geometric Analysis and Singular Spaces
0222  26 May - 1 Jun 2002  Classical Algebraic Geometry
0221  19 May - 25 May 2002  Mini-Workshop: Stochastische Prozesse in zufälligen Medien
0221A  19 May - 25 May 2002  Oberwolfach-Seminar: Finite Markov Chains
0220  12 May - 18 May 2002  Quadratic Forms and Algebraic Groups
0219  5 May - 11 May 2002  Mechanics of Materials
0218  28 Apr - 4 May 2002  Enveloping Algebras and Algebraic Lie Representations
0217a  21 Apr - 27 Apr 2002  Curvature and Dispersion Effects in Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
0217b  21 Apr - 27 Apr 2002  Discontinuous Galerkin Methods
0216  14 Apr - 20 Apr 2002  Interactions between Algebraic Geometry and Noncommutative Algebra
0215  7 Apr - 13 Apr 2002  Mathematische Logik
0214  31 Mar - 6 Apr 2002  Arbeitsgemeinschaft mit aktuellem Thema: A-Infinity Structures and Mirror Symmetry
0213  24 Mar - 30 Mar 2002  Nichtkommutative Geometrie
0212  17 Mar - 23 Mar 2002  Reelle Algebraische und Analytische Geometrie
0211  10 Mar - 16 Mar 2002  Probability and Statistics of Random Algebraic Structures
0210a  3 Mar - 9 Mar 2002  Mini-Workshop: Cohomology Jumping Loci
0210b  3 Mar - 9 Mar 2002  Mini-Workshop: Preconditioning in Eigenvalue Computations
0210c  3 Mar - 9 Mar 2002  Mini-Workshop: Dynamics and Applications of Stochastic Partial Differential Equations
0209  24 Feb - 2 Mar 2002  Regelungstheorie
0208a  17 Feb - 23 Feb 2002  Positivität von Polynomen
0208b  17 Feb - 23 Feb 2002  Functional Analytic and Complex Analytic Methods in the Theory of Linear PDE
0207  10 Feb - 16 Feb 2002  Stochastic Geometry, Spatial Statistics and Statistical Physics
0206a  3 Feb - 9 Feb 2002  Orders in Arithmetic and Geometry
0206b  3 Feb - 9 Feb 2002  The Arithmetic of Fields
0205  27 Jan - 2 Feb 2002  Singularities and Concentration Phenomena in Nonlinear Elliptic and Parabolic PDE's
0204  20 Jan - 26 Jan 2002  Mengenlehre
0203  13 Jan - 19 Jan 2002  Optimization and Applications
0202  6 Jan - 12 Jan 2002  Combinatorics
0151  16 Dec - 22 Dec 2001  Mathematical Methods in Manufacturing and Logistics
0150  9 Dec - 15 Dec 2001  C*-Algebren
0149  2 Dec - 8 Dec 2001  Finite Geometries
0148  25 Nov - 1 Dec 2001  Modellierung, Simulation und Optimierung integrierter Schaltkreise
0147  18 Nov - 24 Nov 2001  Numerical Integration and its Complexity
0146A  11 Nov - 17 Nov 2001  Oberwolfach-Seminar: Mathematical Challenges of Molecular Biology
0146B  11 Nov - 17 Nov 2001  Oberwolfach-Seminar: Front Propagation, Homogenization for First- and Second-Order PDE's, and Applications
0145  4 Nov - 10 Nov 2001  The Mathematical, Computational and Biological Study of Vision
0144  28 Oct - 3 Nov 2001  Stable Laws, Processes, and Applications
0143a  21 Oct - 27 Oct 2001  Theoretische und Mathematische Biologie
0143b  21 Oct - 27 Oct 2001  Fortbildungslehrgang für Bibliothekare
0142A  14 Oct - 20 Oct 2001  Oberwolfach-Seminar: Noncommutative Geometry
0142B  14 Oct - 20 Oct 2001  Oberwolfach-Seminar: Numerical Methods for Free Boundary Problems
0141  7 Oct - 13 Oct 2001  Arbeitsgemeinschaft mit aktuellem Thema: Floer Homology and Arnold Conjecture
0140  30 Sep - 6 Oct 2001  Stochastic Evolution Equations and Applications
0139  23 Sep - 29 Sep 2001  Combinatorics, Probability and Computing
0138  16 Sep - 22 Sep 2001  Theory of the Riemann Zeta and Allied Functions
0137  9 Sep - 15 Sep 2001  Topologie
0136  2 Sep - 8 Sep 2001  Singularitäten
0135  26 Aug - 1 Sep 2001  Complex Geometry: Interactions between Algebraic, Differential, and Symplectic Geometry
0134a  19 Aug - 25 Aug 2001  Mini-Workshop: Dessins d'Enfants
0134b  19 Aug - 25 Aug 2001  Mini-Workshop: Aging and Glassy Systems
0134c  19 Aug - 25 Aug 2001  Mini-Workshop: Stochastic Models for Coagulation Processes
0133  12 Aug - 18 Aug 2001  Relativistic Quantum Systems and Quantum Electrodynamics
0132  5 Aug - 11 Aug 2001  Partial Differential Equations
0131  29 Jul - 4 Aug 2001  Computational Group Theory
0130  22 Jul - 28 Jul 2001  Explicit Methods in Number Theory
0129  15 Jul - 21 Jul 2001  Dynamische Systeme
0128a  8 Jul - 14 Jul 2001  Mini-Workshop: Geometrization of Kazhdan's Property (T)
0128b  8 Jul - 14 Jul 2001  Mini-Workshop: Algorithms for the Arithmetic of Dense Matrices from BEM/FEM
0128c  8 Jul - 14 Jul 2001  Mini-Workshop: Elliptic and Parabolic Problems of Higher Order
0127  1 Jul - 7 Jul 2001  4-dimensional Manifolds
0126  24 Jun - 30 Jun 2001  Algebraische Zahlentheorie
0125a  17 Jun - 23 Jun 2001  Numerik von Mikrostrukturen
0125b  17 Jun - 23 Jun 2001  Two Hundred Years of Number Theory after Carl-Friedrich Gauß's Disquisitiones Arithmeticae
0124  10 Jun - 16 Jun 2001  Differentialgeometrie im Großen
0123A  3 Jun - 9 Jun 2001  Oberwolfach-Seminar: Borcherds' Products and Geometric Applications
0123B  3 Jun - 9 Jun 2001  Oberwolfach-Seminar: Random Matrix Theory and Combinatorics
0122  27 May - 2 Jun 2001  Schnelle Löser für partielle Differentialgleichungen
0121  20 May - 26 May 2001  Nonlinear Evolution Problems
0120  13 May - 19 May 2001  Schrödinger Operators
0119  6 May - 12 May 2001  Aperiodic Order
0118  29 Apr - 5 May 2001  Phasenübergänge
0117  22 Apr - 28 Apr 2001  Konvexgeometrie
0116  15 Apr - 21 Apr 2001  Asymptotic and Numerical Methods for Kinetic Equations
0115  8 Apr - 14 Apr 2001  Numerical Methods for Singular Perturbation Problems
0114  1 Apr - 7 Apr 2001  Arbeitsgemeinschaft mit aktuellem Thema: Ergodic Theory and Heegner Points
0113  25 Mar - 31 Mar 2001  Representations of Finite Groups
0112  18 Mar - 24 Mar 2001  Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen
0111  11 Mar - 17 Mar 2001  Stochastics in the Sciences
0110  4 Mar - 10 Mar 2001  Algebraische Gruppen
0109a  25 Feb - 3 Mar 2001  Mini-Workshop: Schuralgebren und Quantengruppen
0109b  25 Feb - 3 Mar 2001  Mini-Workshop: Recent Developments in the Mathematical Theory of Water Waves
0109c  25 Feb - 3 Mar 2001  Mini-Workshop: Feinstrukturtheorie und Innere Modelle
0108  18 Feb - 24 Feb 2001  Geometric Rigidity and Hyperbolic Dynamics
0107  11 Feb - 17 Feb 2001  Funktionentheorie
0106  4 Feb - 10 Feb 2001  Mixed Finite Element Methods and Applications
0105  28 Jan - 3 Feb 2001  Topologische Methoden in der Gruppentheorie
0104  21 Jan - 27 Jan 2001  Berechenbarkeitstheorie (Computability Theory)
0103  14 Jan - 20 Jan 2001  Combinatorial Convexity and Algebraic Geometry
0102  7 Jan - 13 Jan 2001  Finite Fields: Theory and Applications
0051  17 Dec - 23 Dec 2000  Thermodynamische Materialtheorien
0050  10 Dec - 16 Dec 2000  Global Invariant Manifolds in Dynamical Systems
0049  3 Dec - 9 Dec 2000  The Mathematics of Discrete Tomography
0048  26 Nov - 2 Dec 2000  Nichtnegative Matrizen, M-Matrizen und deren Verallgemeinerungen
0047  19 Nov - 25 Nov 2000  Complexity Theory
0046A  12 Nov - 18 Nov 2000  DMV-Seminar: Computational Mathematics in Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
0046B  12 Nov - 18 Nov 2000  DMV-Seminar: Characteristic Classes of Connections, Riemann-Roch Theorems, Analogies with epsilon-Factors
0045  5 Nov - 11 Nov 2000  Fortbildungslehrgang für Studienräte: Mathematische Modellbildung
0044  29 Oct - 4 Nov 2000  Random Matrices
0043  22 Oct - 28 Oct 2000  Hyperbolic Conservation Laws
0042A  15 Oct - 21 Oct 2000  DMV-Seminar: The Riemann Zeta Function and Random Matrix Theory
0042B  15 Oct - 21 Oct 2000  DMV-Seminar: Motion by Curvature
0041  8 Oct - 14 Oct 2000  Arbeitsgemeinschaft mit aktuellem Thema: Operaden und ihre Anwendungen
0040  1 Oct - 7 Oct 2000  Geometrie
0039  24 Sep - 30 Sep 2000  Topologie
0038  17 Sep - 23 Sep 2000  Niedrigdimensionale Topologie
0037  10 Sep - 16 Sep 2000  Controlling Complexity for Strong Stochastic Dependencies
0036  3 Sep - 9 Sep 2000  Analytical and Statistical Approaches to Fluid Models
0035  27 Aug - 2 Sep 2000  Komplexe Analysis
0034  20 Aug - 26 Aug 2000  Mathematical Continuum Mechanics
0033  13 Aug - 19 Aug 2000  Jordan-Algebren
0032  6 Aug - 12 Aug 2000  Effiziente Algorithmen
0031  30 Jul - 5 Aug 2000  Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry
0030  23 Jul - 29 Jul 2000  Cohomology of Finite Groups: Interactions and Applications
0029  16 Jul - 22 Jul 2000  Mathematical Aspects of Gravitation
0028  9 Jul - 15 Jul 2000  Harmonische Analysis und Darstellungstheorie topologischer Gruppen
0027  2 Jul - 8 Jul 2000  Calculus of Variations
0026  25 Jun - 1 Jul 2000  Geometric Analysis and Singular Spaces
0025  18 Jun - 24 Jun 2000  Topics in Classical Algebraic Geometry
0024A  11 Jun - 17 Jun 2000  DMV-Seminar: Quantum Cohomology
0024B  11 Jun - 17 Jun 2000  DMV-Seminar: Nonparametric Function Estimation, Neural Nets and Risk Asymptotics
0023  4 Jun - 10 Jun 2000  Optimale Steuerung komplexer dynamischer Strukturen
0022  28 May - 3 Jun 2000  Discrete Geometry
0021  21 May - 27 May 2000  Self-interacting Random Processes
0020  14 May - 20 May 2000  Affine Algebraic Geometry
0019  7 May - 13 May 2000  Stochastic Analysis in Finance and Insurance
0018  30 Apr - 6 May 2000  Kodierungstheorie
0017  23 Apr - 29 Apr 2000  Representation Theory and Complex Analysis
0016  16 Apr - 22 Apr 2000  Gitterlose Diskretisierungen für partielle Differentialgleichungen
0015  9 Apr - 15 Apr 2000  Diophantische Approximationen
0014  2 Apr - 8 Apr 2000  Arbeitsgemeinschaft mit aktuellem Thema: Dessins d'Enfants
0013  26 Mar - 1 Apr 2000  Nichtkommutative Geometrie
0012  19 Mar - 25 Mar 2000  Functional Analysis and Partial Differential Equations
0011  12 Mar - 18 Mar 2000  Mathematische Stochastik
0010  5 Mar - 11 Mar 2000  Automorphic Forms and Representation Theory
0009a  27 Feb - 4 Mar 2000  Lattices, Polytopes and Tilings
0009b  27 Feb - 4 Mar 2000  Sparse Approximation of Non-Local Operators
0008  20 Feb - 26 Feb 2000  Darstellungstheorie endlich-dimensionaler Algebren
0007  13 Feb - 19 Feb 2000  Geometric Stochastic Analysis
0006  6 Feb - 12 Feb 2000  Medical Statistics: Current Developments in Statistical Methodology for Clinical Trials
0005  30 Jan - 5 Feb 2000  The History of the Mathematics of the 20th Century
0004  23 Jan - 29 Jan 2000  Mathematik poröser Medien
0003  16 Jan - 22 Jan 2000  Modelltheorie
0002  9 Jan - 15 Jan 2000  Kontinuierliche Optimierung und Industrieanwendungen
0001  2 Jan - 8 Jan 2000  Kombinatorik
9950  12 Dec - 18 Dec 1999  Mengenlehre
9949  5 Dec - 11 Dec 1999  Nonlinear Equations in Many-Particle Systems
9948  28 Nov - 4 Dec 1999  Design and Analysis of Infectious Disease Studies
9947a  21 Nov - 27 Nov 1999  Fortbildungslehrgang für Bibliothekare
9947b  21 Nov - 27 Nov 1999  Mathematical Beliefs and their Impact on Teaching and Learning of Mathematics
9946A  14 Nov - 20 Nov 1999  DMV-Seminar: Random Media
9946B  14 Nov - 20 Nov 1999  DMV-Seminar: Reaction-Diffusion Patterns: Theory and Applications
9945  7 Nov - 13 Nov 1999  Verkehrsoptimierung (Traffic and Transport Optimization)
9944  31 Oct - 6 Nov 1999  Stochastic Analysis
9943  24 Oct - 30 Oct 1999  Mathematische Biologie
9942  17 Oct - 23 Oct 1999  Graph Theory
9941  10 Oct - 16 Oct 1999  Arbeitsgemeinschaft mit aktuellem Thema: Thurston s Geometrization of 3-Manifolds
9940A  3 Oct - 9 Oct 1999  DMV-Seminar: Geometrization of 3-dimensional Manifolds and Orbifolds
9940B  3 Oct - 9 Oct 1999  DMV-Seminar: The Geometry of Digital Images
9939  26 Sep - 2 Oct 1999  Algebraische K-Theorie
9938  19 Sep - 25 Sep 1999  L^2-Methods and K-Theory
9937  12 Sep - 18 Sep 1999  Topologie
9936  5 Sep - 11 Sep 1999  Risk Theory
9935  29 Aug - 4 Sep 1999  Random Systems
9934  22 Aug - 28 Aug 1999  Complex Geometry: Varieties of Low Dimensions
9933  15 Aug - 21 Aug 1999  Group Actions and Curvature
9932  8 Aug - 14 Aug 1999  Kommutative Algebra und algebraische Geometrie
9931  1 Aug - 7 Aug 1999  Large Coulomb Systems
9930  25 Jul - 31 Jul 1999  Geometric and Multibody Mechanics: Nonlinear Dynamics and Control
9929  18 Jul - 24 Jul 1999  Dynamische Systeme
9928  11 Jul - 17 Jul 1999  Reelle Analysis
9927  4 Jul - 10 Jul 1999  Explicit Methods in Number Theory
9926  27 Jun - 3 Jul 1999  Algebraische Zahlentheorie
9925  20 Jun - 26 Jun 1999  Darstellungstheorie endlicher Gruppen
9924  13 Jun - 19 Jun 1999  Partial Differential Equations
9923  6 Jun - 12 Jun 1999  Differentialgeometrie im Großen
9922  30 May - 5 Jun 1999  Schnelle Löser für partielle Differentialgleichungen
9921A  23 May - 29 May 1999  DMV-Seminar: Quantization of Kleinian Singularities
9921B  23 May - 29 May 1999  DMV-Seminar: Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations: Oszillations, Singularities, and Microstructure
9920  16 May - 22 May 1999  Quadratische und Hermitische Formen
9919  9 May - 15 May 1999  Hyperbolic Aspects of Fluid Dynamics
9918  2 May - 8 May 1999  Singularitäten
9917a  25 Apr - 1 May 1999  Numerik von Mikrostrukturen
9917b  25 Apr - 1 May 1999  Geometry and Analysis on Loop Spaces
9916  18 Apr - 24 Apr 1999  Mathematical Aspects of String Theory
9915  11 Apr - 17 Apr 1999  Geometric and Topological Combinatorics
9914  4 Apr - 10 Apr 1999  Arbeitsgemeinschaft mit aktuellem Thema: Hyperbolische Gruppen
9913  28 Mar - 3 Apr 1999  Mathematische Methoden der Geodäsie
9912  21 Mar - 27 Mar 1999  Regelungstheorie
9911  14 Mar - 20 Mar 1999  Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen: Harmonic, Subharmonic, Homoclinic, and Heteroclinic Solutions
9910  7 Mar - 13 Mar 1999  Mathematische Stochastik (Finance and Statistics)
9909  28 Feb - 6 Mar 1999  Reelle Methoden der Komplexen Analysis
9908  21 Feb - 27 Feb 1999  Nonstandard Analysis and Related Methods, and their Applications
9907  14 Feb - 20 Feb 1999  Funktionentheorie
9906  7 Feb - 13 Feb 1999  Mathematische Analyse von FEM für Probleme in der Mechanik
9905  31 Jan - 6 Feb 1999  Applied and Computational Convexity
9904  24 Jan - 30 Jan 1999  Ganzzahlige quadratische Formen und Gitter
9903  17 Jan - 23 Jan 1999  Orders in Arithmetic and Geometry
9902  10 Jan - 16 Jan 1999  Combinatorial Optimization
9901  3 Jan - 9 Jan 1999  Inverse Problems in Statistics
9851  13 Dec - 19 Dec 1998  Gruppen und Geometrien
9850  6 Dec - 12 Dec 1998  Modulformen
9849  29 Nov - 5 Dec 1998  Applied Probability
9848A  22 Nov - 28 Nov 1998  DMV-Seminar: Topological Problems of Wave Propagation Theory
9848B  22 Nov - 28 Nov 1998  DMV-Seminar: Mirror Symmetry
9847  15 Nov - 21 Nov 1998  Complexity Theory
9846  8 Nov - 14 Nov 1998  Fortbildungslehrgang für Studienräte
9845  1 Nov - 7 Nov 1998  Experimental Design: Theory and Applications
9844  25 Oct - 31 Oct 1998  Modelltheorie
9843  18 Oct - 24 Oct 1998  History of Mathematics: Mathematics in the Americas and the Far East, 1800-1940
9842A  11 Oct - 17 Oct 1998  DMV-Seminar: Nonsmooth Optimization: Algorithms and Applications
9842B  11 Oct - 17 Oct 1998  DMV-Seminar: Arithmetic Fundamental Groups
9841  4 Oct - 10 Oct 1998  Arbeitsgemeinschaft mit aktuellem Thema: The Nilpotence Theorem in Stable Homotopy Theory
9840  27 Sep - 3 Oct 1998  Geometrie
9839a  20 Sep - 26 Sep 1998  Inverse Wave Scattering Problems and Applications
9838  13 Sep - 19 Sep 1998  Homotopietheorie
9837  6 Sep - 12 Sep 1998  Topologie
9836  30 Aug - 5 Sep 1998  Komplexe Analysis
9835  23 Aug - 29 Aug 1998  Mechanics of Materials
9834  16 Aug - 22 Aug 1998  Nonlinear and Stochastic Systems
9833  9 Aug - 15 Aug 1998  Nichtkommutative Geometrie
9832  2 Aug - 8 Aug 1998  Mathematical Methods in Tomography
9831  26 Jul - 1 Aug 1998  Spectral Theory and Stochastic Analysis
9830  19 Jul - 25 Jul 1998  Verallgemeinerte Kac-Moody-Algebren
9829  12 Jul - 18 Jul 1998  Arithmetic of Fields
9828  5 Jul - 11 Jul 1998  Calculus of Variations
9827  28 Jun - 4 Jul 1998  Quantum and Classical Integrable Systems
9826  21 Jun - 27 Jun 1998  Geometric Analysis and Singular Spaces
9825  14 Jun - 20 Jun 1998  Algebraic Geometry
9824  7 Jun - 13 Jun 1998  Freiformkurven und Freiformflächen
9823A  31 May - 6 Jun 1998  DMV-Seminar: Mathematical Economics and Finance
9823B  31 May - 6 Jun 1998  DMV-Seminar: New Geometric Methods in Representation Theory
9822  24 May - 30 May 1998  Systems with Multiple Scales
9821  17 May - 23 May 1998  Regulators
9820  10 May - 16 May 1998  Mathematische Behandlung von Phasenübergängen
9819  3 May - 9 May 1998  Fundamental Groups in Geometry
9818  26 Apr - 2 May 1998  Domain Decomposition and Multifield Theories
9817a  19 Apr - 25 Apr 1998  Orientierungsordnung und Aperiodizität
9817b  19 Apr - 25 Apr 1998  Functional Analytic and Complex Analytic Methods in the Theory of Linear Partial Differential Equations
9816  12 Apr - 18 Apr 1998  Numerical Methods for Singular Perturbations
9815  5 Apr - 11 Apr 1998  Algebraische Gruppen
9814  29 Mar - 4 Apr 1998  Arbeitsgemeinschaft mit aktuellem Thema: The Milnor Conjecture
9813  22 Mar - 28 Mar 1998  Applications and Computation of Orthogonal Polynomials
9812  15 Mar - 21 Mar 1998  Designs and Codes
9811  8 Mar - 14 Mar 1998  Elementare und analytische Zahlentheorie
