Oberwolfach Seminars vol. 49 "Wave Phenomena" published

The book written by Willy Dörfler, Marlis Hochbruck, Jonas Köhler, Andreas Rieder, Roland Schnaubelt and Christian Wieners presents the lecture notes from the Oberwolfach Seminar on wave phenomena given in 2019 at the MFO.

Book Cover

In order to make the Oberwolfach Seminars available to an even larger audience, the MFO supports the publication within the book series Oberwolfach Seminars, published in the Birkhäuser program of Springer Basel. We should like to express our sincere thanks for the combined efforts of the organizers to publish these lecture notes.

The book is available both as printed version and eBook.


About the book

"The research on wave-type problems is a fascinating and emerging field in mathematical research with many challenging applications in sciences and engineering. Profound investigations on waves require a strong interaction of several mathematical disciplines including functional analysis, partial differential equations, mathematical modeling, mathematical physics, numerical analysis, and scientific computing.

The goal of this book is to present a comprehensive introduction to the research on wave phenomena. Starting with basic models for acoustic, elastic, and electro-magnetic waves, topics such as the existence of solutions for linear and some nonlinear material laws, efficient discretizations and solution methods in space and time, and the application to inverse parameter identification problems are covered. The aim of this book is to intertwine analysis and numerical mathematics for wave-type problems promoting thus cooperative research projects in this field."