9810  1 Mar - 7 Mar 1998  Mathematische Stochastik
9809  22 Feb - 28 Feb 1998  Group Actions on Manifolds
9808  15 Feb - 21 Feb 1998  Dirichlet Forms
9807  8 Feb - 14 Feb 1998  Endliche Modelltheorie
9806  1 Feb - 7 Feb 1998  C*-Algebren
9805  25 Jan - 31 Jan 1998  Geometric Questions in Partial Differential Equations
9804  18 Jan - 24 Jan 1998  Mathematische Logik
9803  11 Jan - 17 Jan 1998  Global and Geometric Theory of Delay Differential Equations
9802  4 Jan - 10 Jan 1998  Stochastic Geometry and Spatial Statistics
9751  14 Dec - 20 Dec 1997  Probability and Analysis in the Context of Mathematical Physics and Biology
9750  7 Dec - 13 Dec 1997  Konvexgeometrie
9748  23 Nov - 29 Nov 1997  Fortbildungslehrgang für Bibliothekare
9747A  16 Nov - 22 Nov 1997  DMV-Seminar: Über den Beweis der Fermatschen Vermutung
9747B  16 Nov - 22 Nov 1997  DMV-Seminar: Polytopes and Optimization
9746  9 Nov - 15 Nov 1997  Technisch wissenschaftliches Hochleistungsrechnen
9745  2 Nov - 8 Nov 1997  Einhüllende Algebren und Darstellungstheorie
9744  26 Oct - 1 Nov 1997  Combinatorial Convexity and Algebraic Geometry
9743  19 Oct - 25 Oct 1997  Nonlinear Systems, Solitons and Geometry
9742A  12 Oct - 18 Oct 1997  DMV-Seminar: Scaling Limits and Models in Physical Processes
9742B  12 Oct - 18 Oct 1997  DMV-Seminar: Algorithmische Ideal- und Invariantentheorie
9741  5 Oct - 11 Oct 1997  Arbeitsgemeinschaft mit aktuellem Thema: Mirror Symmetry
9740  28 Sep - 4 Oct 1997  Random Graphs and Combinatorial Structures
9739  21 Sep - 27 Sep 1997  Darstellungstheorie endlich-dimensionaler Algebren
9738  14 Sep - 20 Sep 1997  Stochastic Analysis in Finance and Insurance
9737  7 Sep - 13 Sep 1997  Niedrigdimensionale Topologie
9736  31 Aug - 6 Sep 1997  Topologie
9735  24 Aug - 30 Aug 1997  Complex Geometry: Relations with Mathematical Physics
9734  17 Aug - 23 Aug 1997  Noncommutative Algebra and Representation Theory
9733  10 Aug - 16 Aug 1997  Stability for Classical and Non-Newtonian Fluids
9732  3 Aug - 9 Aug 1997  Effiziente Algorithmen
9731  27 Jul - 2 Aug 1997  Large Time Behavior in Dynamical Systems: Analysis and Numerics
9730  20 Jul - 26 Jul 1997  Algebraische Zahlentheorie
9729  13 Jul - 19 Jul 1997  Dynamische Systeme
9728  6 Jul - 12 Jul 1997  Partielle Differentialgleichungen
9727  29 Jun - 5 Jul 1997  Nonlinear Evolution Equations
9726  22 Jun - 28 Jun 1997  Mathematical Continuum Mechanics
9725  15 Jun - 21 Jun 1997  Galois Groups and Fundamental Groups
9724  8 Jun - 14 Jun 1997  Differentialgeometrie im Großen
9723  1 Jun - 7 Jun 1997  Computational Group Theory
9722  25 May - 31 May 1997  Diskrete Geometrie
9721A  18 May - 24 May 1997  DMV-Seminar: Nonlinear Waves
9721B  18 May - 24 May 1997  DMV-Seminar: Buildings in Differential Geometry
9720  11 May - 17 May 1997  Numerische Methoden der Approximationstheorie
9719  4 May - 10 May 1997  Harmonische Analyse und Darstellungstheorie topologischer Gruppen
9718  27 Apr - 3 May 1997  Gruppentheorie: Strukturtheorie der endlichen einfachen Gruppen und ihre Anwendungen
9717  20 Apr - 26 Apr 1997  Pseudodifferential Operators and Microlocal Analysis
9716  13 Apr - 19 Apr 1997  Numerical Linear Algebra and Scientific Computing
9715  6 Apr - 12 Apr 1997  Arbeitsgemeinschaft mit aktuellem Thema: Die Riemannsche Zeta-Funktion
9714  31 Mar - 5 Apr 1997  Schubert Varieties; Geometry, Algebra and Combinatorics
9713  23 Mar - 29 Mar 1997  Reelle algebraische Geometrie
9712  16 Mar - 22 Mar 1997  Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen
9711  9 Mar - 15 Mar 1997  Mathematische Stochastik
9710  2 Mar - 8 Mar 1997  Quantenfeldtheorie und Wellenfronten
9709  23 Feb - 1 Mar 1997  Medical Statistics: Mathematical Models for Diagnosis and Prognosis
9708  16 Feb - 22 Feb 1997  Adaptive Methoden für partielle Differentialgleichungen
9707  9 Feb - 15 Feb 1997  Automorphic Forms and Geometry
9706  2 Feb - 8 Feb 1997  Punktprozesse: Modelle und Anwendungen
9705  26 Jan - 1 Feb 1997  Mathematical Aspects of Computational Fluid Dynamics
9704  19 Jan - 25 Jan 1997  Finite Fields: Theory and Computation
9703  12 Jan - 18 Jan 1997  Transport Theory and Statistical Mechanics
9702  5 Jan - 11 Jan 1997  Mathematische Optimierung
9651  15 Dec - 21 Dec 1996  Nichtlineare Eigenwertaufgaben
9650  8 Dec - 14 Dec 1996  Positivity in Lie Theory
9649  1 Dec - 7 Dec 1996  Nonlinear Equations in Many-Particle Systems
9648  24 Nov - 30 Nov 1996  Regelungstheorie
9647  17 Nov - 23 Nov 1996  Fortbildungslehrgang für Studienräte: Neue Medien, mathematische Expertensysteme und Computer-Graphik
9646  10 Nov - 16 Nov 1996  Komplexitätstheorie
9645  3 Nov - 9 Nov 1996  Geschichte der Mathematik
9644  27 Oct - 2 Nov 1996  Stochastische Analysis
9643  20 Oct - 26 Oct 1996  Mathematische Modelle in der Biologie
9642  13 Oct - 19 Oct 1996  Combinatorial Optimization
9641  6 Oct - 12 Oct 1996  Arbeitsgemeinschaft mit aktuellem Thema: Shimura-Taniyama-Vermutung
9640  29 Sep - 5 Oct 1996  Geometrie
9639  22 Sep - 28 Sep 1996  Thermodynamische Materialtheorien
9638  15 Sep - 21 Sep 1996  Geometrie der Banachräume
9637  8 Sep - 14 Sep 1996  Cohomology of Moduli Spaces
9636  1 Sep - 7 Sep 1996  Topologie
9635  25 Aug - 31 Aug 1996  Komplexe Analysis
9634  18 Aug - 24 Aug 1996  Reelle Analysis
9633  11 Aug - 17 Aug 1996  High Dimensional Probability
9632  4 Aug - 10 Aug 1996  Complex Geometry: Topological and Transcendental Aspects
9631  28 Jul - 3 Aug 1996  Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry
9630A  21 Jul - 27 Jul 1996  DMV-Seminar: Classical Nonintegrability, Quantum Chaos
9630B  21 Jul - 27 Jul 1996  DMV-Seminar: Seiberg-Witten Theory for 4-Manifolds
9629  14 Jul - 20 Jul 1996  Singularitäten
9628  7 Jul - 13 Jul 1996  Variationsrechnung
9627  30 Jun - 6 Jul 1996  Dynamical Systems Methods in Fluid Mechanics
9626  23 Jun - 29 Jun 1996  Geometrische Analysis auf singulären Räumen
9625  16 Jun - 22 Jun 1996  Conformal Field Theory
9624  9 Jun - 15 Jun 1996  Algebraische K-Theorie
9623  2 Jun - 8 Jun 1996  Geometric Rigidity and Hyperbolic Dynamics
9622A  26 May - 1 Jun 1996  DMV-Seminar: Introduction to the Langlands Program
9622B  26 May - 1 Jun 1996  DMV-Seminar: Probability and Algorithms
9621  19 May - 25 May 1996  4-dimensional Manifolds
9620  12 May - 18 May 1996  Analytische und numerische Approximationsmethoden für Probleme der Plasmaphysik, der Physik verdünnter Gase und von Halbleitern
9619  5 May - 11 May 1996  Kommutative Algebra und algebraische Geometrie
9618  28 Apr - 4 May 1996  Hyperbolic Systems of Conservation Laws
9617  21 Apr - 27 Apr 1996  Buildings
9616  14 Apr - 20 Apr 1996  Darstellungstheorie endlicher Gruppen
9615  8 Apr - 13 Apr 1996  C*-Algebren
9614  31 Mar - 6 Apr 1996  Arbeitsgemeinschaft mit aktuellem Thema: Noncommutative Geometry
9613  24 Mar - 30 Mar 1996  Funktionentheorie: Konforme und quasikonforme Abbildungen
9612  17 Mar - 23 Mar 1996  Diophantine Approximations
9611  10 Mar - 16 Mar 1996  Mathematische Stochastik
9610A  3 Mar - 9 Mar 1996  DMV-Seminar: Quantengruppen in Mathematik und Physik
9610B  3 Mar - 9 Mar 1996  DMV-Seminar: Parallel Methods for Large Linear Systems of Equations
9609  25 Feb - 2 Mar 1996  Porous Media
9608  18 Feb - 24 Feb 1996  Informationstheorie: Algebraic, Combinatorial and Probabilistic Codes and Coding Techniques
9607  11 Feb - 17 Feb 1996  Jordan-Algebren
9606  4 Feb - 10 Feb 1996  Inverse Problems in Medical Imaging and Nondestructive Testing
9605  28 Jan - 3 Feb 1996  Rekursionstheorie
9604  21 Jan - 27 Jan 1996  Optimalsteuerung und Variationsrechnung - Optimal Control
9603  14 Jan - 20 Jan 1996  Kombinatorik
9602  7 Jan - 13 Jan 1996  Mengenlehre
9601  1 Jan - 6 Jan 1996  Funktionalanalysis und partielle Differentialgleichungen
9551  17 Dec - 23 Dec 1995  Branching Processes
9550  10 Dec - 16 Dec 1995  Kinematik und Robotik
9549  3 Dec - 9 Dec 1995  Topologische Methoden in der Gruppentheorie
9548a  26 Nov - 2 Dec 1995  New Trends in the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics
9548B  26 Nov - 2 Dec 1995  DMV-Seminar: L^2-Invariants of Manifolds and Applications
9547A  19 Nov - 25 Nov 1995  DMV-Seminar: Infinite Dimensional Kaehler Manifolds
9547b  19 Nov - 25 Nov 1995  Fortbildungslehrgang für Bibliothekare
9546  12 Nov - 18 Nov 1995  Allgemeine Ungleichungen
9545  5 Nov - 11 Nov 1995  Algebraic K-Theory and Homotopy Theory
9544  29 Oct - 4 Nov 1995  Differential-Algebraic Equations, Related Fields of Theory and Applications
9543  22 Oct - 28 Oct 1995  Empirical Processes: Theory and Applications
9542  15 Oct - 21 Oct 1995  Geometrie
9541  8 Oct - 14 Oct 1995  Arbeitsgemeinschaft mit aktuellem Thema: Seiberg-Witten Theorie
9540  1 Oct - 7 Oct 1995  Mathematische Methoden der Geodäsie
9539  24 Sep - 30 Sep 1995  Nonlinear and Stochastic Systems
9538a  17 Sep - 23 Sep 1995  Geometric and Logical Aspects of Descent Theory
9538b  17 Sep - 23 Sep 1995  Function Spaces
9537  10 Sep - 16 Sep 1995  Knotentheorie
9536  3 Sep - 9 Sep 1995  Topologie
9535  27 Aug - 2 Sep 1995  Complex Geometry: Vector Bundles in Geometry and Physics
9534a  20 Aug - 26 Aug 1995  Ganzzahlige quadratische Formen und Gitter
9534b  20 Aug - 26 Aug 1995  Linear Problems in Analysis
9533  13 Aug - 19 Aug 1995  Partielle Differentialgleichungen
9532  6 Aug - 12 Aug 1995  Wavelets (Signalverarbeitung)
9531  30 Jul - 5 Aug 1995  Einhüllende Algebren und Darstellungstheorie
9530  23 Jul - 29 Jul 1995  Darstellungstheorie endlich-dimensionaler Algebren
9529  16 Jul - 22 Jul 1995  Dynamische Systeme
9528  9 Jul - 15 Jul 1995  Schrödingeroperatoren
9527  2 Jul - 8 Jul 1995  Algebraic Methods in Multivariate Statistical Analysis
9526  25 Jun - 1 Jul 1995  Bifurkation und Symmetrie
9525  18 Jun - 24 Jun 1995  Quadratische Formen
9524  11 Jun - 17 Jun 1995  Differentialgeometrie im Großen
9523  4 Jun - 10 Jun 1995  Freiformkurven und Freiformflächen
9522  28 May - 3 Jun 1995  Computational Number Theory
9521  21 May - 27 May 1995  Computational Aspects of Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry
9520  14 May - 20 May 1995  Mathematical Models in Phase Transitions
9519  7 May - 13 May 1995  Linear Operators and Applications
9518  30 Apr - 6 May 1995  Multilevel Methods and Applications
9517  23 Apr - 29 Apr 1995  Algebraische Gruppen
9516  16 Apr - 22 Apr 1995  Orders in Arithmetic and Geometry
9515  9 Apr - 14 Apr 1995  Arbeitsgemeinschaft mit aktuellem Thema: Darstellungstheorie reeller reduktiver Lie-Gruppen
9514  2 Apr - 8 Apr 1995  Mathematische Logik
9514A  2 Apr - 8 Apr 1995  DMV-Seminar: Mori-Theorie
9513  26 Mar - 1 Apr 1995  Constructive Methods in Complex Analysis
9512  19 Mar - 25 Mar 1995  Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen: Topological and Geometrical Methods in O.D.E's
9511A  12 Mar - 18 Mar 1995  DMV-Seminar: Statistische Wavelets
9511B  12 Mar - 18 Mar 1995  DMV-Seminar: Composite Materials and Homogenization
9510  5 Mar - 11 Mar 1995  Mathematische Stochastik
9509  26 Feb - 4 Mar 1995  Große diskrete Systeme
9508  19 Feb - 25 Feb 1995  Medical Statistics: Multivariate Models for Longitudinal Data
9507  12 Feb - 18 Feb 1995  Qualitative Aspects of Partial Differential Equations
9506  5 Feb - 11 Feb 1995  Algebraic and Geometric Combinatorics
9505  29 Jan - 4 Feb 1995  Applied and Computational Convexity
9504  22 Jan - 28 Jan 1995  Numerical Methods for Singular Perturbations
9503  15 Jan - 21 Jan 1995  Enumerative Combinatorics and the Symmetric Groups
9502  8 Jan - 14 Jan 1995  Mathematische Optimierung
9501  1 Jan - 7 Jan 1995  Symmetrien
9451a  18 Dec - 21 Dec 1994  Frauen in der Mathematik
9451b  18 Dec - 23 Dec 1994  Experimentelle, insbesondere computergraphische Methoden in der Mathematik
9450  11 Dec - 17 Dec 1994  Asymptotics for High Dimensional Statistical Models
9449  4 Dec - 10 Dec 1994  Applied Probability
9448  27 Nov - 3 Dec 1994  Mathematical Models for Infectious Diseases
9447  20 Nov - 26 Nov 1994  Mathematical Aspects of Computational Fluid Dynamics
9446  13 Nov - 19 Nov 1994  Komplexitätstheorie
9444  30 Oct - 5 Nov 1994  Finite Volume Methods
9443  23 Oct - 29 Oct 1994  Wahrscheinlichkeitsmaße auf Gruppen und verwandten Strukturen
9442  16 Oct - 22 Oct 1994  Geometrie
9441  9 Oct - 15 Oct 1994  Arbeitsgemeinschaft mit aktuellem Thema: Beschränktheit der Ordnung von Torsionspunkten elliptischer Kurven über Zahlkörpern
9440  2 Oct - 8 Oct 1994  Randelementmethoden: Anwendungen und Fehleranalysis
9439  25 Sep - 1 Oct 1994  Mathematical Methods in Tomography
9438  18 Sep - 24 Sep 1994  Risk Theory
9437  11 Sep - 17 Sep 1994  Homotopietheorie
9436  4 Sep - 10 Sep 1994  Topologie
9435  28 Aug - 3 Sep 1994  Komplexe Analysis
9434  21 Aug - 27 Aug 1994  Gruppen und Geometrien
9433  14 Aug - 20 Aug 1994  Nonlinear Evolution Equations
9432  7 Aug - 13 Aug 1994  Effiziente Algorithmen
9431  31 Jul - 6 Aug 1994  Mechanics of Materials
9430  24 Jul - 30 Jul 1994  Complex Geometry: Moduli Problems
9429  17 Jul - 23 Jul 1994  Algebraische Zahlentheorie
9428  10 Jul - 16 Jul 1994  Freie Randwertprobleme
9427  3 Jul - 9 Jul 1994  Analysis und Geometrie singulärer Räume
9426  26 Jun - 2 Jul 1994  Graphentheorie
9425a  19 Jun - 25 Jun 1994  Mathematische Aspekte der Quantentheorie großer Systeme
9425b  19 Jun - 25 Jun 1994  Integrable Systems from a Quantum Point of View
9424  12 Jun - 18 Jun 1994  Nichtlinearitäten vom Hysteresis-Typ
9423  5 Jun - 11 Jun 1994  The Navier-Stokes Equations: Theory and Numerical Methods
9422  29 May - 4 Jun 1994  Singuläre Störungsrechnung
9421  22 May - 28 May 1994  Diskrete Geometrie
9420  15 May - 21 May 1994  Critical Phenomena in Spatial Stochastic Models
9419  8 May - 14 May 1994  Variationsrechnung
9418  1 May - 7 May 1994  Buildings in Differential and Topological Geometry
9417  24 Apr - 30 Apr 1994  Geschichte der Mathematik: Innovation und Transmission, Rezeption und Transformation
9416  17 Apr - 23 Apr 1994  Designs and Codes
9415  10 Apr - 16 Apr 1994  Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications
9414  4 Apr - 9 Apr 1994  Arbeitsgemeinschaft mit aktuellem Thema: Von Neumann Algebren
9413a  27 Mar - 2 Apr 1994  Quantenstochastik
9413b  27 Mar - 2 Apr 1994  Endliche Modelltheorie
9412  20 Mar - 26 Mar 1994  Regelungstheorie
9411  13 Mar - 19 Mar 1994  Elementare und analytische Zahlentheorie
9410  6 Mar - 12 Mar 1994  Mathematische Stochastik
9409  27 Feb - 5 Mar 1994  Mathematical Economics
9408  20 Feb - 26 Feb 1994  Harmonische Analyse und Darstellungstheorie topologischer Gruppen
9407  13 Feb - 19 Feb 1994  Funktionentheorie
9406  6 Feb - 12 Feb 1994  C*-Algebren
9405  30 Jan - 5 Feb 1994  Nichtstandardanalysis und Anwendungen
9404  23 Jan - 29 Jan 1994  Singuläre Integral- und Pseudo-Differential- Operatoren und ihre Anwendungen
9403  16 Jan - 22 Jan 1994  Gruppentheorie (Permutationsgruppen)
9402  9 Jan - 15 Jan 1994  Algebraic Combinatorics: Association Schemes and Representation Theory
9401  2 Jan - 8 Jan 1994  Modelltheorie
9351a  12 Dec - 18 Dec 1993  General Principles of Discretization Algorithms, Theory and Applications
9351b  12 Dec - 18 Dec 1993  Methoden und Verfahren der mathematischen Physik
9350a  5 Dec - 11 Dec 1993  Dynamical Zeta Functions
9350b  5 Dec - 11 Dec 1993  Model Selection
9349  28 Nov - 4 Dec 1993  Nonlinear Equations in Many-Particle Systems
9348  21 Nov - 27 Nov 1993  Mathematische Modelle in der Biologie
9347  14 Nov - 20 Nov 1993  Lehrplankonferenz
9345  31 Oct - 6 Nov 1993  Algorithmische Methoden der Diskreten Mathematik
9344  24 Oct - 30 Oct 1993  Mengenlehre
9343  17 Oct - 23 Oct 1993  Geometrie
9342a  10 Oct - 16 Oct 1993  Invariant ordering in geometry and algebra
9342b  10 Oct - 16 Oct 1993  Adaptive Methoden für partielle Differentialgleichungen
9341  3 Oct - 9 Oct 1993  Arbeitsgemeinschaft mit aktuellem Thema: Nichtabelsche Hodge Theorie
9340  26 Sep - 2 Oct 1993  Diophantische Approximationen
9339  19 Sep - 25 Sep 1993  Mathematical Game Theory
9338  12 Sep - 18 Sep 1993  Topologie
9337  5 Sep - 11 Sep 1993  Novikov conjectures, index theorems and rigidity
9336  29 Aug - 4 Sep 1993  Random Graphs and Combinatorial Structures
9335  22 Aug - 28 Aug 1993  Special Complex Varieties
9334  15 Aug - 21 Aug 1993  Noncommutative Algebra and Representation Theory
9333  8 Aug - 14 Aug 1993  Konstruktive Approximationstheorie
9332  1 Aug - 7 Aug 1993  Abelsche Gruppen
9331  25 Jul - 31 Jul 1993  Geometric Methods in Theoretical and Computational Mechanics
9330  18 Jul - 24 Jul 1993  Dynamische Systeme
9329  11 Jul - 17 Jul 1993  Nonlinear Evolution Equations, Solitons and the Inverse Scattering Transform
9328  4 Jul - 10 Jul 1993  Methoden der Modul- und Ringtheorie
9327  27 Jun - 3 Jul 1993  Algebraische K-Theorie
9326  20 Jun - 26 Jun 1993  Konvexgeometrie
9326a  20 Jun - 26 Jun 1993  Arbeitstagung: "Quantenchaos"
9325  13 Jun - 19 Jun 1993  Differential-Algebraic Equations: Theory and Applications in Technical Simulation
9324  6 Jun - 12 Jun 1993  Analysis auf kompakten Varietäten
9323  30 May - 5 Jun 1993  Funktionalanalysis und nichtlineare partielle Differentialgleichungen
9322  23 May - 29 May 1993  Differentialgeometrie im Großen
9321  16 May - 22 May 1993  Mathematical Problems in Viscoelastic Flows
9320  9 May - 15 May 1993  Reelle algebraische Geometrie
9319  2 May - 8 May 1993  Design of Experiments: Optimality, Construction, and Applications
9318  25 Apr - 1 May 1993  Low dimensional dynamics
9317a  18 Apr - 24 Apr 1993  The Arithmetic of Fields
9317b  18 Apr - 24 Apr 1993  Mathematische Grundlagen und numerische Verfahren bei transsonischen Strömungen
9316  12 Apr - 17 Apr 1993  Arbeitsgemeinschaft mit aktuellem Thema: Intersection Theory on Teichmüller-Spaces
9315  4 Apr - 10 Apr 1993  Topics in Pseudo-Differential Operators
9314  28 Mar - 3 Apr 1993  Combinatorial Convexity and Algebraic Geometry
9313  21 Mar - 27 Mar 1993  Analysis auf lokalsymmetrischen Räumen
9313a  21 Mar - 27 Mar 1993  Durchmesser und Volumen von Polytopen
9312  14 Mar - 20 Mar 1993  Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen
9311  7 Mar - 13 Mar 1993  Mathematische Stochastik
9310  28 Feb - 6 Mar 1993  Medical Statistics: Statistical Methods for Risk Assessment
9309  21 Feb - 27 Feb 1993  Curves, Images, Massive Computation
9308  14 Feb - 20 Feb 1993  Applicable Algebra
9307  7 Feb - 13 Feb 1993  Partielle Differentialgleichungen
9306  31 Jan - 6 Feb 1993  Asymptotics and Adaptivity in Computational Mechanics
9305  24 Jan - 30 Jan 1993  Optimale Steuerung partieller Differentialgleichungen
9304  17 Jan - 23 Jan 1993  Combinatorial Optimization
9303  10 Jan - 16 Jan 1993  Computational Methods for Nonlinear Phenomena
9302a  3 Jan - 9 Jan 1993  Grundlagen der Geometrie
9302b  3 Jan - 9 Jan 1993  Extensions of buildings and geometries
9251  13 Dec - 19 Dec 1992  Asymptotische Statistik
9251a  13 Dec - 19 Dec 1992  Geometrie und Kombinatorik
9250  6 Dec - 12 Dec 1992  Theory and Numerical Methods for Initial-Boundary Value Problems
9249  29 Nov - 5 Dec 1992  Large Deviations and Applications
9248a  22 Nov - 28 Nov 1992  Forschungskolloquium "Topologische Gebäude"
9247  15 Nov - 21 Nov 1992  Komplexitätstheorie
9246  8 Nov - 14 Nov 1992  Numerische Integration
9245  1 Nov - 7 Nov 1992  Kombinatorik
9244  25 Oct - 31 Oct 1992  Stochastische Analysis
9243  18 Oct - 24 Oct 1992  Geometrie
9242  11 Oct - 17 Oct 1992  Arbeitsgemeinschaft mit aktuellem Thema: Logarithmic algebraic geometry
9241  4 Oct - 10 Oct 1992  Funktionalanalysis
9240  27 Sep - 3 Oct 1992  Darstellungstheorie endlicher Gruppen
9239  20 Sep - 26 Sep 1992  Funktionalgleichungen
9238  13 Sep - 19 Sep 1992  4-dimensional Manifolds
9237  6 Sep - 12 Sep 1992  Topologie
9236  30 Aug - 5 Sep 1992  Komplexe Analysis
9235  23 Aug - 29 Aug 1992  Mathematical Finance
9235a  23 Aug - 29 Aug 1992  Web Geometry
9234  16 Aug - 22 Aug 1992  Reelle Analysis
9233  9 Aug - 15 Aug 1992  Jordan-Algebren
9232  2 Aug - 8 Aug 1992  Algebraische Zahlentheorie
9231  26 Jul - 1 Aug 1992  Variationsrechnung
9230  19 Jul - 25 Jul 1992  Lower-dimensional theories and domain decomposition methods in mechanics
9229  12 Jul - 18 Jul 1992  Arithmetic algebraic geometry
9228  5 Jul - 11 Jul 1992  Mathematische Modellierung und Simulation elektrischer Schaltungen und Halbleiter
9227  28 Jun - 4 Jul 1992  Hyperbolic Systems of Conservation Laws
9226  21 Jun - 27 Jun 1992  Porous media
9226a  21 Jun - 27 Jun 1992  Zelluläre Automaten
9225  14 Jun - 20 Jun 1992  Freiformkurven und Freiformflächen
9224  7 Jun - 13 Jun 1992  Computational group theory
9223a  31 May - 6 Jun 1992  Singularitäten
9223b  31 May - 6 Jun 1992  Free resolutions in algebraic geometry and representation theory
9222b  27 May - 31 May 1992  Mathematik und Philosophie - Paradoxien und Antinomien Tagung der Fachschaft Mathematik im Cusanuswerk
9222  24 May - 30 May 1992  Kommutative Algebra und algebraische Geometrie
9221  17 May - 23 May 1992  Quadratische Formen
9220  10 May - 16 May 1992  Geschichte der Mathematik: Mathematische Schulen - Genese, Struktur, Wirkungsgeschichte
9219  3 May - 9 May 1992  Wavelet (Signalverarbeitung)
9218  26 Apr - 2 May 1992  Gruppentheorie (endliche p-Gruppen)
9217  19 Apr - 25 Apr 1992  Arbeitsgemeinschaft mit aktuellem Thema: "Shimura Varietäten"
9216  12 Apr - 18 Apr 1992  Mathematische Logik
9215  5 Apr - 11 Apr 1992  Informationstheorie
9214  29 Mar - 4 Apr 1992  Topologische Methoden in der Gruppentheorie
9213a  24 Mar - 27 Mar 1992  E.I.S.S.-Workshop: Kryptographische Hashfunktionen
9213  22 Mar - 28 Mar 1992  Teichmüller-Theorie und Modulräume Riemannscher Flächen
9212  15 Mar - 21 Mar 1992  Regelungstheorie
9211  8 Mar - 14 Mar 1992  Mathematische Stochastik
9210  1 Mar - 7 Mar 1992  Klassifizierende Räume und Anwendungen der Steenrod-Algebra
9209  23 Feb - 29 Feb 1992  p-adische Analysis und Anwendungen
9208  16 Feb - 22 Feb 1992  Funktionentheorie
9207  9 Feb - 15 Feb 1992  Numerical Methods for Parallel Computers
9206  2 Feb - 8 Feb 1992  Thermodynamische Materialtheorien
9205  26 Jan - 1 Feb 1992  Applied and Computational Convexity
9204  19 Jan - 25 Jan 1992  Modelltheorie
9203  12 Jan - 18 Jan 1992  Applied Dynamics and Bifurcation
9202  5 Jan - 11 Jan 1992  Mathematische Optimierung
9151  15 Dec - 21 Dec 1991  Quantenstochastik
9150  8 Dec - 14 Dec 1991  Stochastic Geometry, Geometric Statistics, Stereology
9149  1 Dec - 7 Dec 1991  Statistik stochastischer Prozesse
9148  24 Nov - 30 Nov 1991  Numerische Methoden der Approximationstheorie
9147  17 Nov - 23 Nov 1991  Singularitäten der Kontinuumsmechanik: Numerische und konstruktive Methoden zu ihrer Behandlung
9145a  3 Nov - 9 Nov 1991  Mengenlehre
9144a  27 Oct - 2 Nov 1991  Statistische Entscheidungstheorie (Spezialthema)
9144b  27 Oct - 2 Nov 1991  Convergence Structures in Topology and Analysis
9143  20 Oct - 26 Oct 1991  C*-Algebren
9142  13 Oct - 19 Oct 1991  Geometrie
9141  6 Oct - 12 Oct 1991  Arbeitsgemeinschaft mit aktuellen Thema: "Elliptic Genera"
9140  29 Sep - 5 Oct 1991  Kombinatorik geordneter Mengen
9139  22 Sep - 28 Sep 1991  Nonlinear and Random Vibrations
9138  15 Sep - 21 Sep 1991  Geometrie der Banachräume
9137  8 Sep - 14 Sep 1991  Niedrigdimensionale Topologie
9137a  8 Sep - 14 Sep 1991  Knoten und Verschlingungen
9136  1 Sep - 7 Sep 1991  Topologie
9135  25 Aug - 31 Aug 1991  Klassifikation komplex-algebraischer Varietäten
9135a  25 Aug - 31 Aug 1991  Feinstrukturen
9134  18 Aug - 24 Aug 1991  The Navier-Stokes Equations: Theory and Numerical Methods
9133  11 Aug - 17 Aug 1991  European Young Statisticians Meeting
9132  4 Aug - 10 Aug 1991  Effiziente Algorithmen
9131  28 Jul - 3 Aug 1991  Gruppen und Geometrien
9130  21 Jul - 27 Jul 1991  Halbgruppentheorie
9129  14 Jul - 20 Jul 1991  Dynamische Systeme
9128  7 Jul - 13 Jul 1991  Computational Number Theory
9127a  3 Jul - 6 Jul 1991  Workshop "Public-Key Cryptography of the Art and Future Direction"
9127  30 Jun - 6 Jul 1991  Elliptische Operatoren auf singulären und nichtkompakten Mannigfaltigkeiten
9126  23 Jun - 29 Jun 1991  Mathematische Methoden des VLSI-Entwurfs und des Distributed Computing
9125  16 Jun - 22 Jun 1991  Mathematical Problems in Robotics
9124  9 Jun - 15 Jun 1991  Singuläre Störungsrechnung
9123  2 Jun - 8 Jun 1991  Diskrete Geometrie
9122  26 May - 1 Jun 1991  Optimalsteuerung und Variationsrechnung - Optimal Control
9121  19 May - 25 May 1991  Differentialgeometrie im Großen
9120  12 May - 18 May 1991  Nonlinear Evolution Equations
9119  5 May - 11 May 1991  Darstellungstheorie endlich-dimensionaler Algebren
9118  28 Apr - 4 May 1991  Deductive Systems
9117  21 Apr - 27 Apr 1991  Numerical Linear Algebra
9116  14 Apr - 20 Apr 1991  Brauer Groups and Representation Theory of Finite Groups
9115  7 Apr - 13 Apr 1991  Algebraische Gruppen
9114  31 Mar - 6 Apr 1991  Arbeitsgemeinschaft "Connections between Mathematical Physics and Knot Theory"
9113  24 Mar - 30 Mar 1991  Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen
9112  17 Mar - 23 Mar 1991  Elementare und analytische Zahlentheorie
9111  10 Mar - 16 Mar 1991  Mathematische Stochastik
9110  3 Mar - 9 Mar 1991  Partielle Differentialgleichungen
9109  24 Feb - 2 Mar 1991  Medical Statistics: Statistical Models for Longitudinal Data
9108a  17 Feb - 23 Feb 1991  Experimentelle Methoden in der Mathematik - insbesondere Computergrafik
9108b  17 Feb - 23 Feb 1991  Krein Spaces and Applications to Differential Operators
9107a  10 Feb - 16 Feb 1991  Endlichdimensionale Lie-Algebren
9107b  10 Feb - 16 Feb 1991  Affine Differentialgeometrie
9106  3 Feb - 9 Feb 1991  Constructive Methods in Complex Analysis
9105  27 Jan - 2 Feb 1991  Harmonische Analyse und Darstellungstheorie topologischer Gruppen
9104  20 Jan - 26 Jan 1991  Spektraltheorie singulärer gewöhnlicher Differentialoperatoren
9103  13 Jan - 19 Jan 1991  Combinatorial Optimization
9102  6 Jan - 12 Jan 1991  Automorphe Formen und Anwendungen
9051  16 Dec - 22 Dec 1990  Mathematische Logik
9050  9 Dec - 15 Dec 1990  Allgemeine Ungleichungen
9049  2 Dec - 8 Dec 1990  Multigrid Methods
9048a  25 Nov - 1 Dec 1990  Stochastische Approximation und Optimierungsprobleme in der Statistik
9048b  25 Nov - 1 Dec 1990  Lineare Modelle und Multivariate Statistische Verfahren
9047  18 Nov - 24 Nov 1990  Komplexitätstheorie
9045a  10 Nov - 12 Nov 1990  Deutsch-Deutsches Treffen auf dem Gebiet der Solitonen
9045  4 Nov - 10 Nov 1990  Probability Measures on Groups
9044  28 Oct - 3 Nov 1990  Mathematical Economics
9043a  21 Oct - 27 Oct 1990  Arithmetic of Fields
9043b  21 Oct - 27 Oct 1990  Algebraic and Combinatorial Problems in Multivariate Approximation Theory
9042  14 Oct - 20 Oct 1990  Geometrie
9041  7 Oct - 13 Oct 1990  Loup Groups
9040  30 Sep - 6 Oct 1990  Diophantische Approximationen
9039  23 Sep - 29 Sep 1990  Random Graphs and Combinatorial Structures
9038  16 Sep - 22 Sep 1990  Risk Theory
9037  9 Sep - 15 Sep 1990  Surgery und L-Theorie
9036  2 Sep - 8 Sep 1990  Topologie
9035  26 Aug - 1 Sep 1990  Komplexe Analysis
9034  19 Aug - 25 Aug 1990  Anwendungen der Infinitesimalmathematik
9034a  19 Aug - 25 Aug 1990  Griechische Mathematik
9033  12 Aug - 18 Aug 1990  Algebraische Zahlentheorie
9032  5 Aug - 11 Aug 1990  Mathematical Methods in Tomography
9031  29 Jul - 4 Aug 1990  Mechanik und algebraische Geometrie
9030  22 Jul - 28 Jul 1990  Konvexgeometrie
9029  15 Jul - 21 Jul 1990  Stochastic Image Models and Algorithms
9028  8 Jul - 14 Jul 1990  Variationsrechnung
9027  1 Jul - 7 Jul 1990  Modulfunktionen in mehreren Variablen
9026  24 Jun - 30 Jun 1990  Mathematische Probleme in der nichtlinearen Elastizität
9025  17 Jun - 23 Jun 1990  Partial Differential Equations in Complex Analysis
9024  10 Jun - 16 Jun 1990  Reelle algebraische Geometrie
9023  3 Jun - 9 Jun 1990  Graphentheorie
9022  27 May - 2 Jun 1990  Lyapunov-Exponents
9021  20 May - 26 May 1990  The Schrödinger Equation and its Classical Counterparts
9020  13 May - 19 May 1990  Abstrakte konvexe Analysis
9019  6 May - 12 May 1990  Geschichte der Mathematik (Schwerpunkt: Geschichte der Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und der Statistik)
9018  29 Apr - 5 May 1990  Gruppentheorie (pro-endliche Gruppen)
9018a  27 Apr - 1 May 1990  Mathematische Modellbildung Tagung der Fachschaft Mathematik im Cusanuswerk
9017  22 Apr - 28 Apr 1990  Enveloping Algebras and Rings of Differential Operators
9016  15 Apr - 21 Apr 1990  Mathematical Concepts of Dependable Systems
9015  8 Apr - 14 Apr 1990  Die Novikov-Spektralsequenz
9014  1 Apr - 7 Apr 1990  Designs and Codes
9013  25 Mar - 31 Mar 1990  Kontinuumsmechanik der festen Körper
9012  18 Mar - 24 Mar 1990  Maßtheorie
9011  11 Mar - 17 Mar 1990  Mathematische Stochastik
9010  4 Mar - 10 Mar 1990  Interval Methods for Numerical Computation
9009  25 Feb - 3 Mar 1990  Eigenwertaufgaben in Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften und ihre numerische Behandlung
9008  18 Feb - 24 Feb 1990  Mathematische Modelle in der Biologie
9007  11 Feb - 17 Feb 1990  Funktionentheorie
9006a  4 Feb - 10 Feb 1990  Funktionentheoretische Methoden bei partiellen Differential- und Integralgleichungen
9006b  4 Feb - 10 Feb 1990  Nukleare Frechet-Räume
9005  28 Jan - 3 Feb 1990  Regelungstheorie
9004  21 Jan - 27 Jan 1990  Modelltheorie
9003  14 Jan - 20 Jan 1990  Nonlinear Evolution Equations, Solitons and the Inverse Scattering Transform
9002  7 Jan - 13 Jan 1990  Mathematische Optimierung
9001  1 Jan - 6 Jan 1990  Zeitreihenanalyse
8951  17 Dec - 23 Dec 1989  Theory and Numerical Methods for Initial-Boundary Value Problems
8950  10 Dec - 16 Dec 1989  Asymptotic Methods for Computer-intensive Procedures in Statistics
8949  3 Dec - 9 Dec 1989  Wiener-Hopf-Probleme, Toeplitz-Operatoren und Anwendungen
8948  26 Nov - 2 Dec 1989  Methoden und Verfahren der mathematischen Physik
8947  19 Nov - 25 Nov 1989  Random Partial Differential Equations
8946a  12 Nov - 18 Nov 1989  Numerische Methoden zur Lösung kinetischer Gleichungen
8945a  5 Nov - 11 Nov 1989  Fastringe und Fastkörper
8944  29 Oct - 4 Nov 1989  Computational Methods in Solid Mechanics
8943  22 Oct - 28 Oct 1989  Linear Operators and Applications
8942  15 Oct - 21 Oct 1989  Geometrie
8941  8 Oct - 14 Oct 1989  Arbeitsgemeinschaft Geyer-Harder: Tamagawazahlen und die Selbergsche Spurformel
8940  1 Oct - 7 Oct 1989  Topologische Methoden in der Gruppentheorie
8939  24 Sep - 30 Sep 1989  Kryptographie
8938  17 Sep - 23 Sep 1989  Effiziente Algorithmen
8937  10 Sep - 16 Sep 1989  Transformationsgruppen
8936  3 Sep - 9 Sep 1989  Topologie
8935  27 Aug - 2 Sep 1989  Special Complex Varieties
8934  20 Aug - 26 Aug 1989  Differentialgeometrie im Großen
8933a  13 Aug - 19 Aug 1989  Kombinatorische und reell algebraische Geometrie
8933b  13 Aug - 19 Aug 1989  Combinatorial Convexity and algebraic Geometry
8932  6 Aug - 12 Aug 1989  Kommutative Algebra und algebraische Geometrie
8931  30 Jul - 5 Aug 1989  Konstruktive Approximationstheorie
8930  23 Jul - 29 Jul 1989  Dirichletsche Räume
8929  16 Jul - 22 Jul 1989  Dynamische Systeme
8928  9 Jul - 15 Jul 1989  Freie Randwertaufgaben, insbesondere numerische Behandlung und optimale Steuerung
8927  2 Jul - 8 Jul 1989  Quadratische Formen
8926  25 Jun - 1 Jul 1989  Abelsche Gruppen
8925  18 Jun - 24 Jun 1989  Reelle Analysis
8924  11 Jun - 17 Jun 1989  Topics in Pseudo-Differential Operators
8923  4 Jun - 10 Jun 1989  Ringe und Moduln
8922  28 May - 3 Jun 1989  Funktionalanalytische Methoden bei Evolutionsgleichungen
8921  20 May - 25 May 1989  Formal and Rigid Geometry and Applications to Moduli Spaces
8920  14 May - 20 May 1989  Informationstheorie
8919  7 May - 13 May 1989  Generalized Functions and Complex Analysis
8918  30 Apr - 6 May 1989  Finite Geometries
8917  23 Apr - 29 Apr 1989  Riesz-Spaces and Operator Theory
8916  16 Apr - 22 Apr 1989  Flächen in der geometrische Datenverarbeitung
8915  9 Apr - 15 Apr 1989  Arbeitsgemeinschaft Geyer-Harder: p-adische Hodge-Theorie
8914a  2 Apr - 8 Apr 1989  Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen im Komplexen und spezielle Funktionen
8914b  2 Apr - 8 Apr 1989  Spektraltheorie singulärer gewöhnlicher Differentialoperatoren
8913a  30 Mar - 2 Apr 1989  Selbstbezüglichkeit/Selbstähnlichkeit Fachschaftstagung Mathematik des Cusanuswerks 1989
8913  26 Mar - 1 Apr 1989  Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen
8912  19 Mar - 25 Mar 1989  Rekursionstheorie
8911  12 Mar - 18 Mar 1989  Mathematische Stochastik
8910  5 Mar - 11 Mar 1989  Partielle Differentialgleichungen
8909  26 Feb - 4 Mar 1989  Kombinatorik
8908  19 Feb - 25 Feb 1989  Medical Statistics: Statistical Methods in Epidemiology
8907  12 Feb - 18 Feb 1989  Mehrdimensionale konstruktive Funktionentheorie
8906  5 Feb - 11 Feb 1989  Mathematical Models for Infectious Diseases
8905  29 Jan - 4 Feb 1989  Topologische und analytische Halbgruppen
8904  22 Jan - 28 Jan 1989  Mengenlehre
8903  15 Jan - 21 Jan 1989  Mathematical Game Theory
8902  8 Jan - 14 Jan 1989  Computational Aspects of Combinatorial Optimization
8901  1 Jan - 7 Jan 1989  Applicable Algebra
8851  18 Dec - 24 Dec 1988  Grundlagen der Geometrie
8850  11 Dec - 17 Dec 1988  Martingalmethoden in der Statistik
8849  4 Dec - 10 Dec 1988  Praktische Behandlung von Integralgleichungen, Randelementmethoden und singulären Gleichungen
8848  27 Nov - 3 Dec 1988  Geometrie im Mathematikunterricht
8847  20 Nov - 26 Nov 1988  Geschichte der Mathematik
8846  13 Nov - 19 Nov 1988  Komplexitätstheorie
8845  6 Nov - 12 Nov 1988  Mathematische Logik
8844  30 Oct - 5 Nov 1988  Mathematische Modellierung und Simulation elektrischer Schaltungen
8843  23 Oct - 29 Oct 1988  Stochastische Analysis
8841  9 Oct - 15 Oct 1988  Geometrie
8840  2 Oct - 8 Oct 1988  Arbeitsgemeinschaft Geyer-Harder: Brownsche Bewegung auf Riemannschen Mannigfaltigkeiten
8839  25 Sep - 1 Oct 1988  Elementare und analytische Zahlentheorie
8838  18 Sep - 24 Sep 1988  The Navier-Stokes Equations: Theory and Numerical Methods
8837  11 Sep - 17 Sep 1988  4-dimensional Manifolds
8836  4 Sep - 10 Sep 1988  Topologie
8835  28 Aug - 3 Sep 1988  Komplexe Analysis
8834  21 Aug - 27 Aug 1988  Gruppentheorie (auflösbare Gruppen)
8833  14 Aug - 20 Aug 1988  Jordan-Algebren
8832  7 Aug - 13 Aug 1988  Algebraische Zahlentheorie
8831  31 Jul - 6 Aug 1988  Theory of Large Deviations
8830  24 Jul - 30 Jul 1988  Hyperbolic Systems of Conservation Laws
8829  17 Jul - 23 Jul 1988  Arithmetische algebraische Geometrie
8829a  17 Jul - 23 Jul 1988  Fine Structure Theory
8828  10 Jul - 16 Jul 1988  Konvexgeometrie
8827  3 Jul - 9 Jul 1988  Kombinatorik (symmetrische Gruppen, klassische Algebra und spezielle Funktionen)
8826  26 Jun - 2 Jul 1988  Probability in Banach Spaces
8825  19 Jun - 25 Jun 1988  Variationsrechnung
8824  12 Jun - 18 Jun 1988  Graphentheorie
8823  5 Jun - 11 Jun 1988  Algebraische K-Theorie
8822  29 May - 4 Jun 1988  Orders and their applications
8821  22 May - 28 May 1988  Konstruktive algebraische Zahlentheorie
8820  15 May - 21 May 1988  Computational Group Theory
8819a  8 May - 14 May 1988  Mathematical Problems in the Kinetic Theory of Gases
8819b  8 May - 14 May 1988  Approximation und Interpolation mit Lösungen partieller Differentialgleichungen
8818  1 May - 7 May 1988  Gruppen und Geometrien
8817  24 Apr - 30 Apr 1988  Kombinatorik geordneter Mengen
8816  17 Apr - 23 Apr 1988  Berechnung von Verzweigungen in mechanischen Systemen
8815  10 Apr - 16 Apr 1988  Algebraische Gruppen
8814a  7 Apr - 9 Apr 1988  Geschichte der Elementarmathematik
8814  4 Apr - 9 Apr 1988  Arbeitsgemeinschaft Geyer-Harder: Degeneration von Hodgestrukturen
8813  27 Mar - 2 Apr 1988  Inverse Spektralprobleme
8812  20 Mar - 26 Mar 1988  Regelungstheorie
8811  13 Mar - 19 Mar 1988  Diophantische Approximationen
8810  6 Mar - 12 Mar 1988  Mathematische Stochastik
8809  28 Feb - 5 Mar 1988  Numerical Linear Algebra and Parallel Computation
8808  21 Feb - 27 Feb 1988  Aktive Schwingungsdämpfung
8807  14 Feb - 20 Feb 1988  Funktionentheorie
8806  7 Feb - 13 Feb 1988  Universelle Algebra
8805  31 Jan - 6 Feb 1988  Methoden und Anwendungen der Approximationstheorie
8804  24 Jan - 30 Jan 1988  One-parameter Semigroups and Differential Operators
8803  17 Jan - 23 Jan 1988  Wahrscheinlichkeitsmaße auf Gruppen
8802  10 Jan - 16 Jan 1988  Modelltheorie
8801  3 Jan - 9 Jan 1988  Mathematische Optimierung
8751  13 Dec - 19 Dec 1987  Convergence Structure in Topology and Analysis
8750  6 Dec - 12 Dec 1987  Extremwerttheorie
8749  29 Nov - 5 Dec 1987  Anwendungen der Mengenlehre in der Mathematik
8748a  22 Nov - 28 Nov 1987  Geometrie und Kombinatorik
8747  15 Nov - 21 Nov 1987  Microlokale Analysis und partielle Differentialgleichungen
8746  8 Nov - 14 Nov 1987  Numerische Integration
8745  1 Nov - 7 Nov 1987  Mathematische Methoden des VLSI-Entwurfs und des Distributed Computings
8744  25 Oct - 31 Oct 1987  Multigrid Methods
8743  18 Oct - 24 Oct 1987  Geometrie
8742  11 Oct - 17 Oct 1987  Arbeitsgemeinschaft Geyer-Harder: Arithmetische Flächen
8741  4 Oct - 10 Oct 1987  Funktionalanalysis und Operatortheorie
8740  27 Sep - 3 Oct 1987  C*-Algebren
8739  20 Sep - 26 Sep 1987  Risk Theory
8738a  13 Sep - 19 Sep 1987  Hysteresis-Phänomene: Modelle, Theorie und Verfahren
8738b  13 Sep - 19 Sep 1987  Nukleare Frechet-Räume
8737  6 Sep - 12 Sep 1987  Homotopietheorie
8736  30 Aug - 5 Sep 1987  Topologie
8735  23 Aug - 29 Aug 1987  Partial Differential Equations in Complex Analysis
8734  16 Aug - 22 Aug 1987  Numerische Probleme für Anfangs- und Anfangsrandwertprobleme
8733  9 Aug - 15 Aug 1987  Konstruktive Verfahren in der komplexen Analysis
8733b  9 Aug - 15 Aug 1987  Workshop on Quasigroups and Loops
8732  2 Aug - 8 Aug 1987  Einhüllende Algebren, Differentialoperatoren und Darstellungstheorie
8731  26 Jul - 1 Aug 1987  Darstellungstheorie reduktiver Lie-Gruppen und automorphe Darstellungen
8730  19 Jul - 25 Jul 1987  Differentialgeometrie im Großen
8729  12 Jul - 18 Jul 1987  Mathematische Probleme in Strömungen und Plasmen
8728  5 Jul - 11 Jul 1987  Mathematical Problems in Chemical Processes
8727  28 Jun - 4 Jul 1987  Harmonische Analyse und Darstellungstheorie topologischer Gruppen
8726  21 Jun - 27 Jun 1987  Partielle Differentialgleichungen
8725  14 Jun - 20 Jun 1987  Zyklische Kohomologie und ihre Anwendungen
8724  7 Jun - 13 Jun 1987  Diskrete Geometrie
8723  31 May - 6 Jun 1987  Darstellungstheorie endlicher Gruppen
8722  24 May - 30 May 1987  Kommutative Algebra und algebraische Geometrie
8721  17 May - 23 May 1987  Elliptische Operatoren auf singulären und nichtkompakten Mannigfaltigkeiten
8720  10 May - 16 May 1987  Dynamische Systeme
8719  3 May - 9 May 1987  Gruppentheorie
8718  26 Apr - 2 May 1987  Geschichte der Mathematik
8717a  19 Apr - 25 Apr 1987  Mathematische Logik
8717b  19 Apr - 25 Apr 1987  Mathematical Methods in the Study of Natural and Computer Languages
8716  12 Apr - 18 Apr 1987  Arbeitsgemeinschaft Geyer-Harder
8715  5 Apr - 11 Apr 1987  Reelle algebraische Geometrie
8714  29 Mar - 4 Apr 1987  Anwendungen der Infinitesimalmathematik
8713  22 Mar - 28 Mar 1987  Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen
8712  15 Mar - 21 Mar 1987  Mathematische Modelle in der Biologie
8711  8 Mar - 14 Mar 1987  Semiparametrische Modelle und Asymptotische Methoden
8710  1 Mar - 7 Mar 1987  Mathematics in Industry
8710a  1 Mar - 7 Mar 1987  New Foundations
8709  22 Feb - 28 Feb 1987  Medical Statistics: Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials
8708  15 Feb - 21 Feb 1987  Operations Research
8707  8 Feb - 14 Feb 1987  Flächen in der geometrischen Datenverarbeitung
8706  1 Feb - 7 Feb 1987  Algorithmen in der kombinatorischen Geometrie
8705  25 Jan - 31 Jan 1987  Quantenstochastik
8704  18 Jan - 24 Jan 1987  Mathematische Theorien der Fluide
8703  11 Jan - 17 Jan 1987  Mathematical Economics
8702  4 Jan - 10 Jan 1987  Fraktale und ihre Bedeutung in Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften
8651  14 Dec - 20 Dec 1986  Arbeitstagung des ehemaligen Baerschen Seminars
8650  7 Dec - 13 Dec 1986  Combinatorial optimization and its relations to other mathematical areas
8649  30 Nov - 6 Dec 1986  Eigenwertaufgaben in den Ingenieurwissenschaften und ihre numerische Behandlung
8648  23 Nov - 29 Nov 1986  Statistik stochastischer Prozesse
8647  16 Nov - 22 Nov 1986  Stochastik im Mathematikunterricht
8646  9 Nov - 15 Nov 1986  Komplexitätstheorie
8645  2 Nov - 8 Nov 1986  Affine Differentialgeometrie
8643b  24 Oct - 28 Oct 1986  Kryptographie
8643a  19 Oct - 25 Oct 1986  Finite Elemente in der Kontinuumsmechanik
8642  12 Oct - 18 Oct 1986  Geometrie der Banachräume
8641  5 Oct - 11 Oct 1986  Arbeitsgemeinschaft Geyer-Harder über Yang-Mills-Theorie
8640  28 Sep - 4 Oct 1986  Numerische Methoden de Approximationstheorie
8639  21 Sep - 27 Sep 1986  Elementare und analytische Zahlentheorie
8638  14 Sep - 20 Sep 1986  Nonlinear and random vibrations
8637  7 Sep - 13 Sep 1986  Funktionenalgebren
8636  1 Sep - 5 Sep 1986  Topology
8635  24 Aug - 30 Aug 1986  Differentialgeometrie und komplexe Analysis
8634  17 Aug - 23 Aug 1986  Ergodentheorie und dynamische Systeme
8633  10 Aug - 16 Aug 1986  Theory and application of radon transforms
8632  3 Aug - 9 Aug 1986  Algebraische Zahlentheorie
8631a  27 Jul - 2 Aug 1986  Kinematik
8631b  27 Jul - 2 Aug 1986  Nonlinear evolutions equations, solitons and the inverse scattering transform
8630a  20 Jul - 26 Jul 1986  Wiener-Hopf problems with applications
8630b  20 Jul - 24 Jul 1986  Lie theory of semigroups
8629  13 Jul - 19 Jul 1986  Stochastische Geometrie
8628  6 Jul - 12 Jul 1986  Konvexe Körper
8627  29 Jun - 5 Jul 1986  Graphentheorie
8626  22 Jun - 28 Jun 1986  Reelle Methoden der Analysis
8625  15 Jun - 21 Jun 1986  Optimalsteuerung und Variationsrechnung - optimal control
8624  8 Jun - 14 Jun 1986  Gambling and optimal stopping
8623  1 Jun - 7 Jun 1986  Topologische Methoden in der Gruppentheorie
8622  25 May - 31 May 1986  Lokale Algebra und lokale analytische Geometrie
8621a  18 May - 24 May 1986  Inverse Probleme
8621b  18 May - 24 May 1986  Optimale Steuerung partieller Differentialgleichungen
8620  11 May - 17 May 1986  Information theory
8619  4 May - 10 May 1986  General Inequalities
8618  27 Apr - 3 May 1986  Ringe und Moduln
8617  20 Apr - 26 Apr 1986  Variationsrechnung
8616a  13 Apr - 19 Apr 1986  Algebraische Geometrie vom synthetischen Standpunkt
8616b  13 Apr - 19 Apr 1986  Elasticity theory
8615  6 Apr - 12 Apr 1986  Die Beilinson-Vermutung
8614  30 Mar - 5 Apr 1986  Mathematical problems in condensed matter physics
8613  23 Mar - 29 Mar 1986  Darstellungstheorie endlichdimensionaler Algebren
8612  16 Mar - 22 Mar 1986  Diophantische Approximationen
8611  9 Mar - 15 Mar 1986  Mathematische Stochastik
8610  2 Mar - 8 Mar 1986  Regelungstheorie
8609  23 Feb - 1 Mar 1986  Halbgruppentheorie
8608  16 Feb - 22 Feb 1986  Funktionentheorie
8607  9 Feb - 15 Feb 1986  Gruppen und Geometrien
8606  2 Feb - 8 Feb 1986  Topics in pseudo-differential operators
8605  27 Jan - 31 Jan 1986  Formale Methoden und mathematische Hilfsmittel für die Softwarekonstruktion
8604  16 Jan - 25 Jan 1986  Kombinatorik
8603  12 Jan - 18 Jan 1986  Modelltheorie
8602  5 Jan - 11 Jan 1986  Kontinuumsmechanik fester Körper
8551  15 Dec - 21 Dec 1985  Angewandte mathematische Statistik
8550  8 Dec - 14 Dec 1985  Geschichte der Mathematik
8549  1 Dec - 7 Dec 1985  Methoden und Verfahren der mathematischen Physik
8548  24 Nov - 30 Nov 1985  Function theoretic methhods in partial differential and integral equations
8546  10 Nov - 16 Nov 1985  Probability measures on groups
8545  3 Nov - 9 Nov 1985  Computer und Mathematikunterricht
8544  27 Oct - 2 Nov 1985  Grundlagen der Geometrie
8543  20 Oct - 26 Oct 1985  Mathematische Logik
8542  13 Oct - 19 Oct 1985  Probability and classical statistical physics
8541  6 Oct - 12 Oct 1985  K-Theorie von Körpern
8540  29 Sep - 5 Oct 1985  Geometrie
8539  22 Sep - 28 Sep 1985  Gruppentheorie
8538  15 Sep - 21 Sep 1985  Free boundary problems
8537  8 Sep - 14 Sep 1985  Low dimensional topology
8536  2 Sep - 6 Sep 1985  Topology
8535  25 Aug - 31 Aug 1985  Differentialgeometrie und komplexe Analysis
8534  18 Aug - 24 Aug 1985  Singularitäten
8533  11 Aug - 17 Aug 1985  Abelsche Gruppen
8532  4 Aug - 10 Aug 1985  Jordan-Algebren
8531  28 Jul - 3 Aug 1985  Harmonische Analyse und Darstellungstheorie topologischer Gruppen
8530  21 Jul - 27 Jul 1985  Modulfunktionen in mehreren Variablen
8529  14 Jul - 19 Jul 1985  Large scale scientific computing
8528  8 Jul - 12 Jul 1985  Topological methods in nonlinear analysis
8527  1 Jul - 5 Jul 1985  Riesz spaces and operator theory
8526  23 Jun - 29 Jun 1985  Differentialgeometrie im Großen
8525  16 Jun - 22 Jun 1985  Dynamische Systeme
8524  9 Jun - 13 Jun 1985  AG Algebra: Algebraische Theorie der Systeme partieller Differentialgleichungen
8523  2 Jun - 8 Jun 1985  Quadratische Formen
8522  26 May - 1 Jun 1985  Finite geometries
8521  19 May - 24 May 1985  Mathematical methods in celestial mechanics
8520  12 May - 18 May 1985  Kommutative Algebra und algebraische Geometrie
8519  5 May - 11 May 1985  Mathematical methods in the kinetic theory
8518  28 Apr - 4 May 1985  Angewandte stochastische Prozesse
8517  21 Apr - 27 Apr 1985  Unendlichdimensionale Lie-Algebren und Gruppen
8516  14 Apr - 20 Apr 1985  Algebraische Gruppen
8515  9 Apr - 12 Apr 1985  Chaos in dynamischen Systemen
8514  31 Mar - 6 Apr 1985  Dependence in probability and statistics
8513  24 Mar - 30 Mar 1985  Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen
8512  17 Mar - 23 Mar 1985  Surgery and L-theory
8511  10 Mar - 16 Mar 1985  Mathematische Stochastik
8510  3 Mar - 9 Mar 1985  Partielle Differentialgleichungen
8509  24 Feb - 2 Mar 1985  Medizinische Statistik
8508  17 Feb - 23 Feb 1985  Funktionalanalysis
8507  10 Feb - 16 Feb 1985  P-adic function theory and analysis
8506a  3 Feb - 9 Feb 1985  Absolute Geometrie und Kombinatorik
8506b  3 Feb - 9 Feb 1985  Einhüllende Algebren von Lie-Algebren
8505  27 Jan - 2 Feb 1985  Kombinatorik geordneter Mengen
8504  20 Jan - 26 Jan 1985  Mehrdimensionale konstruktive Funktionentheorie
8503a  13 Jan - 19 Jan 1985  Boolesche Algebren
8503b  13 Jan - 19 Jan 1985  Mengenlehre
8502  6 Jan - 12 Jan 1985  Mathematische Optimierung
8501  1 Jan - 5 Jan 1985  Metaplektische Gruppen
8451  16 Dec - 22 Dec 1984  Functional equations
8450  8 Dec - 15 Dec 1984  Multigrid methods
8449  2 Dec - 8 Dec 1984  Mathematische Modelle in der Biologie
8448  26 Nov - 30 Nov 1984  Effiziente Algorithmen
8447  18 Nov - 24 Nov 1984  Fortbildungstagung für Mathematiklehrer
8446  11 Nov - 17 Nov 1984  Flächen in der geometrischen Datenverarbeitung
8445  4 Nov - 10 Nov 1984  Stochastische Analysis
8444  28 Oct - 2 Nov 1984  Geometrie
8443  21 Oct - 27 Oct 1984  Nichtlineare Evolutionsgleichungen
8442  14 Oct - 20 Oct 1984  Analytische Zahlentheorie
8441  7 Oct - 13 Oct 1984  Arbeitsgemeinschaft Geyer-Harder über 4-Mannigfaltigkeiten
8439  23 Sep - 29 Sep 1984  Kombinatorische Geometrie
8438  16 Sep - 22 Sep 1984  Risikotheorie
8437  9 Sep - 15 Sep 1984  Robust statistics
8436  2 Sep - 8 Sep 1984  Reelle algebraische Geometrie
8435  26 Aug - 1 Sep 1984  Komplexe Analysis
8434  19 Aug - 25 Aug 1984  Algebraic K-theory of spaces and pseudoisotopy theory
8433  12 Aug - 18 Aug 1984  Topologie
8432  5 Aug - 11 Aug 1984  Algebraische Zahlentheorie
8431  29 Jul - 4 Aug 1984  Variationsrechnung
8430  22 Jul - 28 Jul 1984  Potentialtheorie
8429  15 Jul - 21 Jul 1984  Konvexe Körper
8428  8 Jul - 14 Jul 1984  Graphentheorie
8427  1 Jul - 7 Jul 1984  Integrable Hamiltonian systems and algebraic geometry
8426  24 Jun - 30 Jun 1984  Konstruktive Methoden zur praktischen Behandlung von Integralgleichungen
8425  17 Jun - 23 Jun 1984  Nichtlineare Funktionalanalysis und partielle Differentialgleichungen
8424a  10 Jun - 16 Jun 1984  Order geometry and direct differential geometry
8424b  10 Jun - 16 Jun 1984  Gewebegeometrie
8423  3 Jun - 9 Jun 1984  Orders and their applications
8422  27 May - 2 Jun 1984  Algebraic K-theory
8421  20 May - 26 May 1984  Gruppentheorie
8420  13 May - 19 May 1984  Geschichte der Mathematik
8419  6 May - 12 May 1984  Theorie, Numerik und Anwendungen nichtlinearer Eigenwertprobleme
8418  29 Apr - 5 May 1984  Gruppen und Geometrien
8417a  22 Apr - 28 Apr 1984  Gruppen, Graphen und Kammernsysteme
8417b  22 Apr - 28 Apr 1984  Exponentialsummen
8416  15 Apr - 21 Apr 1984  Rekursionstheorie
8415  8 Apr - 13 Apr 1984  Diophantische Approximationen
8414  1 Apr - 7 Apr 1984  Transzendenztheorie
8413  25 Mar - 31 Mar 1984  Order statistics, quantile processes and extreme value theory
8412  18 Mar - 24 Mar 1984  Mathematische Spieltheorie
8411  11 Mar - 17 Mar 1984  Linear operators and applications
8410  4 Mar - 10 Mar 1984  Regelungstheorie
8409  26 Feb - 3 Mar 1984  Operations Research
8408  19 Feb - 25 Feb 1984  Mathematische Stochastik
8407  12 Feb - 18 Feb 1984  Funktionentheorie
8406b  6 Feb - 9 Feb 1984  Kinematik
8406a  5 Feb - 11 Feb 1984  Nukleare Fréchet-Räume
8405  29 Jan - 4 Feb 1984  Brauergruppen über Körpern
8404  22 Jan - 28 Jan 1984  Combinatorics, invariant theory and representation theory of symmetric groups
8403  15 Jan - 21 Jan 1984  Modelltheorie
8402  9 Jan - 13 Jan 1984  Mathematische Theorien der Fluide
8401  2 Jan - 7 Jan 1984  Mathematische Logik
8351  18 Dec - 22 Dec 1983  C*-Algebren
8350  11 Dec - 17 Dec 1983  Asymptotic statistics
8349  4 Dec - 10 Dec 1983  Nonstandard-Analysis
8348  27 Nov - 3 Dec 1983  Mathematische Methoden zur VLSI
8347  21 Nov - 25 Nov 1983  Singularities and constructive methods for their treatment
8346  13 Nov - 19 Nov 1983  Microlokale Analysis und partielle Differentialgleichungen
8344  30 Oct - 4 Nov 1983  Complexity theory
8343  23 Oct - 29 Oct 1983  Mathematics in industry
8342a  16 Oct - 22 Oct 1983  Parametrische Optimierung und Approximation
8342b  16 Oct - 22 Oct 1983  Rekursive Kombinatorik
8341  9 Oct - 15 Oct 1983  Schnitthomologie
8340  2 Oct - 8 Oct 1983  Geometrie
8338  18 Sep - 25 Sep 1983  Kategorientheorie
8337  11 Sep - 17 Sep 1983  Homotopietheorie
8336  4 Sep - 10 Sep 1983  Topologie
8335  28 Aug - 3 Sep 1983  Special complex varieties
8334  21 Aug - 26 Aug 1983  Partial differential equations in complex analysis
8333  14 Aug - 20 Aug 1983  Arithmetische algebraische Geometrie
8332  7 Aug - 13 Aug 1983  Konstruktive Verfahren in der komplexen Analysis
8331  30 Jul - 6 Aug 1983  Functional analysis and approximation
8330  24 Jul - 30 Jul 1983  Darstellungstheorie endlicher Gruppen
8329  17 Jul - 23 Jul 1983  Scattering theory
8328  10 Jul - 16 Jul 1983  Harmonische Analyse und Darstellungstheorie topologischer Gruppen
8327a  3 Jul - 9 Jul 1983  Error asymptotic and defect corrections
8327b  3 Jul - 9 Jul 1983  Quasigroups and loops
8326  26 Jun - 2 Jul 1983  Maßtheorie
8325  19 Jun - 25 Jun 1983  AG Algebra: Combinatorics and algebraic groups
8324  12 Jun - 18 Jun 1983  Numerische Behandlung von Eigenwertaufgaben
8323a  6 Jun - 10 Jun 1983  Special functions and differential equations in the complex domain
8323b  5 Jun - 11 Jun 1983  Spectral theory of ordinary differential operators
8322  30 May - 3 Jun 1983  Dynamische Systeme
8321  22 May - 28 May 1983  Differentialgeometrie im Großen
8320  16 May - 22 May 1983  Kommutative Algebra und algebraische Geometrie
8319  8 May - 14 May 1983  General inequalities
8318  1 May - 7 May 1983  Gruppentheorie unter besonderer Berücksichtigung proendlicher Gruppen
8317  24 Apr - 30 Apr 1983  Probability measures on groups
8316  17 Apr - 23 Apr 1983  Mathematische Logik
8315  10 Apr - 16 Apr 1983  Arithmetik elliptischer Kurven
8314  4 Apr - 9 Apr 1983  Das Modulschema M g
8313  27 Mar - 2 Apr 1983  Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen
8312  20 Mar - 26 Mar 1983  Numerische Methoden der Approximationstheorie
8311  13 Mar - 19 Mar 1983  Spezielle Funktionen und Gruppentheorie
8310  6 Mar - 12 Mar 1983  Mathematische Stochastik
8309  27 Feb - 5 Mar 1983  Partielle Differentialgleichungen
8308  20 Feb - 26 Feb 1983  Matrizentheorie und numerische lineare Algebra
8307  13 Feb - 19 Feb 1983  Funktionentheorie
8306  6 Feb - 12 Feb 1983  Medizinische Statistik
8305  30 Jan - 5 Feb 1983  Stochastische Geometrie, geometrische Statistik, Stereologie
8304  23 Jan - 29 Jan 1983  Noetherian rings
8303a  16 Jan - 22 Jan 1983  Deskriptive Mengenlehre
8303b  16 Jan - 22 Jan 1983  Anwendbare Algebra
8302  9 Jan - 15 Jan 1983  Mathematische Optimierung
8301  2 Jan - 8 Jan 1983  Kontinuumsmechanik fester Körper
8250  12 Dec - 18 Dec 1982  Geschichte der Mathematik
8249  5 Dec - 11 Dec 1982  Optimale Kontrolle partieller Differentialgleichungen mit Schwerpunkt auf numerischen Verfahren
8248  28 Nov - 3 Dec 1982  Mathematikunterricht in der Sekundarstufe II
8247  22 Nov - 26 Nov 1982  Mathematical problems in the kinetic theory of gases
8246  7 Nov - 13 Nov 1982  Sequentialverfahren und Erneuerungstheorie
8244  31 Oct - 6 Nov 1982  Didaktische Probleme der mathematischen Elementarbildung
8243  24 Oct - 30 Oct 1982  Funktionalanalysis
8242  17 Oct - 23 Oct 1982  Grundlagen der Geometrie
8241  10 Oct - 16 Oct 1982  Arbeitstagung über das Eisensteinideal
8240  3 Oct - 9 Oct 1982  Analytische Zahlentheorie
8239  26 Sep - 2 Oct 1982  Inkorrekt gestellte Probleme und ihre numerische Behandlung
8238  19 Sep - 25 Sep 1982  Risikotheorie
8237  12 Sep - 18 Sep 1982  Schwingungstheorie
8236  5 Sep - 11 Sep 1982  Geometrie
8235  29 Aug - 4 Sep 1982  Komplexe Analysis
8234  22 Aug - 28 Aug 1982  Transformationsgruppen
8233  15 Aug - 21 Aug 1982  Topologie
8232  8 Aug - 14 Aug 1982  Jordan-Algebren
8231  1 Aug - 7 Aug 1982  Funktionalgleichungen
8230  25 Jul - 31 Jul 1982  Cohomologie der Gruppen
8229  18 Jul - 24 Jul 1982  Konvexe Körper
8228  11 Jul - 17 Jul 1982  Variationsrechnung
8227  4 Jul - 10 Jul 1982  Probability in Banach spaces
8226  27 Jun - 3 Jul 1982  Riesz spaces and operator theory
8225  20 Jun - 26 Jun 1982  Algebraische Gruppen
8224  13 Jun - 19 Jun 1982  Darstellungstheorie und l-adische Kohomologie
8223  6 Jun - 12 Jun 1982  Differential-Differenzengleichungen, Anwendungen und numerische Probleme
8222  30 May - 5 Jun 1982  Graphentheorie
8221  23 May - 29 May 1982  Lokale Algebra und lokale analytische Geometrie
8220  17 May - 21 May 1982  Universelle Algebra
8219  9 May - 15 May 1982  Kombinatorik
8218  2 May - 8 May 1982  Gruppentheorie
8217b  26 Apr - 30 Apr 1982  Flächen in der geometrischen Datenverarbeitung
8217a  25 Apr - 1 May 1982  Kinematik
8216  18 Apr - 23 Apr 1982  Mathematische Logik
8215  12 Apr - 17 Apr 1982  P-adische Uniformisierung
8214  5 Apr - 10 Apr 1982  Informationstheorie
8213  28 Mar - 3 Apr 1982  Mathematische Stochastik
8212  21 Mar - 27 Mar 1982  Finite geometries
8211  14 Mar - 20 Mar 1982  Einhüllende Algebren von Lie-Algebren
8210  7 Mar - 13 Mar 1982  Medizinische Statistik
8209  28 Feb - 6 Mar 1982  Regelungstheorie
8208  21 Feb - 27 Feb 1982  Methoden und Verfahren der mathematischen Physik
8207  14 Feb - 20 Feb 1982  Funktionentheorie
8206  7 Feb - 13 Feb 1982  Mehrdimensionale konstruktive Funktionentheorie
8205  1 Feb - 5 Feb 1982  Iterative Lösung nichtlinearer Gleichungssysteme
8204  24 Jan - 30 Jan 1982  Mathematical economics
8203  17 Jan - 23 Jan 1982  Angewandte stochastische Prozesse
8202  10 Jan - 16 Jan 1982  Modell-Theorie
8201  4 Jan - 8 Jan 1982  Formale Methoden und mathematische Hilfsmittel für die Softwarekonstruktion
8151  13 Dec - 19 Dec 1981  Time series and density estimation
8150  6 Dec - 12 Dec 1981  Operatorungleichungen
8149  29 Nov - 5 Dec 1981  Mathematische Methoden der Strömungsmechanik
8148  22 Nov - 28 Nov 1981  Mathematische Modelle in der Biologie
8147  16 Nov - 21 Nov 1981  Approximationstheorie
8146  8 Nov - 14 Nov 1981  Probleme des Algebra-Unterrichts in der S I
8145  1 Nov - 7 Nov 1981  Complexity theory
8144  26 Oct - 30 Oct 1981  Synthetische Methoden in der algebraischen Geometrie
8143  18 Oct - 24 Oct 1981  Geschichte der Mathematik
8142  11 Oct - 17 Oct 1981  Relativitätstheorie
8141  4 Oct - 10 Oct 1981  Numerische Integration
8140  27 Sep - 3 Oct 1981  Funktionalanalysis: C -Algebren
8139  20 Sep - 26 Sep 1981  Geometrie
8138  13 Sep - 19 Sep 1981  Topologie (Spezialtagung): Dynamical systems
8137  6 Sep - 12 Sep 1981  Topologie
8136  30 Aug - 5 Sep 1981  Komplexe Analysis
8135  23 Aug - 29 Aug 1981  Mathematical methods in celestial mechanics
8134  16 Aug - 22 Aug 1981  Singuläre Störungstheorie mit Anwendungen
8133  9 Aug - 15 Aug 1981  Algebraische Zahlentheorie
8132  2 Aug - 8 Aug 1981  Banach-Räume
8131  26 Jul - 1 Aug 1981  Harmonische Analyse und Darstellungstheorie topologischer Gruppen
8130  19 Jul - 25 Jul 1981  Endliche Gruppen und Permutationsgruppen
8129  12 Jul - 18 Jul 1981  Discrete geometry
8128  5 Jul - 11 Jul 1981  Nichtstandard-Analysis und Anwendungen
8127a  28 Jun - 4 Jul 1981  Probability measures on groups
8127b  28 Jun - 4 Jul 1981  Numerische Verfahren zum Lösen von steifen Anfangswertaufgaben
8126  21 Jun - 27 Jun 1981  Maßtheorie
8125  14 Jun - 20 Jun 1981  Darstellungstheorie endlich-dimensionaler Algebren
8124  7 Jun - 13 Jun 1981  Differentialgeometrie im Großen
8123  31 May - 6 Jun 1981  Reversibilität und Dualität
8122  24 May - 30 May 1981  Halbgruppentheorie
8121  18 May - 23 May 1981  Quadratische Formen
8120  10 May - 16 May 1981  Kommutative Algebra und algebraische Geometrie
8119  3 May - 9 May 1981  Gruppentheorie
8118  26 Apr - 2 May 1981  General inequalities
8117  21 Apr - 25 Apr 1981  Dynamische Systeme
8116  12 Apr - 18 Apr 1981  Die Vermutungen von Hodge und Tate
8115  5 Apr - 11 Apr 1981  Mathematische Logik
8114  29 Mar - 4 Apr 1981  Diophantische Approximationen
8113  22 Mar - 28 Mar 1981  Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen
8112  15 Mar - 21 Mar 1981  Stochastische Analysis
8111  8 Mar - 14 Mar 1981  Probability theory and mathematical statistics
8110  1 Mar - 7 Mar 1981  Anwendungen topologischer Methoden in der nichtlinearen Funktionalanalysis, nichtlinearen Analysis und numerischen Mathematik
8109  22 Feb - 28 Feb 1981  Partial differential equations
8108  15 Feb - 21 Feb 1981  Funktionentheorie
8107  8 Feb - 14 Feb 1981  Medizinische Statistik
8106  1 Feb - 6 Feb 1981  Effiziente Algorithmen
8105  25 Jan - 31 Jan 1981  Mathematische Optimierung
8104  18 Jan - 24 Jan 1981  Numerische Methoden der Approximationstheorie
8103a  11 Jan - 17 Jan 1981  Abelsche Gruppen
8103b  11 Jan - 17 Jan 1981  Modelltheorie (mengentheoretische Topologie)
8102  4 Jan - 10 Jan 1981  Mathematische Theorien der Fluide
8101  31 Dec - 3 Jan 1981  Arbeitsgemeinschaft Salzmann
8051  14 Dec - 20 Dec 1980  Statistische Modelle und Entscheidungen
8050  7 Dec - 13 Dec 1980  Integralgleichungsmethoden in den Ingenieurwissenschaften
8049  30 Nov - 6 Dec 1980  Mathematische Methoden des Operations Research
8048  23 Nov - 29 Nov 1980  P-adic function theory and analysis
8047  16 Nov - 22 Nov 1980  Numerische Behandlung freier Randwertaufgaben
8045  2 Nov - 8 Nov 1980  Analytische Zahlentheorie
8044  26 Oct - 30 Oct 1980  Euklidische Räume
8043  19 Oct - 25 Oct 1980  Funktionalanalysis
8042  13 Oct - 17 Oct 1980  Risikotheorie
8041  5 Oct - 11 Oct 1980  Arbeitsgemeinschaft über Kohomologie arithmetischer Gruppen
8040  28 Sep - 4 Oct 1980  Nichtlineare und rheolineare Schwingungssysteme
8039  21 Sep - 27 Sep 1980  Geometrie
8038  14 Sep - 20 Sep 1980  Homotopietheorie
8037  7 Sep - 13 Sep 1980  Topologie
8036  31 Aug - 6 Sep 1980  Komplexe Analysis
8035  24 Aug - 30 Aug 1980  Finite elements
8034  17 Aug - 23 Aug 1980  Partial differential equations
8033  9 Aug - 16 Aug 1980  Functional analysis and approximation
8032  3 Aug - 9 Aug 1980  Scattering theory
8031  27 Jul - 2 Aug 1980  Modulfunktionen in mehreren Variablen
8030  20 Jul - 26 Jul 1980  Konvexe Körper
8029  13 Jul - 19 Jul 1980  Variationsrechnung
8028  7 Jul - 11 Jul 1980  Konstruktive Verfahren in der komplexen Analysis
8027  29 Jun - 5 Jul 1980  Unendlichdimensionale einfache Lie-Algebren
8026  22 Jun - 28 Jun 1980  Orders and their applications
8025  15 Jun - 21 Jun 1980  Algebraische K-Theorie
8024a  8 Jun - 14 Jun 1980  Analytische Methoden in der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung
8024b  8 Jun - 14 Jun 1980  Rand-Eigenwertprobleme und spezielle Funktionen
8023  1 Jun - 7 Jun 1980  Topologische Dynamik
8022  26 May - 31 May 1980  Grundlagen der Geometrie
8021  18 May - 24 May 1980  Kombinatorik geordneter Mengen
8020  11 May - 17 May 1980  Gruppen und Geometrien
8019a  4 May - 9 May 1980  Kinematik
8019b  4 May - 10 May 1980  Combinatorics
8018  27 Apr - 3 May 1980  Gruppentheorie
8017  20 Apr - 26 Apr 1980  Mathematische Logik
8016a  13 Apr - 19 Apr 1980  Fastringe und Fastkörper
8016b  13 Apr - 19 Apr 1980  Finite geometries
8015  7 Apr - 12 Apr 1980  Arbeitstagung über "Quillens K-Theorie"
8014  30 Mar - 5 Apr 1980  Distributionen und partielle Differentialgleichungen
8013  23 Mar - 29 Mar 1980  Mathematical statistics and probability
8012  16 Mar - 22 Mar 1980  Optimierung und optimale Steuerungen
8011  9 Mar - 15 Mar 1980  Regelungstheorie
8010  2 Mar - 8 Mar 1980  Mathematische Spieltheorie
8009  25 Feb - 29 Feb 1980  Medizinische Statistik
8008  17 Feb - 23 Feb 1980  Funktionentheorie
8007  10 Feb - 16 Feb 1980  Mathematical aspects of computerized tomography
8006  3 Feb - 9 Feb 1980  Methoden und Verfahren der mathematischen Physik
8005  27 Jan - 2 Feb 1980  Konstruktive Methoden der finiten nichtlinearen Optimierung
8004  20 Jan - 26 Jan 1980  Geschichte der Mathematik
8003  13 Jan - 19 Jan 1980  Modelltheorie
8002  6 Jan - 12 Jan 1980  Kontinuumsmechanik fester Körper
8001  1 Jan - 5 Jan 1980  Arbeitstagung Salzmann: Arbeitstagung Salzmann
7951  16 Dec - 22 Dec 1979  Arbeitstagung Stochastik
7950  9 Dec - 15 Dec 1979  Informationstheorie
7949  2 Dec - 9 Dec 1979  Nichtlineare Funktionalanalysis und partielle Differentialgleichungen
7947  18 Nov - 24 Nov 1979  Numerische Behandlung von Integralgleichungen
7946  11 Nov - 17 Nov 1979  Geometrie der Banachräume
7945  4 Nov - 10 Nov 1979  Applied mathematical statistics
7944  28 Oct - 3 Nov 1979  Anwendungsbezüge im Mathematikunterricht
7943  21 Oct - 28 Oct 1979  Complexity theory
7942  14 Oct - 20 Oct 1979  Iwasawa-Theorie
7941  7 Oct - 13 Oct 1979  Dynamische Systeme
7940  30 Sep - 6 Oct 1979  Funktionalanalysis: Operatorfunktionen und Spektraltheorie
7939  23 Sep - 29 Sep 1979  Geometrie
7938  16 Sep - 22 Sep 1979  Mathematische Methoden der Plasmaphysik
7937  9 Sep - 15 Sep 1979  Komplex - projektive Geometrie
7936  2 Sep - 8 Sep 1979  Topologie (Spezialtagung)
7935  27 Aug - 1 Sep 1979  Topologie
7934  18 Aug - 25 Aug 1979  Jordan Algebren
7933  12 Aug - 18 Aug 1979  Algebraische Zahlentheorie
7932  5 Aug - 11 Aug 1979  Graphentheorie
7931  29 Jul - 4 Aug 1979  Anwendung automorpher Funktionen auf Zahlentheorie
7930  22 Jul - 28 Jul 1979  Harmonische Analyse und Darstellungstheorie topologischer Gruppen
7929  15 Jul - 21 Jul 1979  Universelle Algebra
7928  8 Jul - 14 Jul 1979  Kategorien
7927  1 Jul - 7 Jul 1979  Maßtheorie
7926  24 Jun - 30 Jun 1979  Riesz spaces and order bounded operators
7925  17 Jun - 23 Jun 1979  Funktionalgleichungen
7924  10 Jun - 16 Jun 1979  Arbeitsgemeinschaft Algebra: Bahnenräume bei Operationen algebraischer Gruppen
7923  3 Jun - 9 Jun 1979  hyperbolische Geometrie
7922  27 May - 2 Jun 1979  Diophantische Approximationen
7921  20 May - 26 May 1979  Mathematical problems in the kinetic theory of gases
7920  13 May - 19 May 1979  Kommutative Algebra und algebraische Geometrie
7919  6 May - 12 May 1979  Mathematische Optimierung
7918  29 Apr - 5 May 1979  Gruppentheorie
7917  22 Apr - 28 Apr 1979  Mathematische Logik
7916  16 Apr - 21 Apr 1979  Arbeitsgemeinschaft über "Sphärische Raumformen"
7915  8 Apr - 14 Apr 1979  Algebraische Gruppen
7914  1 Apr - 7 Apr 1979  Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen
7913  25 Mar - 31 Mar 1979  Arithmetik der Abelschen Zahlkörper und Klassenkörper der komplexen Multiplikation
7912  18 Mar - 24 Mar 1979  Numerische Methoden der Approximationstheorie
7911  14 Mar - 17 Mar 1979  Stetige und meßbare Selektionen
7910  4 Mar - 10 Mar 1979  Mathematische Stochastik
7909  25 Feb - 3 Mar 1979  Partielle Differentialgleichungen
7908  18 Feb - 24 Feb 1979  Medizinische Statistik
7907  11 Feb - 17 Feb 1979  Funktionentheorie
7906  4 Feb - 10 Feb 1979  Mehrdimensionale konstruktive Funktionentheorie
7905a  28 Jan - 3 Feb 1979  Boolesche Algebren
7905b  28 Jan - 3 Feb 1979  Stochastic programming
7904  21 Jan - 27 Jan 1979  Mathematical Economics
7903  14 Jan - 20 Jan 1979  Characterstic-free representation theory of the symmetric groups
7902  7 Jan - 13 Jan 1979  Formale Methoden und mathematische Hilfsmittel für die Softwarekonstruktion
7901  1 Jan - 6 Jan 1979  Arbeitstagung Baer-Salzmann
7851  16 Dec - 21 Dec 1978  Halbgruppen
7850  10 Dec - 16 Dec 1978  Stochastik auf der Schule
7849  3 Dec - 9 Dec 1978  Operatorungleichungen
7848  26 Nov - 2 Dec 1978  Multivariate statistical analysis
7847  19 Nov - 25 Nov 1978  Konstruktive Methoden bei nichtlinearen Randwertaufgaben und nichtlinearen Schwingungen
7845  5 Nov - 11 Nov 1978  Endliche Euklidische Ebenen
7844  29 Oct - 4 Nov 1978  Zahlentheorie
7843  22 Oct - 28 Oct 1978  Grundlagen der Geometrie
7842  15 Oct - 21 Oct 1978  Mathematische Methoden des Operations Research
7841  8 Oct - 15 Oct 1978  Arbeitstagung über die Weilvermutung
7840  1 Oct - 7 Oct 1978  Numerische Integration
7839  24 Sep - 30 Sep 1978  Funktionalanalysis
7838  17 Sep - 23 Sep 1978  Geometrie
7837  10 Sep - 16 Sep 1978  Topologie
7836  3 Sep - 9 Sep 1978  Connections between algebraic geometry and algebraic topology
7835  27 Aug - 2 Sep 1978  Komplexe Analysis
7834  21 Aug - 25 Aug 1978  Formale Sprachen
7833  13 Aug - 19 Aug 1978  Mathematical methods in celestial mechanics
7832  6 Aug - 12 Aug 1978  Konstruktive Verfahren in der komplexen Analysis
7831  30 Jul - 5 Aug 1978  Second International Conference on "General Inequalities"
7830  23 Jul - 29 Jul 1978  Endliche Gruppen und Permutationsgruppen
7829  16 Jul - 22 Jul 1978  Arbeitsgemeinschaft Algebra: Schiefkörper
7828  9 Jul - 15 Jul 1978  Funktionenräume und Funktionenalgebren
7827  2 Jul - 7 Jul 1978  Operatoren-Distributionen und verwandte Non-Standard-Methoden
7826  25 Jun - 1 Jul 1978  Variationsrechnung
7825  18 Jun - 24 Jun 1978  Probability in Banach spaces
7824  11 Jun - 17 Jun 1978  Ergodentheorie
7823  4 Jun - 10 Jun 1978  Mathematische Modelle in der Biologie
7822  28 May - 3 Jun 1978  Quadratische Formen
7821  21 May - 27 May 1978  Finite geometries
7820  14 May - 20 May 1978  Gruppentheorie
7819  7 May - 13 May 1978  Konstruktive Verfahren der Optimierung bei graphentheoretischen und kombinatorischen Problemen
7818  30 Apr - 6 May 1978  Konvexe Körper
7817b  24 Apr - 28 Apr 1978  Geometrische Ordnungen
7817a  23 Apr - 29 Apr 1978  Kinematik
7816  16 Apr - 22 Apr 1978  Freie und gemischte Randwertprobleme bei partiellen Differentialgleichungen
7815  9 Apr - 15 Apr 1978  Differentialgleichungen der mathematischen Physik
7814  2 Apr - 8 Apr 1978  Mathematische Logik
7813  27 Mar - 1 Apr 1978  Algebraische Zahlentheorie
7812  19 Mar - 25 Mar 1978  Arbeitsgemeinschaft Geyer - Harder: SL2(R)
7811  12 Mar - 18 Mar 1978  Mathematische Stochastik
7810  5 Mar - 11 Mar 1978  Regelungstheorie
7809  27 Feb - 3 Mar 1978  Geschichte der Mathematik
7808  19 Feb - 25 Feb 1978  Medizinische Statistik
7807  12 Feb - 18 Feb 1978  Funktionentheorie
7806  5 Feb - 11 Feb 1978  Einhüllende Algebren von Lie-Algebren
7805  29 Jan - 4 Feb 1978  Wahrscheinlichkeitsmaße auf Gruppen
7804  22 Jan - 28 Jan 1978  Lineare Algebra und Geometrie in der gymnasialen Oberstufe
7803  15 Jan - 20 Jan 1978  Local algebra and local analytic geometry
7802  8 Jan - 14 Jan 1978  Modelltheorie der Gruppen
7801  2 Jan - 5 Jan 1978  Mathematische Theorien der Fluide
7750  12 Dec - 16 Dec 1977  Praktische Behandlung von Differentialgleichungen in Anwendungsgebieten
7749  4 Dec - 10 Dec 1977  Methoden und Verfahren der mathematischen Physik
7748a  27 Nov - 3 Dec 1977  Zulässige Mengen und Strukturen
7748b  27 Nov - 3 Dec 1977  Didaktik der Stochastik
7747  20 Nov - 26 Nov 1977  Asymptotic methods of statistics
7746  13 Nov - 19 Nov 1977  Numerische Methoden der Approximationstheorie
7745  6 Nov - 12 Nov 1977  Zahlentheorie
7744  30 Oct - 5 Nov 1977  Didaktik der Mathematik: Geometrielernen im Mathematikunterricht
7742  16 Oct - 22 Oct 1977  Algorithmen und Komplexitätstheorie
7741  9 Oct - 15 Oct 1977  Arbeitsgemeinschaft Geyer - Harder über Periodenabbildungen
7740  2 Oct - 8 Oct 1977  Funktionalanalysis
7738  18 Sep - 24 Sep 1977  Geometrie
7737  11 Sep - 17 Sep 1977  Fixpunkttheorie
7736  4 Sep - 10 Sep 1977  Topologie
7735  28 Aug - 3 Sep 1977  Mathematische Aspekte der Methode der finiten Elemente
7734  20 Aug - 27 Aug 1977  Lineare Räume und Approximation
7733  14 Aug - 20 Aug 1977  Algebraische Zahlentheorie
7732  7 Aug - 13 Aug 1977  Graphentheorie
7731  31 Jul - 6 Aug 1977  Kategorien
7730  24 Jul - 30 Jul 1977  Harmonische Analyse und Darstellungstheorie topologischer Gruppen
7729  17 Jul - 23 Jul 1977  Scattering theory
7728  10 Jul - 16 Jul 1977  Diskrete Geometrie
7727  3 Jul - 9 Jul 1977  Measure theory - applications to stochastic analysis
7726  26 Jun - 2 Jul 1977  Representations of semisimple Lie groups
7725  19 Jun - 25 Jun 1977  Riesz spaces and order bounded operators
7724  12 Jun - 18 Jun 1977  Darstellungstheorie endlich dimensionaler Algebren
7723  5 Jun - 11 Jun 1977  Allgemeine Gruppentheorie
7722  29 May - 4 Jun 1977  Gruppen und Geometrien
7721  22 May - 28 May 1977  Funktionalgleichungen
7720  15 May - 21 May 1977  Ringe, Moduln und homologische Methoden
7719  8 May - 14 May 1977  Kombinatorik
7718  1 May - 7 May 1977  Numerische Behandlung von Differentialgleichungen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung freier Randwertaufgaben
7717  24 Apr - 30 Apr 1977  Mathematische Logik
7716  17 Apr - 23 Apr 1977  Definability in set theory
7715  12 Apr - 16 Apr 1977  Distributionen
7714  3 Apr - 9 Apr 1977  Klassifikation von Flächen
7713  27 Mar - 2 Apr 1977  Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen
7712  20 Mar - 26 Mar 1977  Mathematische Stochastik
7711  13 Mar - 19 Mar 1977  Commutative algebra and algebraic geometry
7710  6 Mar - 12 Mar 1977  Zahlentheorie (diophantische Approximationen)
7709  27 Feb - 5 Mar 1977  Partielle Differentialgleichungen
7708  20 Feb - 26 Feb 1977  Mathematische Methoden in der Medizin
7707  13 Feb - 19 Feb 1977  Funktionentheorie
7706  6 Feb - 12 Feb 1977  Nichtkommutative Arithmetik und ganzzahlige Darstellung endlicher Gruppen
7705  30 Jan - 5 Feb 1977  Mathematical Economics
7704  23 Jan - 29 Jan 1977  Geschichte der Mathematik
7703  16 Jan - 22 Jan 1977  Kontinuumsmechanik fester Körper
7702  9 Jan - 15 Jan 1977  Mengenlehre und Modelltheorie
7701  2 Jan - 8 Jan 1977  Arbeitstagung Baer-Salzmann
7651  12 Dec - 16 Dec 1976  Intervall-Mathematik
7650  5 Dec - 11 Dec 1976  Didaktik der Mathematik
7649  28 Nov - 4 Dec 1976  Statistical methods
7648  21 Nov - 27 Nov 1976  Formale Methoden und mathematische Hilfsmittel für die Softwarekonstruktion
7647  14 Nov - 20 Nov 1976  Numerik und Anwendungen von Eigenwertaufgaben und Verzweigungsproblemen
7645  31 Oct - 6 Nov 1976  Mathematical methods in transport theory
7644  24 Oct - 30 Oct 1976  Operatorfunktionen und Spektraltheorie
7643  17 Oct - 23 Oct 1976  Interaktionsprozesse
7642  10 Oct - 16 Oct 1976  Arbeitsgemeinschaft Geyer - Harder: Himmelsmechanik
7641  3 Oct - 9 Oct 1976  Funktionalanalysis
7640  26 Sep - 2 Oct 1976  Geometrie
7639  19 Sep - 25 Sep 1976  Blätterungen
7638  12 Sep - 18 Sep 1976  Topologie
7637  5 Sep - 11 Sep 1976  Komplexe Analysis
7636  29 Aug - 4 Sep 1976  Non-Archimedean Analysis
7635  22 Aug - 28 Aug 1976  Jordan-Algebren
7634  15 Aug - 21 Aug 1976  Universal algebra
7633  8 Aug - 14 Aug 1976  Endliche Gruppen und Permutationsgruppen
7632  1 Aug - 7 Aug 1976  Mathematische Methoden des Operations Research
7631  25 Jul - 31 Jul 1976  Lokale Algebra und lokale analytische Geometrie
7630  18 Jul - 24 Jul 1976  Modulfunktionen in mehreren Variablen
7629  11 Jul - 17 Jul 1976  Algebraische K-theorie
7627a  27 Jun - 3 Jul 1976  Fastringe und Fastkörper
7627b  26 Jun - 3 Jul 1976  On Bol and Moufang loops
7626  20 Jun - 26 Jun 1976  Variationsrechnung
7625  13 Jun - 19 Jun 1976  Algebraische Gruppen
7624  6 Jun - 12 Jun 1976  Differentialgeometrie im Großen
7628  4 Jun - 10 Jun 1976  Numerische Behandlung von Differentialgleichungen
7623  30 May - 5 Jun 1976  Gruppentheorie
7622  23 May - 29 May 1976  Ringe, Moduln und homologische Methoden
7621  16 May - 22 May 1976  Finite geometries
7620  9 May - 15 May 1976  Erste internationale Tagung über "Allgemeine Ungleichungen"
7619  2 May - 8 May 1976  Konvexe Körper, geometrische Ordnungen, kombinatorischen Geometrie
7618  25 Apr - 1 May 1976  Mehrdimensionale konstruktive Funktionentheorie
7617  19 Apr - 24 Apr 1976  Grundlagen der Geometrie
7616  11 Apr - 17 Apr 1976  Mathematische Logik
7615  4 Apr - 10 Apr 1976  Arbeitsgemeinschaft Geyer - Harder: Stabilität von Abbildungen
7614  28 Mar - 3 Apr 1976  Mathematische Stochastik
7613  21 Mar - 27 Mar 1976  Mathematische Methoden in der Geodäsie
7612  14 Mar - 20 Mar 1976  Regelungstheorie
7610  29 Feb - 6 Mar 1976  Mathematische Methoden in der Medizin
7609  22 Feb - 28 Feb 1976  Optimierung bei graphentheoretischen und ganzzahligen Problemen
7608  15 Feb - 21 Feb 1976  Funktionentheorie
7607  8 Feb - 15 Feb 1976  Wahrscheinlichkeitsmaße auf Gruppen
7606  1 Feb - 7 Feb 1976  Differentialgleichungen der mathematischen Physik
7605  25 Jan - 31 Jan 1976  Didaktik der Mathematik
7604  18 Jan - 24 Jan 1976  Nichtlineare Funktionalanalysis und ihre Anwendungen
7603  11 Jan - 17 Jan 1976  Modelltheorie
7602a  5 Jan - 10 Jan 1976  Kinematik
7602b  5 Jan - 10 Jan 1976  Automatisches Beweisen
7601  1 Jan - 5 Jan 1976  Arbeitstagung Baer-Salzmann
7551  14 Dec - 20 Dec 1975  Geschichte der Mathematik
7550  8 Dec - 12 Dec 1975  Gegenwärtige Trends, Probleme und Aufgaben der Mathematikdidaktik
7549  30 Nov - 6 Dec 1975  Angewandte mathematische Statistik
7548  24 Nov - 28 Nov 1975  Automatentheorie und formale Sprachen
7547  16 Nov - 22 Nov 1975  Numerische Behandlung von Differentialgleichungen, insbesondere mit der Methode der finiten Elemente
7545  2 Nov - 8 Nov 1975  Zahlentheorie
7544  26 Oct - 1 Nov 1975  Operatorungleichungen
7543  19 Oct - 25 Oct 1975  Geometrie
7542  13 Oct - 17 Oct 1975  Arbeitstagung über Monodromie
7541  5 Oct - 11 Oct 1975  Funktionalanalysis
7540  28 Sep - 4 Oct 1975  Grundlagen der nichtlinearen Geometrie
7538  17 Sep - 20 Sep 1975  Random vibrations and their stability
7537  7 Sep - 13 Sep 1975  Homotopietheorie
7536  31 Aug - 6 Sep 1975  Topologie
7535  24 Aug - 30 Aug 1975  Mathematical methods in celestial mechanics
7534  18 Aug - 23 Aug 1975  Harmonische Analyse und Darstellungstheorie topologischer Gruppen
7533  10 Aug - 16 Aug 1975  Algebraische Zahlentheorie
7532  4 Aug - 8 Aug 1975  Grundlagen des numerischen Rechnens und Computeralgebra
7531  27 Jul - 2 Aug 1975  Numerische Methoden der Optimierung und Operationsforschung
7530  20 Jul - 26 Jul 1975  Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie in Banachräumen
7529  13 Jul - 19 Jul 1975  Graphentheorie
7528  6 Jul - 12 Jul 1975  Funktionalgleichungen
7527  29 Jun - 5 Jul 1975  Kategorien
7526  22 Jun - 28 Jun 1975  Riesz spaces
7525  15 Jun - 21 Jun 1975  Maßtheorie
7524  8 Jun - 12 Jun 1975  Distributionen, Convolutionen und partielle Differentialgleichungen
7523  1 Jun - 7 Jun 1975  Mathematische Modelle in der Biologie
7522  25 May - 31 May 1975  Tagung über Numerische Methoden in der Approximationstheorie
7521  18 May - 24 May 1975  Gruppentheorie
7520  11 May - 17 May 1975  Ringe, Moduln und homologische Methoden
7519  4 May - 10 May 1975  Gruppen und Geometrien
7518  27 Apr - 3 May 1975  Methoden und Verfahren der mathematischen Physik
7517  20 Apr - 26 Apr 1975  Mathematische Logik
7516  13 Apr - 19 Apr 1975  Quadratische Formen
7515  6 Apr - 12 Apr 1975  Arbeitstagung über Invariantentheorie
7514  30 Mar - 5 Apr 1975  Kommutative Algebra und algebraische Geometrie
7513  23 Mar - 28 Mar 1975  Operatoralgebren und Darstellungstheorie
7512  16 Mar - 22 Mar 1975  Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen
7511  9 Mar - 15 Mar 1975  Mathematische Stochastik
7510  2 Mar - 8 Mar 1975  Partielle Differentialgleichungen
7509  24 Feb - 28 Feb 1975  Medizinische Statistik
7508  16 Feb - 22 Feb 1975  Funktionentheorie
7507  9 Feb - 15 Feb 1975  Kombinatorik
7506  2 Feb - 8 Feb 1975  Einhüllende Algebren von Lie-Algebren
7505  25 Jan - 1 Feb 1975  Störungstheorie und Operatorfunktionen
7504  19 Jan - 25 Jan 1975  Mengenlehre und Modelltheorie
7503  12 Jan - 18 Jan 1975  Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung in der Schule
7502  5 Jan - 11 Jan 1975  Kontinuumsmechanik fester Körper
7501  1 Jan - 4 Jan 1975  Arbeitstagung Professor Baer
7450  8 Dec - 14 Dec 1974  Didaktik der Mathematik
7449  1 Dec - 7 Dec 1974  Numerische Methoden bei graphentheoretischen und kombinatorischen Problemen
7448  25 Nov - 29 Nov 1974  Automatentheorie und formale Sprachen
7447  17 Nov - 23 Nov 1974  Optimierungstheorie und optimale Steuerung
7446  10 Nov - 16 Nov 1974  Asymptotic methods in statistics
7444  27 Oct - 2 Nov 1974  Algorithmen und Komplexitätstheorie
7442  13 Oct - 19 Oct 1974  Arbeitstagung übe minimale Modelle
7441  6 Oct - 12 Oct 1974  Funktionalanalysis
7440  29 Sep - 5 Oct 1974  Geometrie
7439  22 Sep - 28 Sep 1974  Problemgeschichte der Mathematik
7438  15 Sep - 21 Sep 1974  Kobordismentheorie und Transformationsgruppen
7437  8 Sep - 14 Sep 1974  Topologie
7436  1 Sep - 7 Sep 1974  Komplexe Analysis
7434  18 Aug - 24 Aug 1974  Endliche Gruppen und Permutationsgruppen
7433  11 Aug - 17 Aug 1974  Mathematische Methoden des Operations Research
7432  5 Aug - 9 Aug 1974  Kategorien
7431  28 Jul - 3 Aug 1974  Spectral and scattering theory
7430  21 Jul - 27 Jul 1974  Calculus of variations
7429  14 Jul - 20 Jul 1974  Zahlentheorie
7428  7 Jul - 13 Jul 1974  Grundlagen der Geometrie
7427  30 Jun - 6 Jul 1974  Nonstandard-Analysis
7426b  28 Jun - 30 Jun 1974  Wochenend-Seminar über Zahlentheorie
7426a  23 Jun - 28 Jun 1974  Algebraische K-theorie
7425  16 Jun - 22 Jun 1974  Potentialtheorie
7424  9 Jun - 14 Jun 1974  Numerische Behandlung von Differentialgleichungen
7423  2 Jun - 8 Jun 1974  Differentialgeometrie im Großen
7422  27 May - 31 May 1974  Finite geometries
7421  19 May - 25 May 1974  Konvexe Körper, geometrische Ordnungen
7420  12 May - 18 May 1974  Ringe, Moduln und homologische Methoden
7419  5 May - 11 May 1974  General group theory
7418  28 Apr - 4 May 1974  Methoden und Verfahren der mathematischen Physik
7417  21 Apr - 27 Apr 1974  Mathematische Logik
7416  16 Apr - 20 Apr 1974  Arbeitstagung über Teichmüller-Räume
7415  7 Apr - 13 Apr 1974  Darstellungstheorie Liescher Gruppen
7414  30 Mar - 6 Apr 1974  Lineare Operatoren und Approximation II
7413  24 Mar - 28 Mar 1974  Regelungstheorie
7412  17 Mar - 23 Mar 1974  Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen
7411  10 Mar - 16 Mar 1974  Mathematische Stochastik
7410  4 Mar - 8 Mar 1974  Investigations of the stability of boundary layers
7409  25 Feb - 1 Mar 1974  Biomathematik und medizinische Statistik
7408  17 Feb - 23 Feb 1974  Funktionentheorie
7407  10 Feb - 16 Feb 1974  Arbeitstagung über Wahrscheinlichkeitsmaße auf Gruppen
7406  3 Feb - 9 Feb 1974  Spezielle Funktionen
7405  27 Jan - 2 Feb 1974  Intuitionistische Metamathematik
7404  20 Jan - 26 Jan 1974  Arbeitsgemeinschaft über C*-Algebren
7403  13 Jan - 19 Jan 1974  Zahlentheorie
7402  6 Jan - 12 Jan 1974  Mengenlehre und Modelltheorie
7401  1 Jan - 5 Jan 1974  Arbeitstagung Professor Baer
7350b  14 Dec - 20 Dec 1973  Elfte internationale Tagung über Funktionalgleichungen
7350a  9 Dec - 13 Dec 1973  Didaktik der Mathematik
7349  3 Dec - 7 Dec 1973  Numerische Lösung nichtlinearer partieller Differential- und Integrodifferentialgleichungen
7348  25 Nov - 1 Dec 1973  Automatentheorie und formale Sprachen
7347  18 Nov - 24 Nov 1973  Optimierungsaufgaben
7345a  10 Nov - 16 Nov 1973  Tagung der "Logikgruppe"
7345  4 Nov - 9 Nov 1973  Mathematikunterricht in der Sekundarstufe 2
7344  28 Oct - 3 Nov 1973  Problemgeschichte der Mathematik
7342  14 Oct - 20 Oct 1973  Geometry of Banach spaces
7341  7 Oct - 13 Oct 1973  Algebraische Kurven, die durch Modulfunktionen uniformisiert werden
7340  30 Sep - 6 Oct 1973  Funktionalanalysis
7339  23 Sep - 29 Sep 1973  Geometrie
7338  16 Sep - 22 Sep 1973  Topologie
7337  9 Sep - 15 Sep 1973  Blätterungen und Singularitäten
7336  2 Sep - 8 Sep 1973  Komplexe Analysis
7335  26 Aug - 1 Sep 1973  Harmonische Analyse und Darstellungstheorie topologischer Gruppen
7334  19 Aug - 25 Aug 1973  Jordan-Algebren
7333  12 Aug - 18 Aug 1973  Algebraische Zahlentheorie
7332  5 Aug - 11 Aug 1973  Endliche Gruppen und Permutationsgruppen
7331  29 Jul - 4 Aug 1973  Mathematische Methoden des Operations Research
7330  22 Jul - 28 Jul 1973  Kategorien
7329  15 Jul - 21 Jul 1973  Grundlagen der Geometrie
7328  8 Jul - 13 Jul 1973  Statistische Mechanik
7327  1 Jul - 6 Jul 1973  Universal algebra
7326  24 Jun - 30 Jun 1973  Rieszsche Räume
7325  17 Jun - 23 Jun 1973  Lifting- und Fortsetzungsprobleme
7324  12 Jun - 16 Jun 1973  Geometrische Maßtheorie
7323  3 Jun - 9 Jun 1973  Numerische Methoden der Approximationstheorie
7322  27 May - 2 Jun 1973  Finite geometries
7321b  26 May - 27 May 1973  Arbeitstagung über Konstruktion von Zahlkörpern mit gegebener nilpotenter Gruppe
7321a  20 May - 26 May 1973  Gruppen und Geometrien
7320  13 May - 19 May 1973  Gruppentheorie
7319  6 May - 12 May 1973  Ringe, Moduln und homologische Methoden
7318b  2 May - 5 May 1973  Intervallrechnung
7318a  29 Apr - 2 May 1973  Spline-Funktionen
7317  23 Apr - 28 Apr 1973  Einhüllende Algebren von Lie-Algebren
7316  15 Apr - 21 Apr 1973  Distributionen und partielle Differentialgleichungen
7315  8 Apr - 14 Apr 1973  Mathematische Logik
7314  2 Apr - 7 Apr 1973  Arbeitstagung über Modulfunktionen
7313  25 Mar - 31 Mar 1973  Reine Kombinatorik
7312  18 Mar - 24 Mar 1973  Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie
7311  11 Mar - 17 Mar 1973  Mathematische Statistik
7310  4 Mar - 10 Mar 1973  Medizinische Statistik
7309  25 Feb - 3 Mar 1973  Partielle Differentialgleichungen
7308  18 Feb - 24 Feb 1973  Funktionentheorie
7307  11 Feb - 17 Feb 1973  Spezielle Funktionen
7306  6 Feb - 9 Feb 1973  Methoden und Verfahren der mathematischen Physik
7303  14 Jan - 20 Jan 1973  Kontinuumsmechanik fester Körper
7302  7 Jan - 13 Jan 1973  Mengenlehre und Modelltheorie
7301  2 Jan - 6 Jan 1973  Arbeitstagung Professor Baer
7250  10 Dec - 16 Dec 1972  Mathematikunterricht in der neugestalteten Oberstufe
7249  4 Dec - 8 Dec 1972  Numerische, insbesondere approximationstheoretische Behandlung von Funktionalgleichungen
7248  26 Nov - 30 Nov 1972  Algorithmen und Komplexitätstheorie
7247  19 Nov - 24 Nov 1972  Numerische Behandlung von Eigenwertaufgaben
7246  13 Nov - 18 Nov 1972  Fragen des Mathematikunterrichts an allgemeinbildenden Schulen
7244  29 Oct - 4 Nov 1972  Automatentheorie und formale Sprachen
7243  23 Oct - 28 Oct 1972  Problemgeschichte der Mathematik
7242  15 Oct - 20 Oct 1972  Angewandte Kombinatorik
7241  8 Oct - 14 Oct 1972  Arbeitsgemeinschaft über Reduktionstheorie algebraischer Gruppen
7240  1 Oct - 7 Oct 1972  Funktionalanalysis
7238  17 Sep - 23 Sep 1972  Geometrie
7236a  3 Sep - 9 Sep 1972  Fastperiodische Funktionen
7236b  3 Sep - 16 Sep 1972  Topologie
7235  27 Aug - 2 Sep 1972  Mathematical methods in celestial mechanics
7234  20 Aug - 26 Aug 1972  Endliche Gruppen und Permutationsgruppen
7233  13 Aug - 20 Aug 1972  Mathematische Methoden des Operations Research
7232  6 Aug - 12 Aug 1972  Systemtheoretische Probleme der Mechanik
7231  30 Jul - 5 Aug 1972  Zehnte internationale Tagung über Funktionalgleichungen
7230  23 Jul - 29 Jul 1972  Kategorien
7229  16 Jul - 22 Jul 1972  Differentialgeometrie im Großen
7228  9 Jul - 15 Jul 1972  Zahlentheorie
7227  2 Jul - 8 Jul 1972  Konvexe Körper, geometrische Ordnungen
7226  25 Jun - 30 Jun 1972  Graphentheorie
7225  18 Jun - 24 Jun 1972  Variationsrechnung
7224  11 Jun - 17 Jun 1972  Harmonische Analyse und Darstellungstheorie topologischer Gruppen
7223  5 Jun - 9 Jun 1972  Numerische Methoden bei Differentialgleichungen
7222  28 May - 3 Jun 1972  Höhere Geometrie
7221  21 May - 27 May 1972  Grundlagen der Geometrie
7220  14 May - 20 May 1972  Gruppen und Geometrien
7219  7 May - 13 May 1972  Gruppentheorie
7218  1 May - 7 May 1972  Ringe, Moduln und homologische Methoden
7217  23 Apr - 29 Apr 1972  Methoden und Verfahren der mathematischen Physik
7216  16 Apr - 22 Apr 1972  Mathematische Logik
7215  9 Apr - 15 Apr 1972  Kohomologie diskreter Gruppen
7214  3 Apr - 7 Apr 1972  Distributionen und partielle Differentialgleichungen
7213  26 Mar - 31 Mar 1972  Regelungstheorie
7212  19 Mar - 25 Mar 1972  Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen
7211  12 Mar - 18 Mar 1972  Finite geometries
7210  5 Mar - 11 Mar 1972  Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie
7209  27 Feb - 5 Mar 1972  Mathematische Statistik
7208  20 Feb - 26 Feb 1972  Medizinische Statistik
7207  13 Feb - 19 Feb 1972  Funktionentheorie
7206  6 Feb - 12 Feb 1972  Spezielle Funktionen
7205  30 Jan - 3 Feb 1972  Arbeitsgemeinschaft über Fastringe
7204  26 Jan - 29 Jan 1972  Intervallrechnung
7203  16 Jan - 22 Jan 1972  Arbeitstagung über Wahrscheinlichkeitsmaße auf Gruppen
7202  9 Jan - 15 Jan 1972  Modell-Theorie
7201  2 Jan - 6 Jan 1972  Arbeitstagung Professor Baer
7148  28 Nov - 4 Dec 1971  Numerische Lösung nichtlinearer partieller Differential- und Integrodifferentialgleichungen
7146  15 Nov - 20 Nov 1971  Numerische Methoden bei Optimierungsaufgaben
7144  31 Oct - 6 Nov 1971  Neuere Entwicklung in der Mathematikdidaktik
7142  18 Oct - 23 Oct 1971  Problemgeschichte der Mathematik
7141  10 Oct - 16 Oct 1971  Arbeitsgemeinschaft über Singularitäten complexer Hyperflächen
7140  3 Oct - 9 Oct 1971  Funktionalanalysis
7139  26 Sep - 2 Oct 1971  Geometrie
7137  12 Sep - 21 Sep 1971  Topologie
7136  5 Sep - 11 Sep 1971  Komplexe Analysis mehrerer Veränderlicher
7135  29 Aug - 4 Sep 1971  Harmonische Analyse und Darstellungstheorie topologischer Gruppen
7134  22 Aug - 28 Aug 1971  Algebraische Zahlentheorie
7133  14 Aug - 22 Aug 1971  Lineare Operatoren und Approximation
7132  8 Aug - 14 Aug 1971  Universelle Algebra
7131  1 Aug - 7 Aug 1971  Endliche Gruppen und Permutationsgruppen
7130  25 Jul - 31 Jul 1971  Mathematische Methoden des Operations Research
7129  18 Jul - 24 Jul 1971  Grundlagen der Geometrie
7128  11 Jul - 17 Jul 1971  Funktionenalgebren
7127  5 Jul - 9 Jul 1971  EUROMECH 26
7126  27 Jun - 3 Jul 1971  Ringe, Moduln und homologische Methoden
7125  20 Jun - 26 Jun 1971  Mathematical theory of scattering
7124  13 Jun - 19 Jun 1971  Numerische Methoden der Approximationstheorie
7123  6 Jun - 12 Jun 1971  Diskrete Geometrie
7122  30 May - 5 Jun 1971  Algebraische Gruppen
7121  23 May - 29 May 1971  Differentialtopologie, speziell Blätterungen
7120  16 May - 22 May 1971  Allgemeine Gruppentheorie
7119a  9 May - 15 May 1971  Lifting- und Fortsetzungsprobleme
7119b  9 May - 13 May 1971  Verwendung technischer Hilfsmittel im Mathematikunterricht des Hochschulbereichs
7118  2 May - 8 May 1971  Gruppen und Geometrien
7117  25 Apr - 1 May 1971  Methoden und Verfahren der mathematischen Physik
7116  18 Apr - 24 Apr 1971  Formale Sprachen und Programmiersprachen
7115  13 Apr - 17 Apr 1971  Arbeitsgemeinschaft über die Arbeiten von Shimura zur kompexen Multiplikation
7114a  10 Apr - 17 Apr 1971  Arbeitsgemeinschaft über mathematische Logik
7114  4 Apr - 10 Apr 1971  Finite geometries
7113  28 Mar - 3 Apr 1971  Mathematische Logik
7112  21 Mar - 27 Mar 1971  Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie
7111  14 Mar - 20 Mar 1971  Mathematische Statistik
7110  8 Mar - 13 Mar 1971  Medizinische Statistik
7109  28 Feb - 6 Mar 1971  Partielle Differentialgleichungen
7108  21 Feb - 27 Feb 1971  Funktionentheorie
7107a  14 Feb - 20 Feb 1971  Spezielle Funktionen
7107b  14 Feb - 22 Feb 1971  Axiomatische Mengenlehre
7106a  11 Feb - 13 Feb 1971  Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Arithmetik auf elliptischen Kurven und Dualitätssatz von Poiton
7106  7 Feb - 13 Feb 1971  Mathematische Modelle in der Biologie
7105  31 Jan - 6 Feb 1971  Kontinuumsmechanik fester Körper
7104  24 Jan - 30 Jan 1971  Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung und Statistik im Mathematikunterricht
7103  17 Jan - 23 Jan 1971  Kolloquium mit den Fachkollegen der Gymnasien
7102  11 Jan - 16 Jan 1971  Arbeitsseminar über Modelltheorie
7101  2 Jan - 6 Jan 1971  Arbeitstagung Professor Baer
7049  29 Nov - 5 Dec 1970  Arbeitstagung über Wahrscheinlichkeitsmaße auf Gruppen
7048  22 Nov - 28 Nov 1970  Geometrie
7047  15 Nov - 21 Nov 1970  Funktionalanalysis und numerische Mathematik
7045  1 Nov - 7 Nov 1970  Didaktik-Tagung: Fragen des Geometrie-Unterrichts an weiterführenden Schulen
7044  25 Oct - 30 Oct 1970  Problemgeschichte der Mathematik
7043  18 Oct - 24 Oct 1970  Regelungstheorie
7042  11 Oct - 17 Oct 1970  Arbeitsgemeinschaft über den Indexsatz von Atiyah-Singer II
7041a  10 Oct - 16 Oct 1970  Arbeitsgemeinschaft über mathematische Logik
7041  4 Oct - 10 Oct 1970  Funktionalanalysis
7040  2 Oct - 3 Oct 1970  Fragen zur Ausbildung in Mathematik an den Universitäten
7038  18 Sep - 26 Sep 1970  Topologie
7037  11 Sep - 17 Sep 1970  Undendlich-dimensionale Topologie
7036  30 Aug - 5 Sep 1970  Formale Sprachen
7035  23 Aug - 28 Aug 1970  Jordan-Algebren
7034  16 Aug - 22 Aug 1970  Mathematische Methoden des Operations Research
7033  9 Aug - 15 Aug 1970  Gruppentheorie
7032  2 Aug - 8 Aug 1970  Funktionalgleichungen
7031  26 Jul - 1 Aug 1970  Verzweigungslösungen bei nichtlinearen Problemen
7030  19 Jul - 25 Jul 1970  Nonstandard-Analysis
7029  12 Jul - 18 Jul 1970  Grundlagen der Geometrie
7028  5 Jul - 11 Jul 1970  Arbeitstagung Professor Baer
7027  28 Jun - 4 Jul 1970  Konvexe Körper, geometrische Ordnungen
7026  21 Jun - 26 Jun 1970  Ausgewählte Probleme der Variationsrechnung
7025  14 Jun - 20 Jun 1970  Gruppen und Geometrien
7024  7 Jun - 13 Jun 1970  Numerische Behandlung von Differentialgleichungen
7023  31 May - 6 Jun 1970  Anwendungen der Kohomologietheorie auf die Gruppentheorie
7021  17 May - 23 May 1970  Martingale
7020  10 May - 16 May 1970  Ringe, Moduln und homologische Methoden
7019  3 May - 9 May 1970  Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen mit Anwendungen
7018  26 Apr - 2 May 1970  Spezialtagung über Statistik (Verteilungsunabhängige Verfahren)
7017  19 Apr - 25 Apr 1970  Methoden und Verfahren der mathematischen Physik
7016  12 Apr - 18 Apr 1970  Arbeitsgemeinschaft über den Indexsatz von Atiyah-Singer
7015  5 Apr - 11 Apr 1970  Mathematische Logik
7014  30 Mar - 4 Apr 1970  Combinatorial aspects of finite geometries
7012  15 Mar - 21 Mar 1970  Zahlentheorie
7011  8 Mar - 14 Mar 1970  Medizinische Statistik
7010  1 Mar - 7 Mar 1970  Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie
7009  22 Feb - 28 Feb 1970  Funktionentheorie einer komplexen Variablen
7008  15 Feb - 21 Feb 1970  Spezielle Funktionen
7007  8 Feb - 14 Feb 1970  Mathematische Logik
7006  1 Feb - 7 Feb 1970  Analysis und Wahrscheilichkeitsrechnung an höheren Schulen
7003  11 Jan - 17 Jan 1970  Große Kardinalzahlen
7001  2 Jan - 6 Jan 1970  Gruppen und Geometrie
6950  7 Dec - 13 Dec 1969  Logik, Boolsche Algebra und verwandte Gebiete im Gymnasialunterricht
6949  30 Nov - 4 Dec 1969  Anwendung der Modelltheorie in Algebra und Zahlentheorie
6948  23 Nov - 28 Nov 1969  Problemgeschichte der Mathematik
6947  16 Nov - 22 Nov 1969  Iterationsverfahren in der numerischen Mathematik
6945  3 Nov - 8 Nov 1969  Mathematische Untersuchungen zur Boltzmann-Vlasow-Gleichung und zur Neutronentransportgleichung
6944  26 Oct - 1 Nov 1969  Zur Didaktik des Geometrieunterrichts an Höheren Schulen
6943  20 Oct - 25 Oct 1969  Mathematische Methoden in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften (2. Operations Research Tagung)
6942  12 Oct - 18 Oct 1969  Automatentheorie und formale Sprachen
6941  5 Oct - 11 Oct 1969  Arbeitsgemeinschaft über Potentialtheorie
6941a  5 Oct - 11 Oct 1969  Arbeitstagung über Mathematische Logik
6940  29 Sep - 3 Oct 1969  Funktionalanalysis
6937  7 Sep - 20 Sep 1969  Topologie
6935  24 Aug - 30 Aug 1969  Harmonische Analyse und Darstellungstheorie topologischer Gruppen
6934  17 Aug - 23 Aug 1969  Symposium on celectial mechanics
6933  11 Aug - 15 Aug 1969  Systemtheoretische Probleme der Mechanik
6932  3 Aug - 9 Aug 1969  Endliche Gruppen und Permutationsgruppen
6931  27 Jul - 2 Aug 1969  Algebraische Zahlentheorie
6930  20 Jul - 26 Jul 1969  Arbeitstagung Professor Baer
6929  13 Jul - 19 Jul 1969  Differentialgeometrie im Großen
6928  6 Jul - 12 Jul 1969  Spezielle Fragen aus den Grundlagen der Geometrie
6927a  5 Jul - 7 Jul 1969  Arbeitsgemeinschaft Heidelberg-Göttingen
6927  29 Jun - 5 Jul 1969  Graphentheorie
6926  22 Jun - 28 Jun 1969  Konvexe Körper; geometrische Ordnungen
6925  15 Jun - 21 Jun 1969  Integralgeometrie und geometrische Wahrscheinlichkeit
6924  9 Jun - 13 Jun 1969  Numerische Methoden der Approximationstheorie
6923  1 Jun - 7 Jun 1969  Gruppentheoretische Eigenschaften
6922  25 May - 31 May 1969  Grundlagen der Geometrie
6921  18 May - 24 May 1969  Gruppen und Geometrie
6920  11 May - 17 May 1969  Kontinuumproblem
6919  4 May - 8 May 1969  Intervallrechnung
6918  27 Apr - 3 May 1969  Ringe, Moduln und homologische Methoden
6916  13 Apr - 19 Apr 1969  Methoden und Verfahren der mathematischen Physik
6915  7 Apr - 12 Apr 1969  Arbeitsgemeinschaft über Funktionalalgebren
6913  23 Mar - 29 Mar 1969  Mathematische Logik
6912  16 Mar - 22 Mar 1969  Regelungstheorie
6911  9 Mar - 15 Mar 1969  Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und mathematische Statistik
6910  2 Mar - 8 Mar 1969  Partielle Differentialgleichungen
6909  23 Feb - 1 Mar 1969  Medizinische Statistik
6908  16 Feb - 22 Feb 1969  Spezielle Funktionen
6906  8 Feb - 10 Feb 1969  Heidelberger Seminar über Algebra und Zahlentheorie
6901  2 Jan - 5 Jan 1969  Gruppen und Geometrie
6849  5 Dec - 8 Dec 1968  Arbeitsgemeinschaft über Fastringe
6847  17 Nov - 22 Nov 1968  Nichtlineare Aufgaben der numerischen Mathematik
6844  27 Oct - 2 Nov 1968  Zur Didaktik des mathematischen Gymnasialunterrichts
6843  21 Oct - 26 Oct 1968  Problemgeschichte der Mathematik
6842  14 Oct - 19 Oct 1968  Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen und Anwendungen
6841  6 Oct - 12 Oct 1968  Arbeitsgemeinschaft über Kongruenzgruppen
6840  30 Sep - 5 Oct 1968  Funktionalanalysis
6839  22 Sep - 28 Sep 1968  Geometrie
6838  15 Sep - 22 Sep 1968  Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie
6837  8 Sep - 14 Sep 1968  Komplexe Analysis
6834  18 Aug - 24 Aug 1968  Operations research
6833  11 Aug - 17 Aug 1968  Gruppentheorie
6832  4 Aug - 10 Aug 1968  Ergodentheorie
6831  28 Jul - 3 Aug 1968  Automorphe Funktionen zu arithmetisch definierten Gruppen
6829  18 Jul - 27 Jul 1968  Abstrakte Räume und Approximation
6828  11 Jul - 17 Jul 1968  Eigenwertaufgaben und ihre numerische Behandlung
6827  3 Jul - 10 Jul 1968  Universelle und kategorische Algebra
6827a  30 Jun - 2 Jul 1968  Mathematische Logik und Grundlagenforschung im Unterricht
6826  23 Jun - 29 Jun 1968  Arbeitstagung des Baerschen Kreises
6825  17 Jun - 22 Jun 1968  Funktionalgleichungen
6824  9 Jun - 15 Jun 1968  Markoffsche Ketten
6823  1 Jun - 6 Jun 1968  Grundlagen der Geometrie
6822  27 May - 31 May 1968  Arbeitsgemeinschaft über zweidimensionale reguläre Variationsprobleme
6820  18 May - 19 May 1968  Arbeitsgemeinschaft Prof. Dr. P. Roquette
6819  5 May - 8 May 1968  Intervallrechnung
6816  15 Apr - 20 Apr 1968  Arbeitsgemeinschaft über Gruppen mit BN-Paaren
6814  1 Apr - 6 Apr 1968  Mathematische Logik und Grundlagenforschung
6813  25 Mar - 31 Mar 1968  Zahlentheorie
6812  17 Mar - 24 Mar 1968  Funktionentheorie einer komplexen Variablen
6811  10 Mar - 16 Mar 1968  Mathematische Statistik und Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie
6810  4 Mar - 9 Mar 1968  Ringe und Moduln
6809  26 Feb - 2 Mar 1968  Medizinische Statistik und Dokumentation
6808a  18 Feb - 24 Feb 1968  Arbeitsgemeinschaft über Modelltheorie
6808b  18 Feb - 24 Feb 1968  Spezielle Probleme der Analysis
6807  11 Feb - 17 Feb 1968  Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Topologische Körper
6804  27 Jan - 30 Jan 1968  Arbeitsgemeinschaft über Korrespondenztheorie
6801  3 Jan - 7 Jan 1968  Arbeitstagung des Baerschen Kreises
6747  19 Nov - 25 Nov 1967  Funktionalanalytische Methoden der numerischen Mathematik
6743  22 Oct - 26 Oct 1967  Zur Didaktik des mathematischen Gymnasialunterrichts
6740  1 Oct - 6 Oct 1967  Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Bordismentheorie
6738  16 Sep - 22 Sep 1967  Geometrie
6737  10 Sep - 15 Sep 1967  Problemgeschichte der Mathematik
6735  29 Aug - 9 Sep 1967  Topologie
6734  17 Aug - 26 Aug 1967  Jordan-Algebren und nicht-assoziative Algebren
6731  31 Jul - 6 Aug 1967  Algebraische Zahlentheorie
6730  24 Jul - 30 Jul 1967  Kombinatorik
6729  16 Jul - 22 Jul 1967  Gruppen und Geometrie
6728  7 Jul - 14 Jul 1967  Konvexe Körper, geometrische Ordnungen
6727  30 Jun - 6 Jul 1967  Tagung über Graphentheorie
6725  23 Jun - 26 Jun 1967  Arbeitsgemeinschaft
6724  11 Jun - 16 Jun 1967  Optimierungsaufgaben
6723  4 Jun - 10 Jun 1967  Analytical problems of branching process theory
6721  24 May - 28 May 1967  Arbeitstagung des Frankfurter Seminars
6720  15 May - 20 May 1967  Grundlagen der Geometrie
6717  23 Apr - 28 Apr 1967  Arbeitsgemeinschaft über auflösbare Gruppen
6714  3 Apr - 8 Apr 1967  Zur mathematischen Logik
6713  27 Mar - 3 Apr 1967  Unerreichbare Kardinalzahlen
6712  19 Mar - 24 Mar 1967  Spezielle Probleme der Analysis
6711  12 Mar - 18 Mar 1967  Mathematische Statistik und Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie
6709  26 Feb - 4 Mar 1967  Partielle Differentialgleichungen
6701  3 Jan - 7 Jan 1967  Arbeitstagung Professor Baer
6646  13 Nov - 19 Nov 1966  Numerische Analysis, insbesondere Approximationstheorie
6643a  28 Oct - 31 Oct 1966  Die mathematische Ausbildung des Volks- und Realschullehrer
6643  23 Oct - 28 Oct 1966  Zur Didaktik des mathematischen Gymnasialunterrichts
6642  16 Oct - 22 Oct 1966  Arbeitsgemeinschaft über globale analytische Geometrie
6640  2 Oct - 8 Oct 1966  Funktionalanalysis
6639  25 Sep - 1 Oct 1966  Geometrie
6638  18 Sep - 24 Sep 1966  Problemgeschichte der Mathematik
6637  11 Sep - 17 Sep 1966  Mathematische Methoden der Himmelsmechanik
6635  31 Aug - 10 Sep 1966  Topologie
6631  31 Jul - 6 Aug 1966  Die Gruppen der Geometrie und die Geometrie der Gruppen
6630  24 Jul - 30 Jul 1966  Universelle Algebra
6629  17 Jul - 23 Jul 1966  Kategorien und Funktoren
6628  10 Jul - 16 Jul 1966  Funktionalgleichungen
6625  20 Jun - 25 Jun 1966  Numerische Behandlung von Differentialgleichungen
6623  6 Jun - 13 Jun 1966  Arbeitstagung des Frankfurter Seminars
6622  30 May - 4 Jun 1966  Grundlagen der Geometrie
6617  24 Apr - 29 Apr 1966  Arbeitsgemeinschaft über lokale analytische Geometrie
6616  17 Apr - 24 Apr 1966  Mathematische Statistik und Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie
6615  12 Apr - 16 Apr 1966  Arbeitsgemeinschaft für angewandte Mengenlehre
6610  7 Mar - 12 Mar 1966  Arbeitstagung über Funktionalanalysis
6609  27 Feb - 5 Mar 1966  Ringe und Moduln
6605  5 Feb - 7 Feb 1966  Arbeitstagung des Mathematischen Seminars für Studienreferendare
6603  22 Jan - 24 Jan 1966  Seminar über algebraische Gruppen
6601  5 Jan - 9 Jan 1966  Arbeitstagung Professor Baer
6548  4 Dec - 5 Dec 1965  Seminar über algebraische Gruppen
6546  16 Nov - 21 Nov 1965  Funktionalanalytische Methoden in der numerischen Mathematik
6543  25 Oct - 30 Oct 1965  Zur Didaktik des mathematischen Gymnasialunterrichts
6542  18 Oct - 23 Oct 1965  Arbeitsgemeinschaft
6540  4 Oct - 9 Oct 1965  Geometrie
6538  20 Sep - 30 Sep 1965  Topologie
6536  6 Sep - 12 Sep 1965  Zahlentheorie; insbesondere additive und analytische Zahlentheorie, Diophantische Approximationen;
6535  30 Aug - 4 Sep 1965  Komplexe Analysis
6531  2 Aug - 10 Aug 1965  Harmonische Analysis unf Integraltransformationen
6530  26 Jul - 31 Jul 1965  Ergodentheorie
6528  12 Jul - 18 Jul 1965  Endliche Gruppen und Liesche Ringe
6527  5 Jul - 10 Jul 1965  Funktionalgleichungen
6525  22 Jun - 25 Jun 1965  Numerische Probleme in der Approximationstheorie
6524  17 Jun - 21 Jun 1965  Arbeitstagung des Frankfurter Seminars
6523  7 Jun - 11 Jun 1965  Grundlagen der Geometrie
6522  31 May - 5 Jun 1965  Problemgeschichte der Mathematik
6517  25 Apr - 1 May 1965  Die Geometrie der Gruppen und die Gruppen der Geometrie
6516  19 Apr - 25 Apr 1965  Arbeitsgemeinschaft ganzzahlige Darstellungen
6514  6 Apr - 9 Apr 1965  6. Kolloquium der Deutschen Vereinigung für Mathematische Logik und für Grundlagenforschung der exakten Wissenschaften (DVMLG) e.V.
6513  2 Apr - 5 Apr 1965  Cohen's Unabhängigkeitsbeweise in der Mengenlehre
6512  22 Mar - 27 Mar 1965  Satelliten- und Raumflugtheorie
6510  8 Mar - 13 Mar 1965  Partielle Differentialgleichungen
6509  28 Feb - 5 Mar 1965  Arbeitsseminar über Grenzfragen zwischen Differentialgeometrie und Variationsrechnung
6503  18 Jan - 24 Jan 1965  Arbeitstagung über Funktionalanalysis
6501  3 Jan - 6 Jan 1965  Arbeitstagung Professor Baer
6444  25 Oct - 30 Oct 1964  Zur Didaktik des mathematischen Gymnasialunterrichtes
6443  18 Oct - 23 Oct 1964  Arbeitsgemeinschaft über das Klassenkörperturmproblem
6441  4 Oct - 10 Oct 1964  Geometrie
6439  20 Sep - 25 Sep 1964  Problemgeschichte der Mathematik
6437  6 Sep - 11 Sep 1964  Zahlentheorie (insbesondere algebraische Zahlentheorie)
6435  26 Aug - 3 Sep 1964  Topologie
6432  2 Aug - 7 Aug 1964  Mathematische Statistik und Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie
6429  18 Jul - 20 Jul 1964  Arbeitstagung des Fachseminars Mathematik für Studienreferendare aus Freiburg
6428  5 Jul - 9 Jul 1964  Konvexe Körper und konvexe Funktionen
6426  21 Jun - 26 Jun 1964  Differentialgeometrie im Großen
6425  14 Jun - 19 Jun 1964  Funktionalanalytische Methoden in der numerischen Mathematik
6424  8 Jun - 12 Jun 1964  Numerische Behandlung von Problemen der linearen Algebra
6422  28 May - 1 Jun 1964  Arbeitstagung Professor Baer
6421  18 May - 23 May 1964  Die Geometrie der Gruppen und die Gruppen der Geometrie unter besonderer Berücksichtigung endlicher Strukturen
6418  27 Apr - 1 May 1964  Arbeitsgemeinschaft über stochastische Prozesse
6417  20 Apr - 24 Apr 1964  Grundlagen der Geometrie
6416  14 Apr - 17 Apr 1964  Kolloquium der Deutschen Vereinigung für Mathematische Logik und für Grundlagenforschung der exakten Wissenschaften
6412  15 Mar - 21 Mar 1964  Mathematische Methoden der Himmelsmechanik und Astronautik und damit zusammenhängende Fragen der numerischen Mathematik
6410  1 Mar - 8 Mar 1964  Arbeitstagung
6408  21 Feb - 23 Feb 1964  Welchen Einblick in Denkweise und Ergebnisse der Mathematik kann und soll das Gymnasium heute seinen Schülern vermitteln?
6407  12 Feb - 18 Feb 1964  Gruppentheorie und Elementarteilchen
6401  3 Jan - 6 Jan 1964  Arbeitstagung Professor Baer
6343  20 Oct - 25 Oct 1963  Mathematische Strukturen im Gymnasialunterricht?
6341  6 Oct - 12 Oct 1963  Funktionalgleichungen
6339  22 Sep - 28 Sep 1963  Geometrie
6337  8 Sep - 14 Sep 1963  Geschichte der Mathematik
6336  1 Sep - 7 Sep 1963  Topologie
6332  4 Aug - 9 Aug 1963  Approximationstheorie
6328  6 Jul - 9 Jul 1963  Einführung einer Obersekunda in die Gruppentheorie
6325  21 Jun - 24 Jun 1963  Arbeitsgemeinschaft des Frankfurter Seminars
6323  3 Jun - 8 Jun 1963  Endliche Strukturen
6318  27 Apr - 3 May 1963  Arbeitsgemeinschaft über partielle Differentialoperatoren II
6317  21 Apr - 27 Apr 1963  Grundlagen der Geometrie
6315  8 Apr - 11 Apr 1963  Fastperiodische Funktionen
6314  1 Apr - 5 Apr 1963  Zahlentheorie (insbesondere additive Zahlentheorie, Diophantische Approximationen, Modulfunktionen)
6313  24 Mar - 29 Mar 1963  Funktionentheorie einer Veränderlichen
6312  18 Mar - 22 Mar 1963  Partielle Differentialgleichungen
6310  3 Mar - 9 Mar 1963  Mathematische Statistik und Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie
6301  3 Jan - 7 Jan 1963  Arbeitstagung des Frankfurter Seminars
6243  21 Oct - 25 Oct 1962  Die Axiomatik im Geometrieunterricht der Gymnasien
6242  14 Oct - 20 Oct 1962  Fortbildungslehrgang über Mathematikgeschichte
6240  1 Oct - 6 Oct 1962  Funktionalanalysis
6239  23 Sep - 29 Sep 1962  Geometrie
6238  16 Sep - 20 Sep 1962  Geschichte der Mathematik
6236  2 Sep - 8 Sep 1962  1. Tagung über Funktionalgleichungen
6235  26 Aug - 1 Sep 1962  Arbeitsgemeinschaft über partielle Differentialoperatoren
6232  5 Aug - 11 Aug 1962  Gruppentheorie
6230  22 Jul - 28 Jul 1962  Diskrete Geometrie
6227  6 Jul - 8 Jul 1962  Seminar über Angewandte Mengenlehre
6225  21 Jun - 25 Jun 1962  Arbeitsgemeinschaft über Algebra und Gruppentheorie
6224  12 Jun - 16 Jun 1962  Grundlagen der Geometrie
6214  1 Apr - 8 Apr 1962  Endliche Geometrien und ihre Gruppen
6213  25 Mar - 31 Mar 1962  Komplexe Analysis
6201  5 Jan - 8 Jan 1962  Arbeitsgemeinschaft über Algebra und Gruppentheorie
6143  23 Oct - 28 Oct 1961  Ringtheorie-Tagung
6142  16 Oct - 21 Oct 1961  Gruppentheorie-Tagung
6140  4 Oct - 11 Oct 1961  Arbeitsgemeinschaft über Topologische Methoden in der algebraischen Zahlentheorie
6139  24 Sep - 30 Sep 1961  Geometrie-Tagung
6137  16 Sep - 21 Sep 1961  Mathematikgeschichtliches Kolloquium
6136  8 Sep - 14 Sep 1961  Fortbildungslehrgang für Studienräte mit dem Thema Lineare und multilineare Algebra
6134  20 Aug - 26 Aug 1961  4. Kolloquium über Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und mathematische Statistik
6131  31 Jul - 4 Aug 1961  Tagung über Boolesche Algebren und Maßtheorie
6125  23 Jun - 25 Jun 1961  Arbeitsseminar über Projektive Differentialgeometrie
6121  23 May - 27 May 1961  Tagung über Zahlentheorie
6117  23 Apr - 28 Apr 1961  Kolloquium über Geordnete Mengen
6115  13 Apr - 20 Apr 1961  Tagung "Grundlagen der Geometrie"
6114  7 Apr - 10 Apr 1961  Arbeitstagung über Quantenlogik
6112  22 Mar - 29 Mar 1961  Arbeitsgemeinschaft über Topologische Methoden in der algebraischen Zahlentheorie
6111  13 Mar - 17 Mar 1961  Tagung über partielle Differentialgleichungen
6110  5 Mar - 10 Mar 1961  Tagung Abelsche Gruppen
6040  3 Oct - 8 Oct 1960  Geometrie-Tagung
6038  19 Sep - 24 Sep 1960  Arbeitsgemeinschaft über harmonische Analyse II
6036  6 Sep - 10 Sep 1960  Symposium über Zahlentheorie (insbesondere additive Zahlentheorie und diophantische Approximation)
6035  28 Aug - 28 Aug 1960  Seminar über Unternehmensforschung
6023  6 Jun - 12 Jun 1960  Kolloquium über Gruppentheorie
6016  20 Apr - 24 Apr 1960  V. Mathematikgeschichtliches Kolloquium
6014  7 Apr - 14 Apr 1960  Arbeitsgemeinschaft über Harmonische Analyse
6012  20 Mar - 25 Mar 1960  Tagung "Grundlagen der Geometrie"
6010  6 Mar - 12 Mar 1960  Tagung Statistik
6009  28 Feb - 5 Mar 1960  Tagung Homologische Algebra
5949  4 Dec - 6 Dec 1959  Wochenendveranstaltung über Statistik
5944  25 Oct - 30 Oct 1959  Tagung über geordnete Mengen
5942  14 Oct - 23 Oct 1959  Pi-Mesonen-Physik
5941  4 Oct - 10 Oct 1959  Tagung über Geometrie
5939  25 Sep - 30 Sep 1959  Arbeitsgemeinschaft über Cohomologieoperationen
5929  17 Jul - 23 Jul 1959  Tagung über partielle Differentialgleichungen
5921  18 May - 22 May 1959  Tagung "Gruppentheorie"
5915  6 Apr - 10 Apr 1959  Kolloquium "Spezielle Funktionen" in Oberwolfach
5912  20 Mar - 26 Mar 1959  Arbeitsgemeinschaft über Cohomologieoperationen
5911  10 Mar - 13 Mar 1959  Zukunft des Lorenzenhofes
5910  3 Mar - 8 Mar 1959  Tagung über System- und Informationstheorie mit anwendung auf biologische Fragen
5844  29 Oct - 2 Nov 1958  Kolloquium über Funktionalanalysis
5843  20 Oct - 28 Oct 1958  Geometrietagung
5842  14 Oct - 19 Oct 1958  IV. Mathematikgeschichtliches Kolloquium
5840  3 Oct - 8 Oct 1958  Arbeitsgemeinschaft über algebraische Gruppen
5839  23 Sep - 30 Sep 1958  Ferienseminar über die Physik der Elementarteilchen
5822  27 May - 31 May 1958  Tagung über die Geometrien und ihre Gruppen
5817  23 Apr - 1 May 1958  Arbeitstagung über Fragen der theoretischen Physik
5816  16 Apr - 23 Apr 1958  Arbeitskreis über komplexe Analysis
5815  7 Apr - 12 Apr 1958  Arbeitsgemeinschaft über Stellenringe und Schnittmultiplizität
5813  24 Mar - 28 Mar 1958  Kolloquium über Probleme der nichtlinearen Mechanik
5810  1 Mar - 8 Mar 1958  Tagung über Statistik
5742  10 Oct - 16 Oct 1957  Geometrietagung
5738  15 Sep - 22 Sep 1957  Fortbildungskurs über Fragen der theoretischen Physik
5730  26 Aug - 30 Aug 1957  Grundlagen der Geometrie
5725  22 Jun - 28 Jun 1957  Tagung über Differentialgleichungen
5724  11 Jun - 16 Jun 1957  Tagung über Ring-Theorie
5719  11 May - 15 May 1957  Kolloquium über Turbulenz
5717  25 Apr - 1 May 1957  Arbeitstagung über Fragen der theoretischen Physik (Kernphysik, Feldtheorie)
5715  11 Apr - 13 Apr 1957  III. mathematikgeschichtliches Kolloquium
5712  19 Mar - 22 Mar 1957  Kolloquium über Funktionentheorie mehrerer Veränderlicher
5711  12 Mar - 16 Mar 1957  Tagung Zahlentheorie
5641  8 Oct - 13 Oct 1956  Geometrie-Tagung
5639  25 Sep - 29 Sep 1956  Tagung Gruppentheorie
5623  9 Jul - 14 Jul 1956  Lehrgang Strukturfragen in der Analysis
5615  12 Apr - 18 Apr 1956  Theoretisch-physikalische Arbeitstagung
5613a  29 Mar - 31 Mar 1956  Tagung Funktionalanalysis
5613  25 Mar - 27 Mar 1956  Tagung Reelle Funktionen
5612  19 Mar - 22 Mar 1956  Tagung Topologie
5611  13 Mar - 15 Mar 1956  Tagung über Funktionentheorie mehrerer komplexer Veränderlicher
5610  4 Mar - 10 Mar 1956  I. Statistik-Tagung
5603  19 Jan - 21 Jan 1956  Treffen der mathematischen Stipendiaten der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft
5542  17 Oct - 21 Oct 1955  Geometrietagung
5540  5 Oct - 9 Oct 1955  II. Mathematikhistorisches Kolloquium
5531  2 Aug - 15 Aug 1955  Tagung Gruppentheorie
5516  20 Apr - 26 Apr 1955  Theoretisch-physikalische Arbeitstagung
5515  12 Apr - 20 Apr 1955  Kolloquium über mathematische Physik
5512  21 Mar - 26 Mar 1955  Tagung über Limitierungstheorie
5511  15 Mar - 19 Mar 1955  Tagung Spieltheorie und Statistik
5509  5 Mar - 8 Mar 1955  Tagung über Moderne Differentialgeometrie
5508  25 Feb - 3 Mar 1955  Tagung über Anwendungen der Funktionentheorie
5501  3 Jan - 7 Jan 1955  Spezialtagung über Zahlentheorie
5443  26 Oct - 30 Oct 1954  Kolloquium zur Geometrie
5441  14 Oct - 16 Oct 1954  I. Mathematikgeschichtliche Tagung
5423  7 Jun - 11 Jun 1954  Kolloquium über Gruppentheorie und Grundlagen der Geometrie
5417  26 Apr - 30 Apr 1954  Theoretisch-physikalische Arbeitstagung über Feldtheorie, Elementarteilchen, Atomkerne, Festkörper
5416  23 Apr - 26 Apr 1954  Tagung Die Mathematik als Mittlerin zwischen Natur- und Geisteswissenschaften
5344  26 Oct - 31 Oct 1953  Tagung Differentialgeometrie
5342  12 Oct - 15 Oct 1953  Tagung Lineare Gleichungen und Ungleichungen
5339  26 Sep - 30 Sep 1953  Tagung Reelle Funktionen
5335  27 Aug - 29 Aug 1953  Arbeitstagung des deutschen Unterausschusses der IMUK
5332  4 Aug - 8 Aug 1953  Tagung Komplexe Funktionentheorie
5316  14 Apr - 19 Apr 1953  Hecke-Kolloquium
5315  7 Apr - 10 Apr 1953  Tagung Mathematik und die Verbindung von Natur- und Geisteswissenschaften
5238  16 Sep - 22 Sep 1952  Tagung Moderne Algebra und Zahlentheorie
5223  31 May - 6 Jun 1952  Tagung über Logik und Grundlagenforschung
5213  26 Mar - 29 Mar 1952  Tagung Geometrie
5142  20 Oct - 26 Oct 1951  Tagung über komplexe Funktionentheorie
5135  27 Aug - 31 Aug 1951  Tagung Moderne Algebra und Zahlentheorie
5131  4 Aug - 9 Aug 1951  Tagung Geometrie
5047  24 Nov - 26 Nov 1950  Treffen der Mathematiker beiderseits des Rheins
4939  27 Sep - 1 Oct 1949  Kolloquium zur Logistik und der mathematischen Grundlagenforschung "unter der geistigen Leitung von Paul Bernays
4932  9 Aug - 25 Aug 1949  Deutsch-Französische Arbeitsgemeinschaft
4915  1 Apr - 13 Apr 1949  Tagung über Topologie
ID Date Title